Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 52: Liger vs. Phantom

Chapter 52: Liger vs. Phantom
"Welcome everyone to Ice and Fire City, tense, exciting, and fair, this is our big soul fighting arena!" On the fighting stage, the host said enthusiastically with a microphone, "Today's seventh two-on-two soul fighting , Let’s start right away, one side is the Liger team that has won six consecutive victories, and the other side is the newcomers who just signed up today, the Phantom team!”

As soon as they came on stage, Huo Wu and Beixuan saw two muscular men, which made Huo Wu unable to help muttering, "Why is there such a stupid and big battle soul master again, there is nothing new about it."

These two people reminded her of Hu Yanli and Hu Yanba of the Elephant Armor Academy she met during the academy exchange competition. Her soul skills were not suitable for dealing with this kind of powerful soul master.

In that match back then, a large factor of the victory was due to the stupidity of the Huyan brothers, coupled with Beixuan's strong physical strength.

But today's opponents are different, the two in front of them seem to have been in the fighting spirit field all year round, and they have won six consecutive victories recently, their combat experience is far from comparable to that of the Huyan brothers.

It would be impossible to defeat them with the same tactics.

Let's see now, what exactly is Beixuan's second soul ability, and can it have an effect?

"It's actually two little dolls. I hope you can stay in the hands of our ligers and tigers for a while, don't be too shameful." The ligers and tigers said to the two menacingly.

They wouldn't let their opponents down just because they were young. Even if they didn't kill anyone in a game of fighting, there were still plenty of opponents who were lightly or seriously injured by their soul skills.

"Wang Hu, Martial Soul Tiger, please advise."

"Cang Lion, Martial Soul Lion, please advise."

The two activated their martial souls at the same time. Just like their combination name, one is a lion and the other is a tiger, both of which are powerful types of beast martial souls, and both of them have the best soul ring configuration for two yellows.

It's a pity that these two people are both men, otherwise, if a man and a woman are combined to give birth to a child, there may be a stronger liger spirit.

The beast spirit changed the soul master's body shape very obviously. After the two spirits possessed their bodies, their muscles swelled obviously, and their fingers were covered with sharp claws.

Judging from the fluctuation of soul power, these two people are not ordinary great soul masters, they are obviously close to soul masters, and their level is about 28-[-].

On the other hand, Huowu and Beixuan, although their martial souls are also classified as beast martial souls, there is no change in their body shape when they cast them. They can only see a shadow of four colors of fire and light, and a dark phantom. The true face of the body can only be fully displayed after opening the real body.

The ligers and tigers, who couldn't feel the change in the opponent's momentum, smiled disdainfully, "Hehe, it seems that they are two low-level beast spirits. Today we will tell you that the fighting spirit platform is not so easy to mess with."

After the two yelled violently, they rushed towards them at the same time, at the same speed, and had a perfect understanding.

"The first soul skill, Illusory Fog!" Beixuan, as always, set up a fog field that was beneficial to him.

The forward ligers stopped immediately because their sight was blocked.

Bei Xuan and Huo Wu looked at each other and nodded, at the same time, they stepped out of the moon shadow footwork and rushed into the mist.

"The first soul skill, Shadow of Flame!" Huo Wu also activated the first soul skill. Her whole body was burning with flames, and her ordinary fist and kick attacks were all accompanied by strong fire attribute power.

But this also made her a bright spot in the mist, the liger team regarded her as a living target, their first soul rings lit up at the same time, and launched an attack on her.

"The first soul skill, Tiger Tooth Strike."

"The first soul skill, Lion's Claw!"

The teeth of the tiger and the claws of the lion are exactly the attack methods that ligers are best at.

Facing such an attack, Huo Wu didn't panic at all, because she knew that her good junior would protect her well.

Beixuan performed the moon shadow footwork, jumped quickly, and descended from the sky, with both left and right hands outstretched, and at the same time cast the scorching sun descending demon palm, with the left palm against the tiger's teeth, and the right palm against the lion's claw.

He has reached the second ring, without the need to use the golden body, his physical strength is stronger than these two ligers and tigers.

With a sudden force, the two were bounced away at the same time.

"Damn it, what a strong palm." Cang Shi said.

At this moment, a flame shadow rushed towards him again, it was Huo Wu's soul skill, Huo Ying Clone, accompanied by Bei Xuan's double palms.

Just now she intentionally used her first soul skill to attract the two of them at the same time, and then Beixuan made a surprise attack, using powerful palm force to push them back to both sides of the field.

In the end, the two concentrated their attacks on one of them.

This is the fighting method of Huo Wu and Beixuan all the time. Since both of them are control system soul masters, their attack power is insufficient, so they will find a way to focus on solving one person first, and turn the situation into a two-on-one situation. advantage bureau.

In the exchange competition of the Five Elements Academy, several victories were obtained in this way.

With the palm strength of Hokage's avatar and the powerful strength of Beixuan's Aomo Style, the lion soul master was shocked and backed up again and again, Beixuan continued to exert strength, intending to push the lion soul master out of the arena in one go.

However, at the moment when he was about to succeed, there was a loud roar that directly scattered Huo Wu's clone, and caused Bei Xuan's soul power to lag for a moment.

"The second soul skill, Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest."

It turned out that it was the tiger soul master, Wang Hu, who activated his second soul skill.

"Hmph, you two little ones are quite proud of being able to force us to take out the second soul skill." Cangshi snorted coldly, taking advantage of the moment when Beixuan's skill stagnated, he jumped out of his palm, and at the same time, His second soul ring also lit up.

"Second Soul Skill, Lion's Roar!"

Amidst the roar of the tiger, the roar of the lion was added at this moment. I didn't expect that the second soul skills of these two people were all sonic skills.

This is a type of soul skill that has the largest range and cannot be dodged at all.

Even many people in the auditorium couldn't help covering their ears. After all, most of them are ordinary people here, and they can't stand the impact of the soul master's soul skills.

Everyone outside the court was like this, let alone Bei Xuan and Huo Wu who were directly attacked on the court.

Huo Wu covered her ears and knelt down on the ground in agony. Her soul power was far inferior to the two opposites, and how could she resist being attacked by the second soul skill at the same time.

Although the martial soul quality of these two people is not as good as Diamond Mammoth and Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, they can't stand their high level. The soul power of these two people is close to that of the Soul Master, which is much higher than that of Huo Wu.

"No, if this continues, the seven orifices will be shocked and bleed, Xiaoxuan, little sister, give up quickly." Huo Wushuang shouted anxiously in the stands.

"Don't worry, look at Xiaoxuan, he's fine at all." Xue Wu comforted him.

Huo Wushuang was confused because he was concerned, and he didn't realize it at all. Under the attack of the two roaring voices, Bei Xuan didn't move at all, as if he was not affected at all.

(End of this chapter)

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