Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 55 Plan to Execute the Booby Killing of Hu Yanli

Chapter 55 Plan to Execute the Booby Killing of Hu Yanli

Another school year is over. At this time of year, the college will become very deserted. During the holidays, everyone will go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers.

The same goes for Beixuan and Ma Hongjun, they would go back to Yehuo Village every year at this time.

Of course, Beixuan met his grandfather. Although Ma Hongjun was an orphan, he grew up eating a lot of food. All the people in the village who helped him were his elders.

Beixuan taught him not to forget his roots in life, so he would go door-to-door to greet each Chinese New Year every year.

The present two people are Yehuo Village's greatest pride, because both of them have become great soul masters. Ma Hongjun is now at level 22, and he is only nine years old, so he must be stronger than the same age group in the original book.

After all, his evil fire has been dispelled, and he doesn't need to go to any collusion like in the original book, so he can concentrate on cultivation.

In addition, the resources he enjoys are also different. What Flender can bring him is at most a slightly higher-level meditation method than the common ones, but his meditation method can be compared with the past Contra-level principals of Blazing Academy. Generational improvement, is it specifically suitable for the comparison of fire attribute soul masters?
For the rest, Shrek Academy does not have soul beast meat to speed up body development, medicinal baths to make the body tougher, and mimic training grounds to speed up soul power cultivation.

With so many resources and Habayashi's constant supervision, if Ma Hongjun still achieves the same results as the original book, then he will be beaten every day.

Beixuan is now even as high as level 29, close to the level of a soul master. Before the age of ten, he should be able to complete the breakthrough, two years earlier than Tang San, which is not bad.

Moreover, in the past two years, Beixuan has thoroughly studied the Poison Sutra of the Tang Sect in the Ancient Sword World and the Immortal Grass Records of Yulin. Now that he has the confidence to detoxify Dugu Bo, it is time to make an idea of ​​those immortal grasses. up.

But before that, he had one more thing to do.

"Xiao Xuan, I just came back from Xiang Jia Academy. I think that guy Hu Yanli already hates you so much. As long as you give him a chance, he will most likely do something to you." Yu Lin suddenly appeared in Bei. Xuan said behind him, "The most important thing is that Hu Yanzhen is not here during this period."

In the past few years, every once in a while, Yu Lin would go to observe Hu Yanli's movements. In the first year of humiliation, Hu Yanli only hated Beixuan, but did not intend to kill him.

The humiliation continued in the second year, and Hu Yanli, who was already violent, had murderous intentions, but due to Yulin's existence, he forcibly suppressed his killing intentions.

But there are only three things. The three times of humiliation this year have completely broken Hu Yanli's sanity. Just now Yubayashi saw that Hu Yanli went to an elder of their family and asked if there was any way. It solved Beixuan.

Of course there is no good way, the elder said, unless one day Habayashi and Beixuan are separated, and he is alone, there will be a chance to do it.

"It's only been three years and I can't bear it anymore. I thought it would take at least another two years." Beixuan laughed.

"That's also because, in front of outsiders, I didn't show kindness to you. The Elephant Armor Sect probably thought that as long as you die without anyone noticing, I might not go all over the world for you." Find the murderer." Habayashi said.

"Huyanzhen's absence is his best chance, otherwise he will not allow Huyanli to make such a reckless move. Although the Elephant Armored Sect is brave and foolish, that guy is the suzerain after all. Since Huyanli wants you to be alone If there is a chance, then we will give him this chance.”

"Tomorrow, I will take Hongjun back to Yehuo Village first. You cannot go on the road because you are not feeling well, so you have to stay for three more days. After you recover completely, you can go home by yourself."

Beixuan nodded and fell directly on the bed, "That's it, Habayashi, I have a fever, you guys go first, I'm very uncomfortable now."

He is a fire attribute, and it is as simple as making his body look like he has a fever.

"Hey, this acting is really lame. That's it. How can I lie to girls in the future." Yulin shook his head and walked out. Before going out, he suddenly turned around and said with a mysterious and sinister smile, "By the way, Xiaoxuan, I hope you won't regret it for pretending to be sick!"

They want to give Hu Yanli a chance to assassinate Beixuan. As for whether Hu Yanli will come in person, or just send an elder of the family, it doesn't matter, it is of course best to come in person, kill him on the spot and get the soul bone.

If you don't come in person, it doesn't matter if you just send an elder of the family. Then Yu Lin only needs to assassinate Hu Yanli after finishing the elder, and then throw the elder's head in front of the Elephant Armor Sect. It expresses a meaning.

Your Elephant Armor sect sent people to assassinate my nephew first, so I will also assassinate your grandson once, fair and just, even if you want to make trouble, I am not afraid of you, a mere sect without a title of Douluo, plus I take advantage of it , don't pay attention to it at all.

Naturally, Hu Yanzhen could only remain speechless.

The next day, Yubayashi took Ma Hongjun out of the school in a swaggering manner, and handed over the "seriously ill" Beixuan to the Huo Wushuang siblings to take care of.

"Your Majesty, this is the time when Xiaoxuan needs to be taken care of the most. If you leave like this, will you..." Huo Wu hesitated to speak to Yu Lin, she really wanted to question Yu Lin, But her status is too far behind the Title Douluo, she doesn't have that qualification at all.

But she just feels wronged for Beixuan, why, they are all nephews, this uncle doesn't even care about his nephew's illness.

"Don't worry, it's just a minor illness. With that kid's physique, he won't die." Habayashi waved his hand and said ruthlessly.

On the contrary, it was Ma Hongjun, with a worried expression on his face, "Uncle Yubayashi, why don't we stay, Brother Xuan is sick, I want to stay and take care of him."

"The vacation is only so long, I left him to take care of him, whoever returns home to report the safety of your family over there in the village, let's go, when he recovers, he will come back naturally." After finishing speaking, Yulin ignored Ma Hongjun's objection , holding his collar, rose directly with the sword, and disappeared into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Huo Wu's heart became angry, and she stomped her feet, "Hmph, forget it, my junior, you don't feel hurt as an uncle, but I do as a senior sister."

At the same time, due to Habayashi's high profile, the Elephant Armor Academy also got news.

Hu Yanli was overjoyed, "Haha, God helped me, Zha Xuan, His Majesty the Meteor Demon really doesn't care about you in his heart, you deserve to die for nine days. After all, you have such a long way home. When you return alone, you meet someone on the way. Evil soul master, it can only be said that he is unlucky."

He really fell into Beixuan's plan, but it's a pity that man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. At this time, Beixuan didn't know that another force was about to intervene in it.

"That's how things are, Your Majesty Lingyuan." Lordiala stood in front of Lingyuan, reporting the latest news about Habayashi.

Lingyuan asked him to always pay attention to the situation at Yulin. How dare he neglect the order from Elder Titled Douluo.

"Hehe, did you get a new nickname, Zha Xuan? As expected of his nephew, the world is as black as crows."

"However, Zhaxuan is sick? Yulin has left. It's interesting. She is seducing someone." Lingyuan smiled slightly. She was not deceived by Yulin like other forces, and she knew the importance of Beixuan to Yulin. She knew very well that if Beixuan fell ill, Habayashi must be in a hurry more than anyone else, how could she just leave like this.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

(End of this chapter)

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