Chapter 53

Beixuan came to Huo Wu's side, put his hands against her back, input soul power into it, and defended her against the attack.

This scene made the Liger team unbelievable. Under the double roar of the two of them, this brat not only has no influence on himself, but can also allocate excess skills to help his teammates. How is this possible?

With the help of Beixuan's soul power, Huo Wu immediately felt much better.

"Thank you, Xiaoxuan, you...?" Huo Wu looked at Beixuan suspiciously, Beixuan's skill was not as deep as hers, and even she couldn't resist the attack, but this guy acted as if nothing happened.

"Sister, don't be surprised by this little thing, or you will live in amazement because of me." Beixuan smiled slightly. In fact, there are many reasons why he was not affected at all.

First, the Nightmare Martial Soul is originally a spiritual martial soul with strong spiritual power. Second, he is a man of the third life, and his soul has traveled twice, so he is extremely tenacious. Third, the soul power cultivated by the Sun and Moon Divine Art can , the offensive and defensive attributes are far superior to ordinary people. This defense does not only refer to physical defense, but also mental defense. Fourth, in terms of roaring, the evil royal family has never been afraid of anyone. How could Beixuan be afraid of two ordinary tigers and lions if all the clans were exterminated.

"Let's see mine next, the second soul skill, Shadow Demon Soldier!" Beixuan finally revealed his second soul skill, and the pitch-black energy gathered in his hand and turned into a throwing knife.

With a flick of his hand, Beixuan shot the flying knife at Wang Hu.

This throwing knife is transformed by the true energy of the Sun and Moon Divine Art, it is extremely condensed, and the ordinary roaring sound cannot be dispersed.

Seeing that the flying knife was about to stab his chest, Wang Hu quickly stopped his soul skills and dodged sideways.

"Wang Hu!" Seeing this, Cangshi stopped roaring, and stepped forward to help Wang Hu. After all, it was useless for the two of them to join forces, and he was left alone.

Beixuan glanced at his traveling route, flipped his palm, this time it was a whip that bound his feet, pulled hard, and pulled him to the ground.

Then, Beixuan jumped up, took a heavy hammer in his hand, and slammed it down.

Seeing that Cangshi couldn't stop it and couldn't escape, he had to close his eyes and wait for death, but it was just a sparring, how could Beixuan kill people, this hammer just hit Cangshi's head, smashing the field out A big pit.

Beixuan kicked Cangshi's waist sideways and kicked him out of the field.

"Brother!" Seeing that his brother had just appeared on the stage, Wang Hu burst into rage, laying his hands on the ground, and really rushed towards Beixuan like a tiger.

"The charge was very fierce, but the shortcomings were fully exposed." After Bei Xuan finished speaking, he turned his hammer into a sword and stabbed at Wang Hu.

Wang Hu's attacks are all melee attacks, and he is easily restrained when he encounters long soldiers.

In fact, the gun is better at this time, but it's a pity that Beixuan doesn't know anything about marksmanship.

Huo Wu on the side was stunned, he didn't expect Beixuan's second soul skill to be so ever-changing. This soul skill greatly improved his attack power and various combat skills.

The current Beixuan is probably more than twice as strong as it was at the exchange meeting of the Five Elements Academy.

"No, as a senior, how can I only let Xiaoxuan show off the limelight the whole time?" Huo Wu's competitive spirit was also aroused. With a vertical leap, the flame of the first soul ability wrapped all over her body, kicked towards the king. The tiger's back sneaked up.

Wang Hu, who was defenseless, was kicked over in an instant, and his back was still completely black with burns.

Beixuan and Huo Wu looked at each other and smiled. He was not angry because her sneak attack interrupted his fair fight with Wang Hu. After all, this was a two-on-two match. Who let Wang Hu's teammate be kicked down for not being strong enough? Woolen cloth.

When it's two-on-one, it's time to take advantage of it.

The two shot at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, and Huo Wu also created a clone, ready to attack again at any time.

In such a situation, there was no way for Wang Hu to avoid it alone. In the end, Huo Wu kicked his chin and flew backwards.

"Wow, what a beautiful kick. What do you call these dances? It seems that they all like to kick people with their feet." Beixuan sighed.

Huo Wu smiled triumphantly, "Now I know how powerful Senior Sister is, so I have to respect Senior Sister more in the future, otherwise be careful that you will be stepped on next time."

"Sister, please don't reward me."

The host looked at the ligers and tigers who were both eliminated, and announced excitedly, "The game is over. Since the ligers and tigers are all eliminated, the winner of this soul fight is this pair of newcomers who just debuted, the phantoms. They Ended the six-game winning streak of the Ligers and Tigers!"

"Phantom Combination, Phantom Combination, Phantom Combination."

There were enthusiastic cheers from the auditorium. Compared with the liger and tiger combination, the phantom combination has more handsome men and beautiful women, of course, it attracts more fans.

From this, Beixuan got his first point in the Great Soul Arena.

After that, he challenged the individual soul fighting again, and of course he won it easily, but unfortunately, the current Blazing Academy has not yet formed a seven-member team suitable for him, so he cannot participate in the group fighting soul.

But it doesn't matter, this is not in a hurry. Compared with the team, for him now, it is more important to improve his personal strength.

This Great Soul Arena is indeed a good place. He can come here more in the future when he has time, so as to hone his actual combat ability and strengthen his swordsmanship through actual combat.

There is a Sun and Moon Falling Devil Sword in the Sun and Moon Divine Art, but he does not intend to practice this sword technique, it is only used as a reference.

He didn't want to learn swordsmanship one by one. He learned palms before because his talent in palms was not as good as swordsmanship. It's better not to figure it out by yourself.

Bei Luo once said, in fact, whether it is swordsmanship or saber technique, how can there be such a thing as "method" in the world?
Because in addition to inheritance, they are also used to guide those who do not understand the "method".

But if you want to become a real master, you will not stick to any established methods, but follow your heart's desire and follow the circle to the square.

As long as the foundation of the seven moves taught by Habayashi is honed to perfection, then any other swordsmanship, not to mention the Sun and Moon Falling Demon Sword, is just the continuous evolution of these seven moves.

The swordsmanship of the evil spirit clan was inherited from Jinyun, but whether it was Yulin, Xuange, or even Beiluo himself, the reincarnation of Jinyun, they all walked out of their own way of swordsmanship.

As their descendant, Bei Xuan couldn't lose their face.

After returning to the academy, in the middle of the night, Beixuan was still practicing the seven-stroke basic swordsmanship on the square. Habayashi nodded in satisfaction. He seemed to understand Beixuan's thoughts. This is what their evil royal family should have. style.

In this way, time gradually passed in Beixuan's daily penance, and in the blink of an eye, two years later, Beixuan and Ma Hongjun were both over nine years old.

(End of this chapter)

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