Chapter 57
"Lingyuan, Juhuaguan, old ghost, why are you here?" Yu Lin looked at the three people in front of him, feeling a flash of uneasiness in his heart, they wouldn't pick this time to make trouble.

Yue Guan trimmed his nails boredly and said, "I don't know either. It was Miss Ling Yuan who asked me to come here to help. I didn't expect that she actually came to see you. Yu Lin, we are just friends, so you should go with me." Let’s go back, Miss Lingyuan is so worried.”

"Xiaoguanguan, shut up!" Lingyuan yelled angrily, "Who cares about this person, I just came to settle accounts with him."

"Habayashi, you owe me something. I'm going to ask for some interest today. I think you and that kid over there must have some plans, but if I block you here, you guess the kid you value will What kind of result will be ushered in?"

Lingyuan looked at Yulin with resentment in his eyes, and Yulin could feel that she was not joking, she must have sensed his and Beixuan's plan and came here to make trouble.

"Lingyuan, if you think I owe it to you, find a time and I'll do whatever you want, but now, please get out of the way." Yulin said angrily. For him, Beixuan is more important than anything else. Lord Shang and Qi Chou entrusted their child to him, and even if he died, Beixuan would not be able to cause any problems.

"Hehe, it's so rare that you are in such a hurry!" Lingyuan looked at Yulin playfully. It was the first time she saw Yulin in such a desperate state, which made her very happy. When Yulin abandoned her, she It was also like this, she just wanted Habayashi to experience this feeling.

Yulin directly summoned the God of Meteor Demon Iron, "Since you don't let me, don't blame me for being rude."

He can see that these three guys are here to target him, so he doesn't need to be polite. The evil spirits have always been afraid of fighting, even if they fight three times, he won't care. With outnumbered enemies, Habayashi has long got used to.

Spinning and swinging the Meteor God Iron, the incomparably tyrannical sword energy flew out from all directions.

Seeing this, Chrysanthemum Douluo summoned the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum. The big chrysanthemum bloomed and turned into a big shield to block the sword energy, but most of the petals of the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum were cut off.

"What a tyrannical attack, isn't Yubayashi just kidding, sister Lingyuan, are we really going to fight Yulin?" Ju Douluo looked at Lingyuan hesitantly. He and Yulin were friends. After saving him, he didn't want to turn against Yulin because of a trivial matter.

"Now it's not whether we want to fight him or not, but that he doesn't show mercy at all." Ghost's deep voice sounded, "Juhuaguan, don't be careless, first join hands to subdue him, remember to be merciful and don't hurt him."

Although Guigui is very unhappy with the fact that Yulin and Yueguan have a good relationship, it doesn't mean that he has forgotten the old friendship. He acted decisively, his body turned into a ghost, and walked towards Yulin.

This is obviously a restricted skill, it only suppresses the enemy and does not hurt anyone.

"The third soul skill, Heavy Blade Judgment!"

Yubayashi held the epee tightly to gather the strength of his whole body, and after the power was fully charged, he jumped up and unleashed a powerful slash to the black air in front of him.

The sword energy and the ghost energy collided with each other, and the ghost energy was instantly knocked back. The attack power displayed by Habayashi completely surpassed Ghost Douluo who was not at full strength. Seeing this, Yueguan and Lingyuan also joined the battlefield one after another.

Compared to Habayashi who was attacking crazily, the three of them had room to shoot, obviously just trying to restrain him.

On the other hand, Beixuan was even more unlucky. Although Huyanli was fooled and scolded by him for a while because of his stupidity, the family elders he brought with him were experienced after all, and he soon realized that this The kid is stalling for time.

Immediately interrupted the meaningless quarrel between the two, in order to prevent Ye Changmeng from having more dreams, he directly activated the Martial Soul, intending to get rid of Beixuan as soon as possible.

Two yellows, two purples and three blacks, the best configuration, this person turned out to be a seven-ring soul saint, and his martial soul was also a diamond mammoth.

"Little ghost, I am Hu Yanzhan, the elder of the Elephant Armor Sect. I advise you not to resist, and you can die quickly." Hu Yanzhan said.

"Hey, these guys who are getting older and more monsters are really not so easy to deceive, but you want me to catch them without a fight, just dream, the first soul skill, phantom fog!" Out of phantom fog.

When the fog filled the air, he quickly jumped into the jungle and escaped.

He wasn't stupid enough to start a head-on confrontation with Soul Sage.

The current situation is completely different from Tang San fighting Zao Wou-Ki in the original book. Zao Wou-Ki's fight against Tang San is just an entrance test, and it is estimated that even [-]% of his strength will not be used.

But the guy on the other side wanted to put himself to death.

"Hmph, ignorant brat, do you think that with your little first soul skill, you can limit my majestic soul sage?" The old guy's martial soul suddenly became bigger, even surpassing the range covered by the fog .

The diamond mammoth has been cultivated to the soul sage realm, and after opening it, it can become so huge.

The mammoth let out a roar, and rushed towards the direction Beixuan was fleeing from.

The surrounding trees were all ignored by him. Under the impact of the diamond mammoth, the dense jungle terrain was useless. Beixuan looked at the mammoth chasing after him. .

Diamond Mammoth is indeed not good at speed, but this is also in relative terms. With the gap of five soul rings, even a master soul master of the agility department can't compare with a soul saint of the defense department.

"Second soul skill, Shadow Demon Soldier!" Beixuan flipped his palm, and his soul power turned into a flying god claw similar to Tang San's, hooking the trees in front of him, using his strength to increase his speed for a while.

Seeing Beixuan fleeing in embarrassment, Huyanli standing on Huyanzhan Wuhun's back was very proud, "Haha, Zhaxuan, this is what will happen if you offend me, today you are doomed."

"Let's talk if we can catch the young master." Beixuan stepped on the moon shadow footwork, and just before he was about to be overtaken, he hooked the big tree on the right with his hook claws, and suddenly changed direction.

The diamond mammoth just rushed past him.

"Hehe, that's true." Beixuan has already seen the weakness of this diamond mammoth. Although this guy is very capable of rampage, but with such a huge body, he can only charge straight forward. Once there is a change of direction, he will There is such a situation that it is too late to turn.

After discovering this weakness, Beixuan's dodging became more calm. This elder of the Elephant Armor Sect probably didn't have locking soul skills. After that, he used weird steps and added The Flying God Claw flashed easily.

The dignified soul sage was actually teased to such an extent by a great soul master.

"Troublesome brat!" Hu Yanzhan roared angrily, and the sixth soul ring flickered, "The sixth soul skill, maddening!"

To deal with a great soul master, the dignified soul sage used the sixth soul skill, which shows how far this person has been affected by Bei Xuanqi.

At this time, no one noticed that a golden light was shining faintly behind Beixuan's clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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