Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 547: The five great god kings were defeated and took over the divine world

Chapter 547 The Five God Kings were defeated and took over the God Realm

"The power of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms is indeed pretty good, almost as powerful as my razor." Beixuan said with a smile.

The tone was full of ridicule towards the five god kings, which also shattered all their hopes.

"God...God Emperor! Is this the legendary power of the God Emperor that far surpasses the Dragon God and can ignore the laws of heaven and earth?" God Shura muttered as he looked at the broken Shura Blood Sword.

He had given up completely. The Shura Blood Sword was broken, and the formation of the Three Realms Sword of Judgment was also broken.

"Yes, this is the realm of the God Emperor, the highest realm that this universe can reach. If you die under this power, it will not be a loss for you." Beixuan stretched out his finger and made a slight stroke.

The metallic sword energy about 10,000 meters long surged out, and God Shura completely gave up resistance. As the formation eye of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms, when the Shura Blood Sword broke, he was also counterattacked by the formation, and all his skills were scrapped.

In fact, even if he was in the best condition with the Shura Demonic Sword in his hand, he would have no way to survive facing Beixuan's attack at this time.

God Shura's body turned into ashes under the light of the golden sword. The sword light continued to attack the other four god kings unabated.

These four god kings each still have a large part of their power left. With their own super artifacts, they will certainly not sit still and wait for death.

However, the current Beixuan is completely a dimensionality reduction attack for them.

The Heart of Kindness, the Ancient Tree of Life, the Scales of Judgment and the Scepter of Destruction were all destroyed by Beixuan's blow.

Seeing that she was unable to resist, the Goddess of Life put down her hand, "That's it, Beixuan, our God Realm has calculated your life many times, and you want to kill us. This is understandable. I only hope that you can save the gods of the God Realm. They are just following orders. , I know that with your current strength, the turbulence of time and space will not be a problem for you."

After saying that, the goddess of life withdrew her divine power, closed her eyes, and waited for death to come.

"Little Green!"

Just hearing a cry, the pain that the Goddess of Life was waiting for did not come. She opened her beautiful eyes and saw her husband, the God of Destruction, using her body as a shield to protect her.

"Beixuan, you win. From now on, the God Realm belongs to you. Please, let Xiao Lu go. She is the only one among our five God Kings who has not plotted against you." The God of Destruction begged.

"Xiao Zi!" The goddess of life called her husband's name sadly. She was not afraid of death, not at all, but she was afraid of being left alone in the world.

Seeing this, Beixuan withdrew his sword energy. The deep love between the Goddess of Life and the God of Destruction moved him a little.

But facing his own sword energy, the God of Destruction had no way to survive and knelt down on the ground.

The goddess of life quickly stepped forward and hugged him, "Why, Xiao Zi, why are you doing this? You know that without you, my life has no meaning at all."

"Xiao Lu, I'm sorry. I saved your life. I won't allow you to die. Live well..." The God of Destruction's voice became weaker and weaker, and his body gradually dissipated, until he was like the Shura God. Turn into dust between heaven and earth.

"Xiao Zi, you are so selfish!" the Goddess of Life cried. The God of Destruction's last words were to let her live. He guessed that she would definitely want to leave with him, so he blocked his own path of self-destruction. From then on, she was alone for endless years.

Seeing this, Beixuan slowly floated in front of the goddess of life, raised his palms, and gathered his divine power.

The goddess of life thought that Bei Xuan was still unwilling to let her go, but she was not afraid at all, nor did she hate Bei Xuan. She smiled and closed her eyes, "Thank you, Lord God Emperor, for your help!" Because of the God of Destruction's last words, she would not let herself go. Destruction, it would not be bad to be killed by Beixuan like this.

If she and her husband died at the hands of the same person, they could be regarded as living together and dying in the same hole.

But this time, the pain still didn't come, and the divine power gathered in Beixuan's hand gradually formed a purple seed.

"This...could this be...Xiao Zi's seed of destruction!" The goddess of life looked at the seed in Beixuan's hand in shock and joy. She felt the breath of the God of Destruction from inside.

"For me now, as long as it's something within this universe, whether it's within the rules or beyond the rules, there's nothing I can't do." Beixuan said with a smile, "Give it back to you!"

Beixuan returned the Seed of Destruction to the Goddess of Life. Within the Seed of Destruction, the consciousness of the God of Destruction still exists, and it only takes ten thousand years to return.

The goddess of life excitedly took over the seed of destruction. It was only ten thousand years. She could afford to wait. Then she looked at Bei Xuan doubtfully and asked, "Why...why not only did you let me go, but you also saved Xiao Zi."

"The reason? Because I despise you guys who love each other and sacrifice each other the most. It is influenced by my mother. My mother is more emotional and kind. I will be able to see her soon, so Please restrain your murderous nature a little. Anyway, for me now, what threat can you and the God of Destruction pose to me? Moreover, your law of life is very important, and the God Realm may need your help a lot in the future." Bei Xuan explained.

"In any case, thank you very much. I promise that from now on, Xiao Zi and I will not go against you. I will hand over control of Xiao Zi and I to you in a moment," the goddess of life said.

She doesn't care much about power, as long as the God of Destruction is by her side.

"Actually, I don't need this kind of thing, but one thing is, I really can't let you guys control the center of the God Realm anymore." Beixuan said, turning to look at the God of Good and the God of Evil.

They were supposed to die, but when they were on the verge of death, Beixuan withdrew his sword energy, allowing them to survive.

It's just that the friendship between these two people doesn't seem to be as profound as that of destruction and life. They protect themselves at critical moments, and neither one sacrifices for the other.

"You two, please hand over your authority later." Beixuan said.

The God of Evil looked ugly, "Beixuan, since you said you are not interested in the center of the God Realm, why do you still ask us to hand over the position of the God King? We have already given up, no matter what you want to do in the God Realm Center , will not stop it anymore, please show your noble hand."

The God of Kindness nodded, "Yes, the laws of evil and kindness are also very important to the operation of the world. You can spare the Goddess of Life because of the Law of Life, so why can't you let us go?"

"It's so noisy!" Bei Xuan stretched out two ghost hands from behind, which were nightmare palms, and grabbed the God of Evil and the God of Kindness. "When did you get the illusion that I was negotiating with you? Let it go." The goddess of life, it’s because she is sensible enough that she dares to bargain with me at a time like this.”

"Since you are afraid of death, don't be arrogant!"

Nightmare's palm became extremely huge, compressing the two gods into a darkness. This darkness continued to shrink, from the size of a house, slowly, to the size of a ball, a marble, a water drop, and then an atom. , molecules, quarks... completely disappeared!

The God of Evil and the God of Kindness died more completely than Tang San at this moment, and even until they died, they would not get a second chance to beg for mercy.

Bei Xuan not only inherited Yun Wuyue's kindness, but also the ruthlessness of the evil-fighting clan. If he doesn't understand, he will die early and be reborn.

Beixuan looked around at the gods and said, "I will redistribute the authority of the center of the God Realm. Among the gods present, who supports it and who opposes it?"

(End of this chapter)

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