Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 46 7th Birthday Breakthrough Level 2

Chapter 46 Breakthrough Level [-] on Seventh Birthday

The exchange competitions of the Five Elements Academy are all over.

Blazing Fire Academy won the championship under the age of 15, while Shenfeng Academy won the championship over the age of 15. The two academies are famous among the five element academies.

Especially after Beixuan's information leaked out, Yu Tianxin and others, who had already been relieved of the failure, once again fell into unwillingness.

Beixuan was actually less than seven years old, and they lost to a six-year-old doll.

"Good boy, he is much stronger than my cousin Heng that day. You have to wait. When I become stronger, I will definitely be ashamed." Yu Tianxin from Thunder Academy directly entered the state of penance.

As one of the two heirs of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, after the news of this exchange match spreads, it will definitely have an impact on his reputation. Many of the elders in the family may value Yu Tianheng more and treat him more. It will be unfavorable to inherit the patriarch in the future.

In fact, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, like the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, has a tradition of brotherly rivalry, but it is different from the life-and-death vicious competition in Star Luo, they are healthy competitions for common progress.

Between him and Yu Tianheng, the future winner will be the new patriarch of the family, but the one who loses will not be treated badly. He can still serve as the elder of the family and hold some real power in the family.

If it is said that Yu Tianxin is just unwilling, then Huyanli hates Beixuan even more at this time, not only because he is ashamed to lose to a six-year-old child, but also because of the way he lost.

Others were normally kicked out of the arena and defeated. Soul masters competed, winning or losing was a common matter in military affairs, and no one would say anything.

But one of them jumped out of the Elephant Academy who was tricked, and he himself was even kicked as a ball.

Now Hu Yanli has become the biggest laughing stock of the Five Elements Academy, and he hates Huo Wu and Bei Xuan to the core.

But these two people are still of extraordinary status, and he has no choice but to take revenge.

Huo Wu is the granddaughter of the dean of Chihuo Academy. Huoran may not be regarded by the Elephant Armor School, but in the Five Elements Academy, Shenfeng, Tianshui and Chihuo have always been more closely related. Offending one is offending three.

Even for the Elephant Armored Sect, it would not be wise to provoke three Contras at once.

As the chief culprit, Beixuan is also the nephew of the titled Douluo. The Elephant Armor Sect can't afford to offend just one Habayashi.

Unless, one day he can be alone, let him die quietly, and no one will suspect them of the Elephant Armored Sect.

Impulsive and ignorant, expressing joy and anger is the tradition of the Elephant Armor Sect. As expected by Beixuan, Hu Yanli's mind is now full of revenge. As long as he is given a chance, he will never let it go.

Of course, he will definitely not do anything in the recent period of time. Even if Beixuan has an order, he can hold back. The Elephant Armored Sect can stand on the mainland for so long and become one of the seven great sects, even if their own IQ is not very good Well, there must be staff-like figures in the door, and everyone will suspect them when they make a move at this time, because the one who offended them just now is Beixuan.

Therefore, Hu Yanli will inevitably wait for a few years, and then look for opportunities after the turmoil of this incident is completely over. After all, isn't it too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, even though he is not a gentleman.

Thanks to him, at least Beixuan can still practice quietly for a few years.

After repeated fierce battles, Beixuan found that his bottleneck had been slightly loosened.

Half a month later, Baimengze, that is, the mimicry practice place, because only Beixuan came here, so Beixuan named it Baimengze, the name of his mother Yun Wuyue's former home.

At this time, it was the time when the sun and the moon alternated. In the sky, there was an extremely rare phenomenon of the sun and the moon shining together. Today also happened to be Beixuan's seventh birthday.

The right time, place and people, Beixuan will never let go of this great opportunity, the Sun Moon Divine Art has reached its peak, and broke through the second floor in one go.

"Phew, it's level [-]!" Beixuan let out a mouthful of turbid air, the sun and moon zhenqi in his body was filled to the point that it could no longer be increased, which just showed that he was already enough to obtain the second spirit ring at this moment.

After leaving Baimengze, Beixuan returned to the dormitory, but he did not expect that a large group of people gathered here.

Besides Ma Hongjun and Yulin, there are Huowu Huo Wushuang brothers and sisters, and Shui Binger Xuewu.

"Everyone, are you...?" Beixuan looked at the group of people suspiciously and asked.

"Brother Xuan, where have you been? Everyone is here to celebrate your birthday." Ma Hongjun said.

"So that's the case, thank you all." Beixuan clasped his fists and said gratefully, "Actually, I went to get a birthday present just now."

Just when everyone was puzzled, Yubayashi's eyes flashed, "Xiaoxuan, have you broken through level [-]?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. As a titled Douluo, Habayashi should not be mistaken.

So Beixuan is only one soul ring away from becoming a great soul master?

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Beixuan nodded.

Everyone was amazed and admired, the seven-year-old great soul master probably set a new record in the mainland.

Of course, it's only on the surface, Beixuan knows that Qianjia Qian Renxue, at the age of six, was born at level [-], so she is better than him.

Huo Wu stepped forward, took out a box and said with a smile, "As expected of my junior, it seems that you will be able to surpass me in a short time. Here, this is senior's birthday present."

"The gift, is it a soul bone?"

Beixuan took the box, as greedy as ever.

The corner of Huo Wu's mouth twitched, "I'm sorry, senior sister is not so rich, she doesn't have a soul bone, or at most only one kiss, do you want it?"

"Forget it then, thank you senior sister for the gift." Bei Xuan refused again, Huo Wu gritted his teeth angrily.

Shui Bing'er also walked up to Beixuan at this time, "Student Beixuan, I have let you down, I can't give you such a precious gift as a soul bone."

Beixuan smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, how about senior sister Bing'er give me a kiss as a gift, I can accept it."

Beixuan's double standard answer caused the room to burst into flames, and the Huowu martial soul possessed him, as if he was about to go berserk.

"Xiaoxuan, you deserve a beating!"

"Little sister, calm down, calm down, Xiaoxuan is only seven years old."

"Brother, don't pull me, I'm so lecherous at the age of seven, I want to wake him up, let him know what is good or bad."

In the small room, Huo Wu's furious voice, Huo Wushuang's comforting voice, and other people's laughter could be heard from time to time.

It was obvious that Beixuan was teasing Huowu on purpose, and this kind of bad-tempered girl was the most likely to make her lose her temper.

In the early morning of the second day, Beixuan asked Teacher Ye Ping for leave, followed Habayashi in a carriage and left the academy, preparing to go to the nearest hunting spirit forest.

Before the thirtieth level, the soul beasts in the hunting soul forest were quite enough for Beixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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