Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 49 The Shadow Demon Soldier's Sword Road Begins

Chapter 49 The Shadow Demon Soldier's Sword Road Begins

Shadow Slime and Beixuan landed one after another.

A lavender soul ring emerged from the slime.

Beixuan immediately pulled the spirit ring over. Once this kind of spirit ring is not absorbed in time, it will dissipate very quickly.

A thousand-year-level soul ring has far more impact on the body than the previous 600-year-old soul ring, but to Beixuan, it is really nothing more than that.

Habayashi previously judged that Beixuan's ability to withstand the thousand-year soul ring was not groundless. It turned into the external spirit bone of the evil king's bone. As Beixuan was promoted to a great soul master, he also had a century-old level, and Beixuan's sun and moon golden body It has also been completed, and his body is not inferior to the Soul Lord now, and even surpasses it.

Beixuan, who absorbed the soul ring for the second time, has already entered the realm of inner vision at this moment. The last time the absorption was too smooth, it was completed without reaching this realm.

At this moment, Beixuan suddenly found that all the pain in his body had disappeared.

In the depths of his heart, he seemed to see a white light protecting him. It was a figure, but unfortunately he couldn't see the figure and appearance clearly.

But he feels very kind to Beixuan, and he loves Beixuan very much, knowing that the soul ring of just a thousand years does not threaten Beixuan at all, but this person still protects him, not wanting Beixuan to feel even a little pain.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Beixuan took a step forward, and just as he was about to ask, the figure disappeared instantly.

Beixuan instantly woke up from the realm of inner vision, the spirit ring had been successfully absorbed, so he was forcibly escaped from that realm.

Beixuan looked at the two soul rings around him suspiciously, with a strange expression on his face.

"What's the matter, Xiaoxuan, the absorption of the soul ring is so smooth, why this expression?" Habayashi asked suspiciously.

"I don't know either. When I absorbed the spirit ring just now, it seemed that someone was helping me." Beixuan said in a low voice.

"Is someone helping you?" Even Habayashi was a little confused this time, except for him, no one appeared here from the beginning to the end.

And even if he is a titled Douluo, he can't interfere with other people's absorption of spirit rings. In this situation, who can help Beixuan.

Beixuan shook his head, and didn't think about things that he couldn't understand for the time being, "Forget it, it might be an illusion."

"Habayashi, after successfully absorbing the second spirit ring, I got a very good second spirit ability."

"If my guess is correct, it should be related to the ever-changing ability of the shadow slime, right?" Habayashi guessed, it was for this ability that he asked Beixuan to absorb the soul ring of the soul beast.

"That's right, my second soul skill has the ability to imitate the shape, and can use the power of the soul ring to change the color and shape at will." Beixuan said, he now understands why Habayashi said he absorbed this millennium ring. Soul ring is okay.

Because this kind of soul beast has similar abilities to Huo Hang's second soul ring, although it is a thousand-year soul ring, Beixuan can change its color at will. Externally, he can still show two yellows instead of one yellow and one yellow. Purple, so that it will not attract the attention of others.

Of course, this is not the main function of Shadow Slime, so it is definitely not as strong as Huo Gua's. First of all, you can't change all the soul rings like Huo Gua, only the color of the second soul ring itself can be changed. The breath of a 10-year soul ring can be simulated, but Beixuan simply changes the color, even if it turns red, it still cannot exude the power of a 10-year soul ring.

But Beixuan's soul skill is more important, not the change in color, but the change in shape.

"Habayashi, watch out, this is my second soul skill, Shadow Demon Soldier." Beixuan's second soul ring flickered, and he stretched out his hand to make a move, and the spiritual power directly materialized, and in his hand, he appeared A big black knife.

Immediately afterwards, it changed into a whip, a copper ring, a hammer, a spear, and finally a long sword.

"Habayashi, this ability of mine is to temporarily manifest the powerful spiritual power of the Nightmare Clan into various weapons. The strength of the attack power will gradually increase as my level increases. With my current level, The weapon that is manifested is probably similar to an ordinary long sword martial soul, but when I become a Titled Douluo, I believe that it may be able to reach the level of the Wind Sword, or even the Seven Killing Sword." Beixuan explained.

"Very good." Habayashi nodded, this is a soul skill with strong attack, defense and control abilities.

If it transforms into a growth spear, long sword, or broadsword, then it is naturally a powerful attack, but if it is a shield, it is equivalent to a defensive soul skill, while whips and copper rings have the ability to bind, and they are control soul skills.

The trinity of attack and defense is indeed an excellent soul skill.

The most important thing is that with this soul skill, Beixuan can start to practice the sword technique that the evil spirit clan is best at.

Beixuan's father, Beiluo, his strongest fighting method is his unique move Zhenying, coupled with his invincible swordsmanship that kills both ghosts and gods.

In the original game, as long as Beiluo lights up the star point of Zhenying and brings enough medicinal materials, no matter what boss, he will almost chop melons and vegetables all the way, and people give him the nickname "Shen Nong Sword Art!"

When Beixuan starts cultivating the evil spirit in the future, he will definitely be able to obtain the soul skill Zhenying, and then he will be able to replicate Beiluo's road to invincibility.

Whoever dares to offend Beixuan will first say that he will never die, and then he will say everything!
After obtaining the soul ring, Habayashi took Beixuan and left the Hunting Soul Forest, preparing to return to the academy.

Just taking advantage of this time, he can teach Beixuan the basic swordsmanship first.

Tens of thousands of feet of tall buildings rise from the ground, even Jinyun back then was able to take off all the way after Leizu taught him the enlightenment of swordsmanship.

"Xiaoxuan, remember, generally speaking, swordsmanship is based on stabbing, chopping, pulling, hanging, pointing, collapsing, and cutting. Any exquisite swordsmanship cannot be separated from these seven movements. I know that you have inherited them. The king has a talent for swordsmanship, so in order not to waste this talent, you must reach the level of proficiency in these seven simplest moves."

"I'll demonstrate it to you now."

As he said that, Yubayashi took the Meteor God Iron, walked to an open place, and practiced.

"The first form is stabbing. The standing sword or flat sword goes straight forward as a stab, and the force reaches the tip of the sword."

"Second form, chopping, stand up the sword, chop from top to bottom, and the force reaches the body of the sword."

"The third form is to lift up the sword, from the bottom to the top to lift, and the force reaches the front of the sword body."

"Fourth style, hanging, standing the sword, the tip of the sword is hanging from the front, backward or downward, and backward, and the force reaches the front of the sword body."

"Fifth style, point, raise the wrist, make the tip of the sword move forward and downward as a point, and the force reaches the tip of the sword."

"Sixth Form, Beng, sinking the wrist to make the tip of the sword move forward is Beng, and the force reaches the front end of the sword body and the tip of the sword."

"The seventh form, cut, the sword body is inclined and flat, the sword body is slanted upward or downward to cut, and the force reaches the front of the sword body."

After performing a complete set of basic swordsmanship, Habayashi walked up to Beixuan, and seriously warned, "Xiaoxuan, until these seven moves have reached the level of perfection, you should not practice any more advanced swordsmanship, let alone feel that because These seven moves are simple, and you feel that they are about the same. If the foundation is not solid, the so-called difference is thousands of miles away, especially for things like swordsmanship. There is no such thing as similarity. No matter how strong the swordsmanship is, when it comes to the real confrontation with the enemy, it will definitely fall short."

"I know, I understand, Habayashi." Beixuan nodded, he knew very well that the reason why his father Beiluo was able to do whatever he wanted was because he practiced the basic swordsmanship superbly with his teacher in the human world. Only after recovering Jinyun's memory could he immediately unleash the sword that cuts down all ghosts and gods.

(End of this chapter)

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