Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 548: God Realm merges into new God Realm Committee

Chapter 548: God Realm merges into new God Realm Committee

"Who supports and who opposes?"

Beixuan's question echoed throughout the God Realm.

"Gulu!" The gods swallowed subconsciously and remained silent.

This was because Beixuan was frightened.

Four of the five great god kings were killed by him. With a group of second-level and third-level gods like them, who would dare to go against him?

"Very good. It seems that no one objects. I am still very democratic and have everyone's support." Beixuan said with a smile.


At this time, there was a sound like broken glass. It turned out to be the gap broken by Xuan Ge and others, and it was further enlarged. If this continues, the entire God Realm will be involved in the turbulence of time and space.

Many gods have died under the turbulence of time and space just now, and even Poseidon is not immune. After all, although he is very powerful, he no longer has a divine status and super artifact, and cannot continuously draw power from the center of the divine world. , in the previous battle with Yu Lin and others, his skill had been almost exhausted.

Being swept away by the turbulence of time and space, there is no way to survive.

"Lord God Emperor, please resolve the turbulence of time and space first. The battle is over. No one here dares to be your enemy anymore." The goddess of life begged.

Beixuan did not refuse. The power of the evil-destroying king's bloodline had returned to 50%, and his understanding of the laws of space had also reached a higher level. Repairing such a small dimensional wall was not a problem for him at all.

The huge black hole was quickly blocked by the power of the Evil Exorcist King, and gradually returned to its original state.

The turbulent flow of time and space was swallowed up by the Evil King. The turbulent flow that made even the God King change his expression was as obedient as a child in the hands of Beixuan.

"It's amazing!" The gods said they were not convinced. This strength was completely different from theirs.

"Okay, gods, disperse and return to their respective places," Beixuan ordered.

"No!" The gods in the divine world understood that Beixuan would be their new boss from now on. After finally becoming a god, they didn't want to die.

In fact, for these second-level and third-level gods, as long as Beixuan doesn't kill them, it's not a big deal if their immediate boss changes from the five god kings to Beixuan.

"Let's go to the center of the God Realm. Goddess of Life, follow me. Bing'er, please release Rong Nian Bing and let him follow." Beixuan said.

Shui Bing'er nodded and released the seal on Rong Nian Bing.

"Wow, it's so cold. I really didn't expect that Rong Nian Bing, my ice and fire demon chef who has the same origin as ice and fire, would be sealed by ice one day." Rong Nian Bing wrapped his body. Although the seal was released, his whole body was still full of energy. Full of cold air.

The cold wind brought by the speech can freeze the lake.

"Miss Shui Bing'er, thank you for your mercy. I really didn't expect that your husband is so strong. If I had known, I wouldn't have fought him seriously, and I ended up being so embarrassed by being frozen by you."

Shui Bing'er smiled and said, "Neither my husband nor I blame you. Well, my Xiaoxuan said that what he is going to say next has something to do with you, and he wants you to enter the center of the God Realm together." "Okay." !" Rong Nianbing agreed. He had watched the whole battle in the iceberg. At this moment, he did not dare to disobey Beixuan in the slightest, but he didn't know what Beixuan's purpose was in calling him over at this time.

Behind the main hall of the God Realm Committee is the center of the God Realm, which is the most sacred place in the God Realm.

As soon as he entered here, Bei Xuan sensed a familiar force, coming from his father Bei Luo.

In the sky, there seemed to be a crack that was forcibly cut and then repaired by powerful force. It was from here that he came to this world and then entered the Douluo Continent.

Now he can go back at any time, but after everything has settled, he is not in a hurry. There are still some things he needs to explain.

After this war in the God Realm, there is still a lot of mess to clean up.

The Goddess of Life sighed, "The three major divine formations in the God Realm all require the help of the God Realm Center. After the war, the power of the God Realm Center was extremely consumed. I am afraid that even for tens of thousands of years, the God Realm will not be able to extradite to the lower plane. The person became a god."

"Don't worry, I also have a God Realm Center. I plan to integrate the power of the Kunlun Jade in my God Realm Center with the God Realm Center here. This will not only restore the power of the God Realm Center, but also use higher The spiritual power of this level can expand the God Realm a thousand times. I remember that your husband, the God of Destruction, has always had this wish. In fact, as long as he can cope with the turbulence of time and space after the expansion of the God Realm, there are only advantages and no disadvantages to this matter. " Beixuan said.

"Really! Then please allow me to express my gratitude to Lord Beixuan for your kindness on behalf of all living beings in the world." The Goddess of Life thanked her. With the increase in the central power of the God Realm, more people will have the opportunity to become gods. Even her husband, the God of Destruction, Maybe it can shorten some resurrection time.

Beixuan nodded, "Well, the God Realm Committee is still needed. I don't want the God Realm to become a one-word hall, and I won't stay in the God Realm, so I have to find another talented person."

"It all depends on Master Beixuan!" Of course the goddess of life would not object to any of Beixuan's decisions at this moment.

Even if Beixuan wanted to take the God Realm under his personal control, she had no right to object.

"First of all, the five god kings of the God Realm Committee cannot have any relationship with each other. In the past, you five, you and destruction, a good and evil pair, a combination of five people, two pairs are lovers, it is just a joke, the goddess of life, you You are kind-hearted by nature. You can continue to occupy the position of God King. However, in the future, even if the God of Destruction is reborn, you will not be allowed to covet the position of God King. Otherwise, I will not show any mercy. Do you understand? ?" Beixuan said seriously.

The goddess of life immediately lowered her head and assured, "I understand, Lord Beixuan, the other four god kings are..."

"Five great god kings, there are two from your original god realm, and there are two from my god realm. Apart from you, the other one in your god realm is the Ice and Fire Demon Chef Rong Nian Bing. From now on, he will take over the original... The responsibilities of God Shura." Beixuan looked at Rong Nianbing and smiled teasingly.

Although Rong Nianbing had always been merciful, he finally showed his murderous intention towards Shui Bing'er. Even if he was forced, Beixuan, a stingy man, remembered everything.

It won't be a big deal if you kill him, but a little trick will be fine.

"Wait, wait, wait, you want me to take over the responsibility of Shura God?" Rong Nianbing didn't have any joy, only sadness.

Who in the entire God Realm doesn't know that the job of God Shura is to remain the same forever, 007 hours a day, all year round, with a low salary. He doesn't want this kind of position, no matter how high it is.

He has a lot of good wives at home, cooking at home every day, doesn't he enjoy living a sweet life with them?

"What, do you have any objections?" Beixuan looked at Rong Nianbing with an unkind look.

"No objection, how dare I?" Nian Bing said quickly. He had already made up his mind. He definitely couldn't resist Bei Xuan now. He might as well agree to it first. After Bei Xuan left, he would risk his life as soon as possible. Find a genius in the lower realm and pass on the divine status.

Whoever wants to live in this kind of social life should go there.

(End of this chapter)

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