Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 549 The Family

Chapter 549 Going Home (Finale)

The two god kings from the God Realm have been confirmed, and next are the two from Beixuan.

After all, Tianlu City has contributed to its own divine realm, so two places are not too much.

"Qian Renxue, I know your dream is to let the light of angels shine in the world. You need faith and you will be able to treat people kindly. Then you can temporarily take over the position of the God of Kindness. I hope you won't be like your mother, who is so impatient. Love brain attack." Beixuan looked at Qian Renxue and said.

This Qian Renxue is different from the original work. Her love brain has not yet developed, so she should be able to sit in this position.

"Really? Thank you, Beixuan!" Qian Renxue was so excited that Beixuan actually gave her such an important position. She originally just wanted to unify the world with Wuhun Palace and become an empress, but with the five great powers in the God Realm, Compared to being one of the God Kings, the position of a lower plane emperor is nothing at all.

She will use her angelic power to save countless people from the lower planes, so that the power of faith will continue to flow. With her qualifications, the position of the Supreme God King is not unthinkable.

"Hey, Beixuan, what do you mean, don't be like me?" Bibi Dong said angrily. Since she put down the master, she has completely returned to normal, okay? However, as a mother, she is also happy to see her daughter sit on the throne of God. become.

"Then, the next person will take the place of the God of Evil and judge the world..." Beixuan's eyes swept across the crowd, and finally stopped at Dugu Bo, "Brother, I'll trouble you."

"Me?" Dugu Bo was stunned. Beixuan actually asked him to become the God King, which he had never thought of before.

"That's right, among the people who ascended from my God Realm, there is one from the Wuhun Palace, and we in Tianlu City should also have one. In Tianlu City, besides me, uncle, Yu Lin, Uncle Lan Xiang, and Huo Apart from Senior Wu and Bing'er, you have the highest status in the city, and the rest of us are all going back to my world, so it's only natural that you should inherit the power of Tianlu City, brothers. , you won’t refuse, right?" Beixuan said.

"Haha, okay, just in time, I want to take my Ten Thousand Poisons Transformation to a higher level. I'm afraid the poisons from Douluo Continent alone are not enough, so I will search from thousands of lower planes." Dugu Bo agreed, Although his strength is currently only a first-level god, with the Five Poison Red Flame Body, as long as there are enough poisons, breaking through to the God King is not a problem.

Dugu Bo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. At that time, he was still known as the weakest among the titled Douluo, and he was plagued by poison, and his life was worse than death every day.

But he never thought that one day he would create his own Poison God position, ascend to the divine realm, and would soon become one of the five highest-ranking divine kings in the universe. His brilliance would reach the extreme.

When did this all start? Dugubo recalled.

By the way, it was the cave where the Ice and Fire Eyes were located. From the day he captured Beixuan back, his fate changed from that day on.

Dugu Bo looked at Beixuan softly and said, "Brother, if you have time, come back often. Remember, not only Tianlu City in your own world, but also Tianlu City here will always be your home. You are the genius." The eternal leader of Lucheng and the founding emperor of Tianlu Empire, we will always remember him."

Bei Xuan smiled slightly, "Okay, brother, I will definitely come back. My grandfather is still on Douluo Continent, so I will leave him under your care for the time being. I have never experienced such a thing as traveling through time and space. Grandpa’s hands are weak, and I’m worried that I won’t be able to protect his safety. When I regain my full strength, I will definitely come to pick him up again.”

"After you regain all your strength, can you come back here?" Dugu Bo worriedly asked. Beixuan's current strength has reached the limit of their universe. If they become stronger, their universe will probably collapse.

"Don't worry, don't forget, I have three martial spirits. As long as I don't use the power of the Evil-Resisting King and Nightmare Charm here in the future, it will be fine. Speaking of which, I am still the God of the Sea. This divine position is recognized by the plane. I Why not go home as a Poseidon?" Beixuan said with a smile. He swallowed the Poseidon in the first place not only to improve his own skills, but also to leave a legal identity in this world so that he could come back at any time.

Dugu Bo nodded. Since Beixuan had already prepared, he had nothing to worry about.

"Lord Beixuan, the God Realm Committee needs five people, so who is the last one?" the goddess of life asked.

"The four god kings mentioned just now are all on the human side. Among the five god kings, at least one must represent the beasts and can fight for the interests of the beasts. Here she is!" Beixuan looked up at the sky, with perfect silver hair and purple eyes. The woman landed gracefully. It is the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena. She has completely refined the power of the Golden Dragon King, and her strength has reached the peak of the God King. She can start the Dragon God Exam at any time and achieve the position of the new Dragon God.

At that time, once Bei Xuan leaves, she will be the truly strongest person in the universe.

"The last divine throne belongs to me." Gu Yuena did not hesitate and did her duty. In order to fight for the benefits of the soul beast, she must become the divine king.

"Gu Yuena, I have done everything I promised you. With your current status and strength, it is not difficult to adjust the Soul Beast Heavenly Tribulation. However, I want to remind you that the conflict between humans and Soul Beasts will sooner or later be on a large scale. After the outbreak, after succeeding as the God King, you must think of a way to reduce the sacrifice of the soul beast's life and still produce the soul ring, or even find a substitute for the soul ring, in order to truly resolve the conflict, this is your responsibility." Bei. Xuan said.

"I understand, just leave the rest to me, Beixuan. Thank you very much for always. From now on, our cooperative relationship based on our respective interests will be terminated." Gu Yuena showed a charming smile, "But , I will regard you as my lifelong best friend, even if the world changes and the mountains and rivers are broken, this promise will not change."

Beixuan smiled and said, "Okay, I'm very happy to have you as a good friend."

"Beixuan, don't forget that there is my Nana. You proposed marriage to me, and I betrothed her to you. You must come back to pick her up in the future. She is sincere to you." Bibi Dong Special reminder.

"I will." Beixuan didn't find any reason to refuse this time. If Hu Liena was willing to come, he wouldn't mind taking her back with him when he came back to pick up his grandfather next time.

There are also Yu Lin's wife and son, Lan Xiang's disciples, etc., a lot of people.

Of course, he has not forgotten the other two people. One is Ning Rongrong who misses her father very much. Beixuan also agreed to take her to see her father. There is also the Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji who made an appointment with his father. I made a promise, but I never break the promise, and I will forcefully take him away together next time.

After saying that, Beixuan led his family towards the crack in the plane, "I have finished explaining everything that needs to be explained. Everyone, although we have known each other for many years, it is inevitable to say goodbye. Please cherish it!"

"Cherish it!" Everyone said with cupped hands.

Bei Xuan transformed into the form of the True Evil-Repelling King, raised his power to the peak of the Divine Emperor Realm, and drew his giant claws towards the crack.

The plane barrier was torn apart, and a more terrifying turbulence than the previous space-time turbulence appeared in front of everyone.

Beixuan used his divine power to protect Xuan Ge, Yu Lin, Lan Xiang, Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er, and they stepped into the dark turbulence together.

After leaving, he immediately used his divine power to repair the cracks in the plane barrier.

After decades of ups and downs in Douluo Continent, Beixuan finally embarked on the road home.

And his story on Douluo Continent has also come to an end, but his legend will continue to spread.

--(season finale)--

(End of this chapter)

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