Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 550 Postscript: Ancient Sword Plane

Chapter 550 Postscript: Ancient Sword Plane

Tianlu City.

Beiluo and Yun Wuyue often sit on the Xunfeng Tower, looking forward to the return of their children.

At this time, the flames in Tianlu City were no longer the red of Beiluo, but had turned back to the gold of Xuan Ge.

This means that Beiluo is no longer the evil-fighting king. When Xuan Ge's eldest son grew up to barely have the bottom-line strength of the evil-fighting king, he passed the position to him.

But he did not leave Tianlu City to wander in the Demon Realm like the previous evil-destroying kings did.

Because his child hasn't come back yet.

On this day, Beiluo held his wife in his arms and sat at the place where Xuan Ge passed away, looking at the sky with excitement on his face.

They were connected by blood and felt it. They clearly felt that their child Beixuan was returning across the plane.

Bei Xuan protected his family, followed the induction of his bloodline, and the memory of when Bei Luo sent him here, and finally found the plane barrier of the ancient sword plane.

It's a pity that this plane barrier has been reinforced by the Emperor of the God Realm. It is impossible for Beixuan's evil-fighting king, who currently only has 50% bloodline strength, to tear such a strong barrier apart.

"Xuan'er, attack from both inside and outside, break through at a single point!"

At this moment, Bei Luo's voice entered Bei Xuan's mind.

Beixuan smiled slightly. As expected of his father, it seemed that he had expected this scene and had been waiting for it.

That's right, even the reinforced plane barrier cannot block the internal and external attacks of the two evil-bending kings.

The important thing is the timing. As long as you grasp the timing well and hit a point on the plane barrier at the same time with zero time difference, you can definitely tear a hole.

"I know, father!"

Beixuan held the Tai Sui Sword, and Bei Luo also summoned the Tianlu King Sword from the royal city.

Although he has surrendered his position as the Evil-Bending King, he can still temporarily use this sword after holding the throne for many years.

The power of father and son reflected each other inside and outside the barrier, and they silently counted in their hearts.

"Three, two, one..."

"Kill all ghosts and gods!"

The two evil-proofing kings used their strongest sword skills at the same time to strike at the plane barrier at the same time and in the same position.

The plane barrier instantly shattered into a hole. At this time, countless big black hands stretched out from the ancient sword plane, grabbing Beixuan and everyone he brought with him, and pulled everyone away before the plane barrier could be repaired automatically. Come over.

There is no doubt that this is Yun Wuyue's evil hand.

The place where Beixuan came back was the Demon Realm, and in front of him was the original Tianlu City.

"I'm back, I'm finally back!!!" Beixuan shouted to the sky in excitement, and his powerful skills shocked Guangming Ye.

Once here, the power of his bloodline is no longer suppressed. As long as he practices for a period of time, he can return to his peak, and his divine power will be completely transformed into spiritual power.

Beixuan's body was born from the bones of the Evil-Warding King, and the power of his bloodline is also extremely powerful. As long as he fully recovers the power of his bloodline, his skill will probably not be worse than Beiluo's, and it will definitely be better than Xuange's son who is just a man. Those who can reach the bottom line of the evil-proofing king are much stronger.

"My child!" With an excited call, Yun Wuyue and Beiluo opened their arms and flew towards Beixuan.

After so many years, their longing for their children has already reached its peak.

Beixuan also flew towards them, passed directly by Beiluo, and hugged Yun Wuyue, "Mom, I'm back, I miss you so much."

Yun Wuyue caressed Beixuan's hair lovingly, "Well, it's good to be back. You didn't let mother down. Mother is really happy to see you healthy."

"Uh... this bastard!" Bei Luo's mouth twitched, and his movements of opening his arms were full of embarrassment. Although he knew that his son had recognized people since he was a baby, and only Yun Wuyue held him so he wouldn't cry, but this was too partial. Just order it.

"Haha, Your Majesty, you are ignored by your own child." Yu Lin's mocking voice sounded.

Beiluo was happy to see his long-time friends again, "Yu Lin, Lan Xiang, welcome you back, you...are you...Xuan Ge?"

But he didn't expect that Beixuan not only brought back Yulin Lanxiang, but also brought back Xuan Ge. "Long time no see, brother, I was reborn because of the Bone of the Evil-Resisting King. In fact, my wild soul has always been in the Bone of the Evil-Resisting King. If you hadn't used the Bone of the Evil-Resisting King to give birth to Beixuan, I wouldn't have been resurrected. opportunity." Xuan Ge smiled.

In Tianlu City, several more figures flew out immediately. It was Ni Shang and Xuan Ge's two sons who came out after sensing what was happening here.

There is also Xichao who has been promoted to deputy commander of the Tianlu City Imperial Guard.

Ni Shang and Xuan Ge looked at each other, Ni Shang bit his lower lip tightly, as if he had a thousand words to say, but he didn't know where to start.

"Ni Shang, I'm back!" In the end, Xuan Ge only said a few words and completely broke her defense.

Ni Shang couldn't hold it back any longer and threw herself into Xuan Ge's arms, crying loudly. The joy of regaining her soul made this beautiful woman, who had always been the calmest, completely lose her past image.

After finally crying enough, she raised her head and kissed Xuan Ge gently, "Welcome home, my husband."

On the other side, Mr. Lan Xiang, who was also pestering her in Xichao, kept acting coquettishly. Fortunately, Zhu Zhuqing was not here, otherwise he would probably be in trouble.

When he was in Douluo Continent, apart from Bei Xuan, Lan Xiang only loved her. Now that there was suddenly another person sharing his master with her, he would definitely not be happy.

Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er looked embarrassed. It was their first time in this world and they seemed a little at a loss.

As a husband, how could Beixuan ignore them.

He immediately took the hands of the two girls, came to Yun Wuyue and Bei Luo and said, "Father and mother, they are your daughters-in-law, my wives Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er."

Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er hurriedly shouted politely, "My wife has met my father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

Although they had always heard the names and deeds of their father-in-law and mother-in-law from Beixuan, when they saw her for the first time, they couldn't help but feel a little worried. What if their father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't like them.

They have already reached the level of gods in their own world. It can be seen that when they see Bei Luo and Yun Wuyue, they can still feel their unfathomable power. They are probably more than a thousand times stronger than the Supreme God King.

Fortunately, Yun Wuyue was born with a strong affinity, and Beiluo also grew up in the human world and was full of fireworks. He did not have the majesty of an ordinary emperor, otherwise they would not dare to speak.

"Don't be nervous. You are my daughter-in-law. They are so beautiful in that dimension. Thank you for helping me take care of my son." Yun Wuyue said with a smile.

Seeing Yun Wuyue being so gentle, the two girls gradually let go of their nervousness.

Just when everyone was enjoying themselves, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky, and there was a heavy pressure.

"Haha, are you coming to the God Realm?" Bei Luo smiled. He and Bei Xuan once again tore apart the plane barrier, finally completely offending the Emperor of the God Realm.

He wanted to send someone to deal with them, but he, Beiluo, was not afraid.

"Father, return the Tai Sui Sword to you!" Bei Xuan threw Tai Sui to Bei Luo. Only Bei Luo could maximize the power of this sword.

"Then, you can use Tianlu." Beiluo handed Tianlu to Beixuan.

The moment Bei Xuan grasped the Tianlu Sword, the power of blood in his body was stimulated by the sword. This was a divine sword that only the Evil Exorcist King could master.

It also has the ability to inspire the power of the evil-bending king.

Beixuan's bloodline power reached over 80% to 90% in one breath, surpassing the average evil-bending king. Coupled with the power of nightmare charm, his actual combat power is also among the best among the evil-bending kings in the past, enough to compete with the strongest in the demon world. The ancestor demon competes with each other.

"Haha, I didn't expect to encounter such an interesting battle just after returning home. I'm so happy. Mom, Bing'er, Senior Huo Wu, uncle, Yu Lin, Uncle Lan Xiang, you and your aunt and cousin Brother, go back to the city, and my father and I will go receive the guests." The warlike instinct of the evil-preventing king was aroused, and Beixuan planned to meet the gods of the ancient sword world with Beiluo.

After all, Xuan Ge and others have completely lost their evil-fighting bloodline, and it is impossible to intervene in such a battle.

"Xiao Xuan, be careful!" Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu expressed concern, and then followed Ni Shang and Yun Wuyue back to the real Tianlu King City.

"Let's go, Xuan'er, let father see how your swordsmanship is now?"

"I won't disappoint you, father!"

Father and son flew into the sky side by side.

The battle has begun again. The evil-proofing tribe is a fighting race. No matter when, Beixuan will not stop fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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