Chapter 50 Returning to the Academy's Great Spirit Arena
A few days later, the two finally returned to Blazing Academy.

Because Beixuan took time to practice sword along the way, their journey slowed down a lot.

However, Beixuan's talent in swordsmanship is indeed extraordinary. In such a short time, he has already mastered the basic seven-style swordsmanship.

This is the result of his still spending more energy on practicing the Sun Moon Divine Art.

After all, soul power is the foundation of everything, Beixuan didn't want to delay the cultivation of soul power in order to practice self-created soul skills like Feng Xiaotian did.

That's putting the cart before the horse.

Although it is mainly based on self-created soul skills, it can be bravely advanced in the early stage, and even complete leapfrog killing the enemy, but the cultivation of soul power can be accumulated more steadily.

If he was born in the Shang Sanzong who was about to be exterminated more than ten years later, maybe he would practice soul skills first to increase his combat effectiveness.

But now, Beixuan just needs to ensure that his initial combat power is not weaker than others, after all, he doesn't have any imminent crisis now.

At this time, Beixuan's soul power was at the peak of level 22, and the soul ring of a thousand years would not only improve him by one level.

Not long after returning to the academy, Beixuan met Huo Wu who had finished his half-day class. Huo Wu seemed very happy to see Beixuan who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Xiaoxuan, you are back, how are you doing, have you obtained a satisfactory second soul ring?"

"Of course." Beixuan nodded, and directly released two "yellow" soul rings. Relying on the unique mimicry ability of the shadow slime, he can be displayed generously, so as not to be overly missed.

Huo Wu nodded and said with a satisfied smile, "Very good, I didn't expect you to be able to catch up with senior sister and me so quickly, now, it seems that we can both be the champions of the exchange competition next year, senior sister We have all thought about it, from now on we will be called the Phantom combination, and it must be a good story to win a three-in-a-row battle."

This guy, Huo Wu, fell into fantasy as he talked. The Blazing Academy belongs to her family. It has always been her ideal to carry forward the Blazing Academy and become the best of the Five Elements Academy. The arrival of Beixuan made her I saw hope.

What the academy really compares is not the strength of the teachers and principals, but what kind of students they can teach.

When she and Beixuan sweep away all the peers in the Five Elements Academy, who will dare to say that their Blazing Fire is the bottom of the Five Elements.

"You still want to participate with me in the future? Brother Ni, you just don't want it? Also, do you have a soul bone?" Beixuan still didn't see the soul bone and didn't make a move, Huo Wu frowned.

Huo Wu immediately rolled up her sleeves, "Not only is there no soul bone, but even the fragrant kiss is gone today, if you don't listen to senior sister, do you want Da Bidou?"

Huo Wu figured it out, for Beixuan, unless it was a spirit bone, ordinary things would not be able to lure him, so he directly changed it to a threat.

Before Beixuan could reply, Yubayashi pretended to be indifferent and said, "Xiaoxuan, since your senior sister has come to pick you up, then you can go with her, I'm going to see Hongjun."

After finishing speaking, he immediately walked away, but Yubayashi did not forget that in front of other people, he had to show Ma Hongjun more affection.

"Your Majesty, it's like this every time. When I come back from outside, I never care about you. I immediately go to find that little fat man. You are also his nephew." Huo Wu complained for Bei Xuan, how could she See, Beixuan is better than Ma Hongjun, but Yubayashi doesn't pay much attention to him.

"It's okay." Beixuan smiled, but secretly said in his heart, "Actually, Hongjun himself doesn't want this kind of attention."

Different from the self-disciplined Beixuan, Ma Hongjun's temperament is too lazy. When others relax on him, he will relax himself. Therefore, Yu Lin looked at him not only to use him to attract attention, but also to supervise his cultivation.

"Forget it, let's go. I'll take you to a place. Now that you have become a great soul master, you can go there and have a look." After Huo Wu finished speaking, she pulled Beixuan out of the academy.

Beixuan didn't know where she was going to take him, but it shouldn't be a bad place, so he took it with her.

Soon, the two came to a huge building and wrote the words "Ice Fire Fighting Soul".

"This is, the Great Soul Arena?" Beixuan asked.

"That's right, this is the place where we can best train our soul masters' actual combat skills." Huo Wu said proudly, "Don't look at me like this, I have participated in sixteen battles in the Great Soul Arena, and Achieved a good result of twelve wins and four losses, accumulating eight points."

This is indeed a good result, even better than Dai Mubai in the original book.

Of course, there is also a lot of luck here. Huo Wu only participated in the competition at level 24. Most of the people she met were of the same level as her or lower than her. However, Dai Mubai met level 27 and eight consecutively at level 31, losing streak for a while.

In fact, such a big spirit fighting field can already be regarded as relatively fair, after all, there is no so-called absolute fairness in this world.

This place has its own complete system, which can also be said to be a special force on the Douluo Continent. It does not belong to the Spirit Hall, nor does it belong to the two great empires. You will become a dazzling star in the whole country, not only can you get huge benefits, but you can also gain great fame.

If the level of the spirit is a symbol of the strength of a soul master, the soul ring is the best way to express it. However, this does not represent the real combat power of a soul master. The level of actual combat is the embodiment of true ability.

Soul masters of any level can only be represented by the word "fighting soul" after entering the big soul fighting field. After winning a victory, they can get a badge. After that, every time they win a victory, they will have certain points , when the points reach a certain level, the badge level will increase.

The badge level of the Great Soul Fighting Field is universal across the continent. The higher the level of the soul master, the greater the rewards he will get for participating in the soul fighting.

Currently, badge levels are classified according to the quality of the minerals. The lowest level is the Iron Spirit Fighting Badge, and the top levels are copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby, and diamond. There are eight levels in total.

Today's Huo Wu is the Iron Fighting Soul, her goal is to at least reach the Bronze Fighting Soul or even the Silver Fighting Soul in this semester, so she will find Beixuan.

The spirit fighting method here is not only one-on-one, but also two-on-two and seven-on-seven team spirit fighting.

Each person can participate in each spirit fighting method once a day.

"Let's go, Xiaoxuan, it's up to you whether senior sister can reach the Bronze Fighting Soul at the fastest speed." Huo Wu dragged Beixuan and quickly entered the fighting spirit arena.

"Senior sister, why didn't you find your brother?" Beixuan asked suspiciously, Huo Wushuang's strength was enough to replace him, but Huo Wu made a special trip to wait for him to become a great soul master, which is really strange.

Huo Wu blinked her eyes, "Hey, as a younger sister, I can't ruin my brother's great marriage, you'll know when you go in."

(End of this chapter)

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