Chapter 51
Following Huo Wu into the Great Soul Fighting Field, it was filled with roaring sounds at any time.

For the people of Douluo Dalu, the word "fighting soul" represents passion.

"The winner is determined. The Dragon Dance team won this match. Huo Wushuang, the great soul master, is indeed worthy of being a top student of the Blazing Academy. With one against two, he is still able to handle it with ease."

The game on the field is over, the host announced enthusiastically.

Beixuan was stunned, Huo Wushuang was actually fighting the soul, but his teammate was Xue Wu?

"Senior Wushuang and Senior Sister Xuewu, what kind of inexplicable combination is this?" Beixuan asked suspiciously, no wonder the host said that Huo Wushuang was playing one against two and teaming up with Xuewu, isn't that the case?

Xue Wu is an auxiliary soul master, but her support is an environment-type support that controls the weather. Xian Wu Xue Duan Wuhun can summon various celestial phenomena such as heavy rain, ice and snow, and whirlwind to change the surrounding environment.

For Shui Bing'er, these environments can make her Ice Phoenix perform exceptionally well, but what's the use for Huo Wushuang?

Now Xue Wu only has two soul skills, the dark cloud as the foundation, and the heavy rain that restrains the fire attribute.

Huo Wushuang's one-horned fire tyrannosaurus shot with all its strength, could it be that she came to extinguish the flames again?Isn't this exactly a side effect?
"This is the power of love. Xue Wu is naturally cheerful and likes all kinds of challenges. My brother just told her if he wanted to try a combination full of paradoxes, and she agreed with great interest. Therefore, the pair held each other back. That's how the combination was established." Huo Wu sighed.

"Senior Wushuang, do you like Xuewu?" Beixuan asked in surprise, this was the first time he knew about it.

Originally, he thought that a machismo like Huo Wushuang would like girls who are like little birds, but Xue Wu's personality is a bit like a boy, hearty and generous.

"Yeah, maybe it's aesthetic fatigue. My brother grew up with me, so he is no longer interested in gentle and virtuous girls like me or Shui Bing'er, but has a soft spot for the handsome Xue Wu " Huo Wu brushed her hair, and said incomparably narcissistic.

"Gentle and virtuous?" Bei Xuan subconsciously examined Huo Wu from head to toe.

Huo Wu frowned, "Xiaoxuan, if your eyeballs full of doubts dare to move around, I will dig them out."

Beixuan hurriedly looked away, this chick's fiery personality is not to be offended, so let's hide.

At this moment, Huo Wushuang and Xue Wu walked out of the contestant passage, seeing them walking over immediately, Huo Wushuang greeted, "Xiaoxuan, you came back from hunting the soul ring so soon, little sister has been waiting for you to arrive Level [-], form a group with her."

"Actually, I think Beixuan, you and Bing'er are more suitable to form a combination, but it's a pity that Bing'er doesn't like to come to the Great Soul Arena to fight souls." Xue Wu said regretfully, she is also a control-type soul master. His ice phoenix is ​​much stronger than Huowu's Hokage.

"By the way, how about the gift I gave you? Open it and have a look. Is it the best?"

Beixuan nodded solemnly, "Of course, it's just that the timing of your delivery is not right. I can only use it when I grow up. Is there any after-sales service?"

"The warranty period is ten years, repairs and replacements are guaranteed!" Xue Wu smiled slyly, she did not hesitate at all to betray her best friend.

Seeing the two people who seemed to be playing charades, the Huo Wushuang brothers and sisters were puzzled, "What gift is so strange?"

Of course, it is impossible for Beixuan to let them know this kind of secret. He immediately changed the topic, pulled Huowu to the registration desk and said, "It's all trivial, senior sister, let's go and register, don't you really want to see my first one?" Two soul skills?"

Huo Wu was a bit of a martial idiot, when it came to soul skills, she was immediately led astray, and she immediately left aside the matter of gifts, and followed Beixuan to the registration office.

"The registration fee is ten gold coins." The staff looked at the two of them and charged the fee in a businesslike manner.

"Please give your group a name."

"It's called Phantom Combination." Huo Wu immediately said, she had thought of this name a long time ago, Beixuan's Nightmare, and her Hokage, each took one word.

"Okay, the Phantom Group is established, and now you can sign up for the competition. You want to sign up for the game area, or the life-and-death area. The game area can only register once a day for each type of soul fighting, and the life-death area is not restricted." The staff explained.

"Let's sign up for Game Fight!" Huo Wu said.

This is another characteristic of the Great Soul Arena.

The game area is just for discussion, and the point is over. If you win or lose, you only get or lose a little point.

But the life and death zone is different. It is a place of death fights, and people will die at every turn, but the winner will get a lot, not only all the points of the loser, but both sides have to take out gold soul coins or items of the same value as bets , the loser loses everything, the winner gets everything.

It is said that there have also been death fights with soul bones as bets in the Great Soul Arena.

When Beixuan saw this news, his eyes lit up, which made Huowu feel bad for a while, the kid's covetousness of the soul bone happened again, she quickly reminded, "Xiaoxuan, you are the one brought by this lady. Come here, without Miss Ben's permission, you are not allowed to participate in those death fights without permission, understand?"

Deathmatch is desperate, such a talented junior, she doesn't want to see him die before he grows up.

"Don't worry, senior sister, I'm not in such a hurry. After all, it's unlikely that something as precious as a soul bone will appear in this stage of iron fighting soul fighting." Beixuan said.

Huo Wu heard the words, but he was not happy but worried. Sure enough, this guy did not give up the method of gambling soul bones through death fights. Fighting souls, Zijin fighting souls and even gemstone fighting souls, they will definitely fight hard.

"Hey!" Huo Wu sighed, at that time, she might not be able to stop this little guy.

"Why are you sighing? Senior sister, hurry up and catch up. The game we signed up for is about to begin. Today is the debut battle of our Phantom group. We must not lose."

"Of course!" Huo Wu smiled in relief, that's all, Beixuan's talent is extraordinary, if others can't do things that others dare not do, he might not be able to.

Isn't it because I admire this junior so much because I see his self-motivation and see his infinite thirst for strength.

If he is like that Feng Xiaotian, who is not motivated enough, dares not fight when he encounters a strong opponent, and just hangs around him like a fly all day long, then even if he has a top-notch martial soul and an innate aptitude for full soul power, , she, Huo Wu, is also determined to look down on her.

Huo Wu caught up with Bei Xuan, and the two walked into the contestant tunnel side by side. The Phantom combination, which will be famous all over the world in the future, started the first step of their journey.

(End of this chapter)

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