Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 48 Shadow Slime

Chapter 48 Shadow Slime

Time gradually darkened.

Habayashi closed his eyes and opened his eyes, Beixuan also woke up from the sedation, the two stood up, the time was almost up.

The two came to a dark and damp place side by side, and in front of them was a swamp.

Most of the soul beasts living here are not very clean, including many poisonous soul beasts.

Generally speaking, slimes don't like living here, they are spirit beasts belonging to forests and lakes, and they like dense jungles and clean lake water.

However, if the mutant species Habayashi mentioned, then everything is possible.

After Yubayashi restrained the breath of his whole body, and could not feel the strength of Yubayashi Titled Douluo, soon, the nearby spirit beasts gathered again.

Not far behind the two of them, there seemed to be a mandala snake, spitting out snake letters, and looking at them coldly.

Habayashi glanced back, "The Millennium Mandala Snake? We are lucky, and we can meet it as soon as we come. In fact, this thing is also suitable for your Nightmare. If you add this soul ring, you can not only get a The second soul ability that is still usable, the phantom mist of your first soul ability, should be able to turn into a more powerful poisonous mist, if you can't find what we want, just choose it."

According to Habayashi's guess, with Beixuan's body made from the bone of the evil king, coupled with his strong spiritual power, the second ring with the thousand-year soul ring is not a big problem.

However, the second soul skill brought to Beixuan by the mandala snake can only be used as Habayashi said.

So this can only be an option.

However, they took the mandala snake as a candidate, but the mandala snake regarded them as prey. This kind of vicious soul beast would not look at the food in front of it indifferently.

Unfortunately, Habayashi is not a master.

There is a saying in the soul master class, which is called more rings and more bones, one wave of skill, less rings and fewer bones, just run away.

The number of soul rings in Habayashi has reached the limit of human beings, and one more is a god.

Facing the surprise attack of the Mandala Snake, Habayashi didn't even bother to release his martial soul, but at the moment it was about to attack, he stretched out his palm and directly grabbed the Mandala Snake's seven inches.

For any snake, this is the key point.

In the hands of Habayashi, even if the Mandala Snake struggled hard, it was still useless, and the strength gap between the two sides was too great.

"I wanted to keep you, but since you came to the door yourself, then I will not be polite, first use you to lure that thing out to try, if you can't lure it out, you can make Xiaoxuan's soul ring yourself. "Habayashi said coldly.

Habayashi looked at the swamp in front of him, and called out, "Dinner is ready, here is your favorite food."

After speaking, he threw the mandala snake into the swamp.

On the surface of the swamp, there didn't seem to be any living things. When Beixuan was puzzled, he suddenly found that the mandala snake was struggling painfully in the swamp.

On its sturdy snake skin, scars appeared continuously, including knife marks, sword marks, whip marks, etc., as if being attacked by dozens of different weapons.

"There are things in the swamp that I can't see!" Beixuan said.

"That's right, this is what we're looking for, Shadow Slime. This kind of slime can make its body exactly like the surrounding environment. It can only be revealed when it attacks. Now is a good time." Saying that, Habayashi mobilized his soul power and slapped towards the swamp.

Like fried fish, the mandala snake and countless slimes were blown out at the same time.

The mandala snake fell to the ground and slid to escape. Fortunately, its fatal point was in its mouth. Although its body injury was serious, it was not fatal.

Now that he had found the prey he wanted, Habayashi didn't care about it anymore, just escaped if he escaped.

Those shadow slimes ran away when they saw their food, and they looked very angry. Compared with ordinary slimes with a gentle personality, this mutant has an extremely violent temper, and usually devours other creatures as a way of survival. Even if they are full sometimes, they still don't mind eating until they are full.

The bodies of those slimes began to change, turning into various weapons such as knives, swords, bows, and axes.

This is how they fight. Ordinary slimes can transform into various furniture and other life-supporting things, but this kind of slime transforms into weapons. No wonder it is so fierce and aggressive.

Beixuan suddenly understood the purpose of Habayashi asking him to absorb this kind of soul beast.

Even though he was besieged by dozens of weapons, Habayashi was not moved at all, his gaze was locked on each soul beast, judging their age.

"Oh, that one is not bad, it should be over a thousand years old." Habayashi laughed.

"Habayashi, the thousand-year soul ring is not bad, but I'm only seven years old. It's amazing to reach the second ring. If it's still the second thousand-year ring, I will inevitably be targeted by those who want to." Beixuan said, what he will become in the future is The evil king, not the nightmare king.

The evil spirit is the most important thing, the nightmare is just a transition, and the stable cultivation in the early stage is more important.

With Yubayashi under his protection, and with Yubayashi's close relationship with all major forces, even if he is very talented, seven years old and second ring, he will not be overly targeted by Wuhundian or the seven major sects.

But if the second ring of the millennium appears, it is not necessarily, everything is too much.

Tang San's twin spirits plus the fourth ring of ten thousand years ushered in, wouldn't it be the interception of the Wuhun Palace? If it weren't for Dugu Bo and Qibao Liulizong's actions, plus Tang Hao's secret protection, he would have appeared in such a high-profile manner. Even if Xiao Wu hadn't been discovered in Wuhundian, Beixuan dared to bet that Wuhundian would still find other excuses to attack Tang San. Unless Tang San joined Wuhundian, it would be impossible for Tang San to leave Wuhuncheng alive.

"You are right. If you are really targeted by the Hall of Spirits, now I alone cannot protect you. That's why I chose this kind of slime. Don't worry, just choose that one. No problem." Habayashi smiled, summoned Meteor Demon God Tie and made a bold move.

Rotating and swinging the epee, a tyrannical sword aura radiated out in a circle, and the weapons in the sky were knocked down one by one, and turned back into the appearance of the shadow slime itself.

Those slimes also knew how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Seeing that Habayashi was so powerful, they immediately ran towards the swamp, trying to hide themselves again with the help of the swamp.

But since they have already appeared, how could Habayashi allow them to escape easily? Don't care about other things, the one he is eyeing will definitely not be able to escape.

"Stay there obediently!" Habayashi struck the ground with his sword, and he was in the nearby forest, trembling like an earthquake.

The shadow slime received extra attention, and was directly sent flying into the sky.

Yubayashi hurriedly shouted, "Xiaoxuan, now, do it!"

Now that Yubayashi said so, Beixuan took out the dagger Shui Binger gave him without hesitation, jumped in front of the slime, and pierced it with a dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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