Chapter 58
Hu Yanzhan's elephant trunk turned towards the sky, and the terrifying whirlwind centered on him and spread in all directions.

It is true that Huyanzhan does not have a soul ability to lock, but he has a large range of attacks. Originally, he did not want to use the sixth soul ability to deal with a great soul master. It would make him very embarrassed, but judging from the current situation, it is simply not necessary.

Beixuan's footwork is fast and weird, and the Flying Claw further speeds up. In addition, his ability to adapt to the situation is also very good, making full use of the terrain, Hu Yanzhan can't help him in a short time.

If Beixuan ran away, it would not be as simple as being ashamed. Once Beixuan went back and told Yubayashi what happened today, even if Yubayashi didn't love him very much, he would not expose the matter easily. Doomed to suffer.

No matter how fast Beixuan, who was only in his 20s, was faster than the wind, his body was soon engulfed by the violent wind.

The powerful wind caused severe pain all over his body, his clothes were torn, and there were countless scars on his body from the wind blades.

Beixuan had already suffered internal injuries, so he hurriedly operated the Sun Moon Golden Body to prevent himself from being torn to pieces by the strong wind.

"What a scary little ghost, even my sixth soul ability can't kill you quickly, but you can't move now, right? The second soul ability, mammoth power!" Hu Yanzhan jumped and punched He called from Beixuan in the air.

If this punch hit directly, Beixuan would not die or be disabled.

But at this moment, Beixuan had no way to deal with it.

"Don't be afraid, use the Subduing Demon Palm and give him a palm!" At this moment, a voice came into Beixuan's ears, but Beixuan couldn't tell where it came from.

The voice seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember it.

This voice was full of security, at the moment of death, Beixuan chose to believe him.

So, he used all his soul power, punched out Hu Yanzhan's heavy punch with a madman style.

Hu Yanzhan smiled disdainfully, a great soul master dared to face him, a soul sage, he was looking for death.

"Haha, lifeless thing, this way, Bing'er will be mine from now on." Hu Yanli below was very proud, and waited for Zha Xuan to die to see who would dare to compete with him for Shui Bing'er in the future.


In the sky, there was a huge vibration, and the air seemed to burst.

A figure flew out quickly, unexpectedly, it was not Beixuan, but Huyanzhan.

Hu Yanzhan broke dozens of trees in a row before he stabilized his figure. At this moment, his internal organs were in severe pain, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"How is it possible." Hu Yanli was shocked, and hurried to Hu Yanzhan to help him up, "Elder, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I suffered some internal injuries, so I won't die, but what's the matter with the palm strength just now, it's comparable to Titled Douluo, could it be that Meteor Demon Douluo left something behind on this kid?" Huyan was furious road.

Beixuan landed smoothly, and also looked at his hands in disbelief. It must have been not his own strength just now, and someone was helping him.

"Hurry up, the opponent still has the strength to fight, you are not his opponent, run away now!" The voice sounded again, waking up Beixuan who was still in a daze.

Beixuan didn't hesitate, and quickly ran back.

"No, I must not let this kid run away, hurry up and chase after him." Hu Yanzhan was in a hurry, if the power of Beixuan just now was really the backhand left by Meteor Demon Douluo, then it means that Habayashi is not real Don't hurt this nephew.

In this case, if Beixuan fled to Habayashi's side, it would be a catastrophe for the Elephant Armored Sect to meet next.

They Elephant Armored Sect are unable to resist the wrath of Titled Douluo.

"Yes, elder!" Hu Yanli replied, but at this moment he already regretted it a bit, if he had known that Beixuan was so difficult to deal with, he shouldn't have been so impulsive.

Now it's hard to get off a tiger, for the Elephant Armor Sect, Beixuan must die.

In the woods, a new chase started again.

At this moment, the four titled Douluo who were fighting in the distance also sensed the loud noise from the forest, which was exactly the palm that Beixuan and Hu Yanzhan faced each other just now.

"How can there be a power close to the level of Title Douluo? Could it be that Hu Yanzhen personally killed Xiaoxuan in the Elephant Armored Sect?" Yulin panicked. If Huyanzhen came, Beixuan might not be able to last even ten seconds. live.

"Lingyuan, Juhuaguan, old ghost, if you don't move away today, don't blame me for being rude." An angry Habayashi raised his soul power to the maximum, and at the same time, the ninth soul ring flickered.

"No, it's the ninth soul skill, Yubayashi, don't be impulsive!" Yueguan was shocked, he still didn't know what happened, didn't he just agree to Lingyuan's request, and came to stop Yulin for a while Well, I didn't want to hurt him, why did I force him to desperately?
Habayashi's sword wasn't a joke, once it was struck down, even the three Titled Douluo would inevitably suffer serious injuries.

"It's useless to persuade, Juhuaguan, fusion!" Guimei made a decisive decision, and took out his trump card with Yueguan, the martial soul fusion skill.

"Okay!" Yueguan didn't hesitate, and stood beside Guimei.

Four yellows, four purples and ten blacks, eighteen soul rings merged into one, turning into a huge domain, covering Habayashi.

Yubayashi's rising soul power was instantly restricted, and his body was also completely immobile.

This is the unique skill of Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo pressing the bottom of the box, the two extreme forbidden areas.

"Habayashi, calm down, we didn't want to hurt you!" Yueguan said, after all, he was with Yubayashi's friend, and Yubayashi was kind to him, so how could he really kill him.

"Yueguan, old ghost, let me go, or we will end our friendship." Yulin roared, looking at Lingyuan with blood-red eyes, "And you, if there is anything wrong with Xiaoxuan, after today, you and I will not die endlessly!"

Yulin's resolute words made Lingyuan's heart tremble. For the first time, she saw hatred in Yulin's eyes.

Lingyuan knows that Yulin can only be considered a half-good person, he punishes rape and eliminates evil, and saves countless lives, but he is not a pure virgin, and he will not hate his lover for the sake of those strangers.

Even when Habayashi left her because of her indiscriminate killing of innocent people, all she felt was Habayashi's disappointment with her, but she never felt any hatred, even Lingyuan knew that Habayashi still loved her. She, and therefore she has only resentment towards Habayashi, never had any hatred.

But today, for the first time, she saw hatred, even killing intent, in Habayashi's eyes.

"Why, why do you look at me with such eyes?" Lingyuan said unwillingly, "It is you who abandoned me and betrayed me, and I want to take revenge on you. Why do you hate me?"

"Lingyuan, you are right, I betray you, but I beg you, don't stop me, let me save Xiaoxuan, after today, whether you want to kill or cut, I will let you handle it." Yu Lin begged.

Seeing this kind of Yulin, Lingyuan felt a pain in her heart. In her memory, Yulin was always so proud. This was the first time she saw Yulin begging for help in such a humble manner, but it was for a child.

"Xiaoguanguan, please leave here, I have something to leave." Lingyuan suddenly wanted to meet that child.

Before that, she didn't know that Yubayashi attached so much importance to Beixuan. After all, they had only known each other for a long time. She thought that they would destroy their plan. Beixuan's death also made Yulin feel heartache.

It can be seen that now, because of Beixuan's hatred for him, Yu Lin even let go of his own dignity for Beixuan. When begging to himself, Lingyuan knew that he had gone too far.

She resented Yulin, but the source of this resentment was because of her love for Yulin. No matter what, she couldn't accept that Yulin hated her.

Now she only hopes that Beixuan is not dead, as long as he is not dead, then everything can be redeemed.

(End of this chapter)

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