Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 551 Postscript: Beixuan and Tianlin’s new story begins

Chapter 551 Postscript: Beixuan and Tianlin’s new story begins

one year later!

Bei Xuan has been home for a year. Back then, he and Bei Luo teamed up to defeat the army sent by the God Realm to capture him.

However, the two of them had a sense of proportion and did not go on a killing spree, so the matter was settled.

The Emperor of Heaven was furious at the time, but after calming down, he did not hold on to him. After all, the greatest enemy of the God Realm was still the Demon Realm, and there was no need to provoke the evil-fighting royal family.

You must know that the strength of these two evil-fighting kings is comparable to that of the ancestor demons. Normally, the evil-fighting clan does not cause trouble to the God Realm. After a fight, just go through the process. There is no need to fight to the death and let the two sides form an alliance. mortal enemy.

After more than a year of hard training, Beixuan's bloodline power has completely recovered to 100%.

Now his skill is comparable to that of Bei Luo, and he also masters various special abilities of Nightmare. It is not without problems that he is now the strongest person in Tianlu City, that is, he is still not as good as Bei Luo in terms of swordsmanship.

He planned to go back to Douluo Continent in the past few days and bring over his grandfather Bei Han, Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong, Ling Yuan, Shui Qingwu and others. Along the way, there was also Zhao Wuji. My opponent is bored.

Now he has absolute confidence to protect everyone in the turbulence of time and space.

In order to arouse Bei Luo's fighting spirit, under Bei Xuan's description, he described Zhao Wuji as comparable to the ancestral demon, known as the Immovable King, with invincible defense. When the time comes, Bei Luo, who does not know the truth, will definitely take action with all his strength.

It was a small trick on Zhao Wuji. Whether he could survive or not depended on his luck.

In fact, he had wanted to go back for a long time, but ten months ago, Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu became pregnant one after another.

At that time, Beixuan's bloodline had recovered to more than 90%, so he no longer had any worries. There was no contraceptive measure. However, he did not expect that these two girls were both prone to pregnancy and soon became pregnant.

Although Beixuan's bloodline is that of the evil-warming king, his body structure is more human-like, so the pregnancy cycle of the two girls is the same as that of humans, which is about ten months.

He was very lucky. Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu gave him a son and a daughter respectively. They both had children. Beixuan was overjoyed. He couldn't wait to bring Bei Han over to meet his great-grandson.

Bei Luo also looked forward to seeing Bei Han and personally expressed his sincere gratitude to the old man who raised his son.

Bei Xuan took Huo Wu and Bing'er with him and stepped into the turbulence of space again.

In fact, there are many Douluo planes. As long as there is a slight deviation, parallel planes will be formed. It is said that once it is born, it will be familiar twice. Now he is very familiar with the road back to his Douluo continent.

Unexpectedly, in the turbulent flow of time and space, there seemed to be more than just the three of them today.

"Brother Jian, why are there so many Douluo Continent planes?" came a familiar female voice.

The man she called Brother Jian replied, "Those are parallel planes. Although they are very similar, different stories will happen in different Douluo Continents. Rongrong, don't worry about those planes. We just need to return to our own place." It would be nice to meet at home, my father-in-law must miss us very much."

"Yeah, I miss dad too."

"Tianlin, Rongrong, there is someone in front of you!" It was another familiar female voice, with surprise in her voice.

Neither party expected to see other people in the turbulent flow of time and space.

Shui Bing'er looked at the two "familiar" women in front of her strangely, "Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue?"

These two people were Ning Rongrong and Qian Renxue, but they were completely different from what she remembered. Ning Rongrong's ice power was just as powerful as hers, and Qian Renxue was even stronger than her with twelve wings. Holy angel.

"Shui Bing'er, Huo Wu?" Opposite Ning Rongrong also knew Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu. Of course, they were completely different from what she remembered. Then she suddenly realized, "Oh, I understand, you are what Brother Jian said. , Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu came out of the parallel plane, I really didn't expect that you guys in the parallel world are so powerful. Not only have you become gods, you can also step into the turbulence of time and space and travel between different planes."

The four girls knew each other, but Beixuan and Tianlin looked at each other in confusion.

These two people were both reborn, and their faces were different from their previous lives. They were unrecognizable for a while, but the feeling they gave each other was very familiar.

"Are you, Xiaotian?" Beixuan asked tentatively.

"That you are, Xiaoxuan?" Tianlin also guessed.

It was a coincidence that although their names were different from their previous lives, they also happened to have the characters Tian and Xuan, so their nicknames remained the same.

Both parties fully confirmed each other's identities.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Bei Xuan rushed towards Tian Lin, holding Tai Sui in his hand. Bei Luo handed the sword to Bei Xuan for self-defense.

"I'm going!" Tianlin reached out and made a move, and the sword of gods and demons in the fairy sword world appeared in his hand, blocking Beixuan's full sword. "Xiao Xuan, what are you doing? We are brothers. We haven't seen each other for many years. As soon as you come, What do you mean by cutting me with a sword, or Tai Sui, it seems that you have obtained the power of the ancient sword world."

Beixuan said angrily, "You still have the nerve to say that when I went to your house, I wanted to try out your new computer, but I was killed before I even knocked on the door. I must avenge this murder. You have the It’s the sword of gods and demons, it seems like you have received the inheritance from the world of fairy swords. I want to see which of these two swords is stronger, the fairy sword or the ancient sword.”

In the turbulence of time and space, two masters of swordsmanship started a battle of sword energy.

Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Shui Bing'er, and Huo Wu were all shocked. They didn't expect that with their husband's current skills, he could actually be on par with them.

The two sides fought fiercely for several hours, and no one could do anything to the other. Tianlin said, "Okay, okay, Xiaoxuan, I apologize to you, please don't be angry, okay."

"Hmph, you are still the same virtuous and good person as before." Tianlin apologized, and Beixuan immediately stopped. In fact, he didn't really hate Tianlin, he just felt itchy when he saw his old friend. In my excitement, I thought of saying hello with the sword in my hand.

Tianlin smiled and said, "Xiao Xuan, I'm really happy to see you again, but I didn't expect that when Chonglou blew up my computer, it not only bombed me, but also bombed you. Fortunately, it was just us and it didn't affect you." to more innocent people." Bei Xuan smiled teasingly, "That's not necessarily the case."

Tianlin was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"You are at home, so you don't know very well, but I was killed outside. I remember that the explosion was very powerful, and the entire floor was affected. And I remember that your house seemed to have two rooms on one floor. , By the way, what’s the name of the guy who lives opposite your house? I guess he won’t survive either.”

"Xiao Tuo!" Tianlin was shocked. Bei Xuan didn't know his neighbor. How could he not know? According to Bei Xuan's wishes, Xiao Tuo, who was opposite him, would probably die.

"Could it be that Xiao Tuo was also killed by me? No, since Xiao Xuan you can get the inheritance and be resurrected, maybe Xiao Tuo will be the same. The space passage cut by the heavy building may have sucked all three of us in, but I don't know. Where will he be? No, I have to find him." Tianlin spread his spiritual thoughts to all major worlds.

Theoretically, the three of them died together, so the places where their souls drifted would not be too far apart.

His own fairy sword world is not there, nor is Beixuan's ancient sword world. The one next to the fairy sword and ancient sword is most likely that world.

Tianlin searched for the Holy Spirit Bead for several hours, then suddenly opened his eyes, "Found it!"

The place he was looking for was reflected in the Holy Spirit Bead.

When Beixuan heard this, he looked into the Holy Spirit Pearl and saw a weak remnant soul, which was being fused with an ancient golden sword. In the hand of a one-armed man, it slashed towards the sky, leaving a huge blood mark.

"That blood mark couldn't be a mark from the sky, right?" Beixuan guessed.

"Xiao Tuo is in danger, come with me to save him." Tianlin left the Holy Spirit Bead to protect the four girls in the turbulence of time and space, then pulled Beixuan and flew to that world.

Beixuan was stunned. What does this have to do with him? If you, a good old man, make a mistake, you can go alone. He still has to pick up relatives and friends.

"Forget it, forget it, there's nothing we can do against you." Beixuan shook his head and let Tianlin pull him to fly to that world.

The four women looked at each other. This was the first time they saw their husbands like this.

Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, was used to Tian Lin's kind-heartedness, but Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu didn't expect to see such a passive side of Beixuan. He was really used to his good friend.

After about half a day.

Beixuan and Tianlin came back, but Tianlin's face was not good-looking. He was always a step too late. Xiaotuo was already dead, and his remaining soul was also very weak.

Although he saved the remaining soul of his life, he could not revive him. His current soul was very special, so special that even the Holy Spirit Pearl could not solve it.

The only way is to be reincarnated.

"Okay, everyone has his own destiny, so don't blame yourself. Just let him be reincarnated on the Douluo Continent like you, just in time to deal with that little brat." Beixuan said with a smile.

Tianlin nodded, "That's the only way it can be. I will transfer all the remaining power of luck in my body to Xiaotuo, hoping it will be helpful to him in the future. Xiaoxuan, can you give him yours too?" Anyway, you have already mastered your skills and don’t need that kind of thing anymore.”

"Whatever, I don't have much left, so I can't help much." Beixuan no longer cares about the little bit of luck he has in Douluo Continent.

After the two of them all transferred Xiaotuo's remnant soul, they sent his soul towards a Douluo Continent plane that had no other travelers except Tang San.

But Bei Xuan suddenly thought of something, smiled evilly, deflected his divine power, and forcibly changed the original trajectory of Tianlin. Although it was still the Douluo Continent, it was not their timeline, but the ten thousand where Tang San became a god. years later.

"Xiao Xuan, what are you doing?" Tianlin asked in shock.

"Little God, you should know what the thing that is fused with Xiaotuo's soul is, right? The power of that thing is probably even greater than that of my Tai Sui or even your Divine Demon Sword. Use this thing to deal with the young Yakuza. Isn’t it too boring? Xiaotuo’s potential will not be lost to ours, let’s let the even more annoying Twin God King Yasan have a taste of the power of the Sword of the Holy Path." Beixuan said with a smile.

Tianlin sighed, "Oh, you, you are always so sinister. The one I originally gave Xiaotuo was on a heavenly level."

"Haha, the most I can do is upgrade it from Heaven difficulty to Normal difficulty. To that thing, what do Shura God and Poseidon mean? Don't worry, with our power covering his destiny, he won't be affected at first. What Yakuza discovered, at least there will be no problem growing up stably." Beixuan waved his hand.

"I'm leaving first, Xiaotian. See you again when you have a chance. I hope that when we meet next time, I can see that guy and break through the plane barrier to reunite with us. I'm looking forward to fighting with that sword. "

The Bei There is only so much that can be done, good luck to you and I look forward to seeing you again.”

After that, he took Ning Rongrong and Qian Renxue away.

The remnant soul, protected by the power of the two divine emperors, flew into a small village in Douluo Continent, and then entered an embryo that had just become pregnant and had not yet given birth to a soul.

Ten months later, with a burst of baby crying, a new life was born.

It also indicates that a new story is about to begin!

 This book is also finished, thank you all for reading.

  I wish everyone a happy new year and all the best.

  It will take a while for the new book to arrive. Firstly, I want to re-read the original novel several times, as more settings in Juetang are different from the previous generation. Secondly, it’s the Chinese New Year, and thirdly, I’m a little tired from writing three books in a row, so I need some time to rest and think.

  Thanks again everyone!



(End of this chapter)

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