Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 47 Returning to the Forest of Hunting Souls, The Choice of the Second Soul Ring

Chapter 47 The Choice of the Second Soul Ring in the Hunting Forest
"Senior Wu Shuang's is the red envelope? It really fits his cheerful personality. If he can't think of what to buy, he just discounted it and put the money in the box as a gift!"

"Senior Huo Wu's is the wrist guard! She probably sees that I use the palm technique most of the time, so she asked me to use this to protect my wrist. She is really considerate. This thing is quite suitable for me."

"Hong Jun is, hehe, a discount coupon for the school cafeteria. For him, this is the most expensive gift he can afford right now."

"And then senior sister Bing'er, oh, what a beautiful dagger!"

In the carriage, taking advantage of his time on the road, Beixuan unwrapped the gifts that his friends gave him. Although they didn't say how expensive they were, they all contained everyone's heart.

"Hey, what is Xue Wu's gift?" Beixuan looked at the gift from Xue Wu with a blank face. There was only a piece of paper in the box.

Seems like a schedule.

"Zishi, bathing and washing, Zishi to Maoshi, meditation practice, Chenshi, morning exercises and breakfast, Sishi, Ice Phoenix Wuhun control training, etc., Ice Phoenix? This is the daily schedule of Sister Shui Binger?" Bei Xuan was shocked, why did Xue Wu give him this?

Yulin grabbed the piece of paper from Beixuan's hand, "Hey, it seems that the gift from the handsome girl named Xue Wu is the most thoughtful. This is a clear record of Shui Bing'er's one-day itinerary. It’s so clear, with this, together with the expanded version of the [-] Styles of Hugging Girls I taught you, it’s guaranteed that within three months, you’ll be able to embrace a beautiful woman.”

"What a good girlfriend, just sold Senior Bing'er like this, Senior Xue Wu never treats me like a child, even if you want to give this thing away, at least wait a few more years." Beixuan sighed, I have to admit that Xue Wu's gift is very suitable for him, but it is too early, he is not ready to chase girls, and when he grows up a few years, maybe Shui Bing'er's routine will change early .

I just don’t know whether Xuewu’s gift includes after-sales or not, it needs to be updated regularly, and I have to find a chance to ask her when I go back.

"Okay, Xiaoxuan, although this matter is very important, let's find out when you go back. Your first priority now is to choose your second soul ring, and the most important thing is the type of soul skill. "Habayashi reminded seriously.

Beixuan nodded. For him, more important than the age of the soul ring is the choice of soul skills. After all, after breaking through level [-] in the future and fully recovering the power of his bloodline, he will be able to ward off evil. , is to light up the stars.

Every star accumulation point can greatly increase his strength, speed, and skill, far surpassing the improvement brought by the soul ring.

Compared with the improvement of the spirit ring's attributes, the soul skills brought by the spirit ring may have other magical effects in the later stage.

"Habayashi, I want a soul skill that can make my fighting style more flexible and changeable." Beixuan said.

Yu Lin smiled slightly, "Yes, that's what I meant. Xiaoxuan, you, have you ever heard of slime?"

"I've heard that it's a very weak soul beast, but its shape is unstable, and its body can change into various objects." Beixuan replied.

Since there are Shreks in Douluo World, there are also slimes, but few people use slimes as soul rings. After all, this kind of soul beast is not aggressive, it is too weak.

Even if it is an auxiliary system soul master, they will not choose this kind of soul ring that is not even auxiliary when they are full.

"Habayashi, you don't intend to let me absorb the slime's soul ring?" Beixuan asked tentatively.

"That's right, I just want you to absorb the slime's soul ring, but it's not an ordinary slime. When I was in Wuhun Temple, I saw from their reference room that there is a mutant type of slime. According to What I think is that if we can find that mutant species, it will be of great help to you now." Habayashi dragged his chin and said.

"The reference room of the Wuhun Palace is really generous, anyone can go in." Beixuan complained, he remembered Dugu Bo's record of the twin Wuhun, and he seemed to have seen it there.

"Of course, although it is known as the place where the knowledge of the entire Douluo Continent gathers there, the control is not strict at all, and it is open to Titled Douluo for free. I can go in at any time. I heard that Pope Bibi Dong, when he was young, brought With a guy whose strength is not even equal to the soul master, he spends there every day." Yu Lin nodded seriously, and his face was full of unwillingness in a blink of an eye.

"Damn it, I don't know who that bastard is. He must be the one who made Bibi Dong feel hurt. He can actually get a beauty like Bibi Dong with less than the strength of the soul master. Could it be that I, the Habayashi spirit The method of picking up girls, which has been studied for hundreds of years, can no longer be called the number one in the world, if not for that person, let alone Lingyuan, I would have teased even Bibidong!"

"It's best not to let me meet him, otherwise, I must compare with him. Since ancient times, I have never been the first in writing, and my ability to pick up girls is second to none. I, Yubayashi, have never given up in my life."

Listening to Habayashi's broken thoughts full of resentment, it can be seen how much resentment he has in his heart.

It's just that, to be able to describe the ability of being a scumbag so fresh and refined, should it be said that he is the commander of the imperial guards of their evil-proofing royal family? This thick-skinned man may not be able to pierce through it with the Fenji Sword.

While speaking, the two had arrived at the outskirts of the Hunting Soul Forest.

Many soul masters gather at the entrance of the forest, some sell herbs, and some seek to form a team. There are many more powerful soul beasts, and it is absolutely difficult for a soul master to win alone, so they can only be surrounded and killed.

Of course, for Habayashi who has the strength of the Title Douluo, it is impossible for this kind of situation to happen in the small Hunting Soul Forest.

The two ignored many people who came up to strike up a conversation and begged to form a team, and directly showed the hall master's token to the guards of the Wuhun Temple, and entered the forest.

Without hesitation, the two of them didn't stay outside the ten-year-level soul beast for an extra second, and walked straight into the forest.

Their goal this time is to be at least 900 years old, and even a thousand-year soul ring may not be unbearable with Beixuan's body.

It mainly depends on luck, as long as the number of years is still passable, then the effect of the soul skill is greater than the number of years required.

Different from the last time, in order to prevent the weak spirit beasts from disturbing, Yubayashi did not restrain his aura along the way, the piercing sword energy instantly drove back a large group of spirit beasts that were about to move.

Soon, they came to the inner circle. In this smallest spirit hunting forest, there are almost no ten thousand year spirit beasts, and even a thousand year spirit beasts are extremely rare. In the center is the gathering place of the oldest group of spirit beasts.

"Habayashi, how do you plan to find the very special slime you mentioned?" Beixuan asked.

"Don't worry, I did some research before I came here. Someone has seen the prey we're looking for in this forest. The Nightmare Martial Soul tends to be of the dark type, so the soul beast that suits you usually only appears late at night. We Wait for a while." Habayashi said, then sat down and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing this, Beixuan also sat down, he was not in a hurry, and began to practice the Sun Moon Divine Art on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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