Chapter 56

After listening to Lordiala's report, Lingyuan Douluo felt preoccupied, so she left the house and came to Ju Douluo's yard.

The place where Chrysanthemum Douluo lives can be said to be full of flowers, far more beautiful than her own, and full of all kinds of flower fragrances.

At this time, Chrysanthemum Douluo was admiring the flowers with Ghost Douluo.

As soon as Lingyuan Douluo came in, he heard them talking.

"Old ghost, look, this is the latest zinnia I planted. This kind of flower blooms for a very long time, so its flower language is long-lasting, just like our friendship, which will last forever." Ju Dou Luo said softly.

Then Ghost Douluo's hoarse voice sounded. "I like this kind of flower very much, but I think the most beautiful one is your Chilling Babel Chrysanthemum."

"Old ghost!" Hearing this, Ju Douluo looked at the ghost with affection.

"Ahem, that, I'm sorry, Xiaoguanguan, old ghost, to disturb you viewing the flowers." Lingyuan coughed, which attracted the attention of the two, and the ghost immediately turned into a ghost and disappeared.

He didn't leave, but except for Yueguan, he didn't like to contact other people very much, especially Yulin, when this scumbag and Yueguan called brothers and sisters, it was the most uncomfortable time for him.

As for Lingyuan, it doesn't matter. She is Yueguan's best friend. When she came to find Yueguan, the ghosts didn't reject Yu Lin as much.

"Sister Lingyuan, what is there to come to see me today?" Yueguan asked.

"Xiaoguanguan, my sister has one thing. I want to ask you to help me. A scumbag owes me something. I have to go and get back some interest first." Lingyuan's eyes showed resentment, and she was holding back for Yulin. Many years of anger.

Yueguan narrowed his eyes, although he didn't know what Lingyuan was going to do, but he always felt that it might be very interesting.


"Come on, Xiaoxuan, ah!" On the other side, in the dormitory room, Huo Wu used her Hokage Martial Soul to boil a large pot of medicine, and kept pouring it into Beixuan's mouth.

Her fire is very strong, but the fire is not well controlled, Beixuan feels that the medicine has been burned dry, and the pain is unusual.

In Huo Wu's words, this is a bitter medicine.

Beixuan really wanted to complain, the bitterness of a good medicine refers to the medicine itself, and yours is simply the smell of burnt things.

Fortunately, he wasn't really sick, otherwise, if he drank this medicine, he might never get better in his life.

"The ice pack is ready, lie down, and I'll apply it to you." Shui Bing'er walked in with a bag of ice. The ice pack made of her own ice can be used for a long time and does not need to be replaced back and forth.

The homes of these two girls are in Zhihuo and Tianshui College, and they don't need to go to other places during the Chinese New Year, so they both stay in the college and take care of the "fever" Beixuan.

At this moment, Beixuan was in distress, but now he understood the meaning of Yubayashi's sinister smile at that time.

In the revised version of the Eighteen Styles of Flirting Girls He wrote, there is a note that when the number of girls who have flirted with is greater than or equal to two, you can't get sick or have a birthday at will. For example, Yu Lincheng does not bully him now.

"Bing'er, put the ice pack away, you can go back to rest first, and leave the rest to me. After all, Xiaoxuan is from my Blazing Academy, and I will take good care of him." Huo Wu smiled without laughing. Speak out to drive people away.

Shui Bing'er was expressionless, as if she couldn't understand her words, she replied, "Xiaoxuan is kind to me, he is sick, I have to take care of him."

"You..." Huo Wu is the most indifferent to people like Shui Binger, from her expression that is always as calm as water, it is never possible to tell what she is thinking.

Outside the door, hearing the quarrel between the two girls, Huo Wushuang smiled helplessly, "As expected of Zha Xuan, I only picked the wrong name, not the wrong nickname."

Three days finally passed, and it was time for the appointment with Yubayashi. At this time, Yubayashi must have sent Ma Hongjun back to the village, rushed back to the academy, and hid in the dark.

It was time for him to leave the academy alone, too, and lure people out.

So, after three days of suffering, Beixuan "recovered" very punctually, and was going to go home directly.

"Xiaoxuan, you just recovered from a serious illness, you should rest for a few more days!" Huo Wu was still a little worried, if her grandfather didn't allow her, she would have personally sent Beixuan home.

There is no way, although Beixuan's name of Zhaxuan was wronged, it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Huo Ran was worried that if her granddaughter went home with Beixuan, she would be cheated every minute and there would be nothing left.

It's the same with Shui Qingwu, she must not lure wolves into the house, after all, besides Shui Bing'er, there is another more troublesome nympho in her family, and if that child meets someone who is a little more handsome, hooking her up would probably be enough was sold.

"It's okay, I'm a soul master, my physique is different from that of ordinary people, so it's completely fine." Beixuan laughed.

Saying goodbye to Shui Binger and the Huo family brothers and sisters, he embarked on a journey home alone.

After marching for about half a day, Beixuan was already far away from the city. He looked up and looked around, and he had already walked into the depths of the jungle.

Thousands of mountains and birds fly away here, and thousands of paths and people disappear.

What a great place to ambush!
Moreover, the visitor didn't even seem to hide his murderous intent, Bei Xuan already felt a murderous intent that made his whole body tremble.

That's not something that ordinary people can say, at least they are strong people above the Soul Emperor level.

"Come out, since you want to kill me, why sneak around." Beixuan called into the woods.

"Hehe, Zhaxuan, it seems that you are mentally prepared to die." Two mountains of meat fell from the sky, one of which was Hu Yanli, and the other, not Hu Yanzhen, should be an elder in his family.

"Hu Yanli, you have such a small mind. Didn't you just kick you like a meat ball three times in a row in the college competition, and even sent someone to intercept and kill me here? Such a small stomach, but you can't be a title fighter Oh shit!" Bei Xuan shook his head and said.

"Hmph, scumbag, do you think the enmity between me and you is that simple? You obviously have Huowu, and you still go to seduce my favorite Shui Binger. Grandpa is planning to propose marriage to Dean Shui, for my future, I will never let you live today." Hu Yanli said angrily,

"Wait, if you want to kill, kill it. Giving me a scumbag name is too uneasy and kind. We are acquainted with each other. If you talk nonsense, I will sue you for slander. I, Beixuan, will be dead. You must also leave your innocence in the world." Beixuan immediately retorted.

Now he has to stall for time, because he found that his plan seemed to have gone wrong, Hu Yanli and his family elders both appeared, but what about Yubayashi?Where did this thing go?Could it be that I accidentally lost my way somewhere?

Of course, Habayashi would not make such low-level mistakes. In fact, his current problem is bigger than that of Beixuan, because there are three people on the opposite side of him.

(End of this chapter)

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