Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 59 Lingyuan saves Habayashi's strongest unique skill

Chapter 59 Lingyuan saves Habayashi's strongest unique skill


In the woods, Beixuan was still running for his life, but after running away for so long, his physical strength and soul power had gradually bottomed out. In addition, he suffered serious internal injuries. In terms of endurance, he still could not be compared with the soul sage.

Seeing that Beixuan's speed gradually slowed down, Hu Yanzhan smiled triumphantly, "Hehe, kid, it's finally over. You are proud enough to let me, a soul sage, spend so much time killing you."

"But the cat-and-mouse game should come to an end here, the third soul skill, crush!"

Hu Yanzhan raised his elephant's leg and pressed down on Beixuan who was in front of him.

The sky above Beixuan was covered, but he still ran firmly. Although he guessed that everything was over now, he would never close his eyes and wait for death no matter what.

If he tried his best to escape death, it could only show that he was destined to be like this, so there was no need to blame others.

At this moment, the light on his back completely shone, as if some power was about to burst out of his body.

However, at this moment, a blaze descended from the sky, separating Beixuan and Huyan Zhan.

The two were sent flying by this powerful force at the same time. Beixuan struggled to get up from the ground and looked towards the sky. A woman with a beautiful face was standing in the sky wrapped in flames. What was even more frightening was that her body was surrounded by two Yellow two purple five black nine soul rings.

With the appearance of this woman, the light flickering on Beixuan's back dimmed again. It seemed that there was no need for that force to act, because someone else came to rescue Beixuan.

"Ling... Your Majesty Lingyuan!" On the other side, Hu Yanzhan, who also got up, was shocked. As an elder of the Elephant Armor Sect who had long been attached to the Wuhun Palace, how could he not recognize one of the nine elders of the Wuhun Palace? What about Lingyuan?

"Your Majesty, why did you come here? I'm dealing with an ignorant child who offended my Elephant Armored Sect. I didn't know that Your Majesty was coming. If I missed you, please forgive me."

Facing Ling Yuan, Hu Yanzhan lived up to his arrogance just now, but became extremely obsequious.

Lingyuan Douluo didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and looked at Beixuan. Fortunately, although Beixuan looked very embarrassed and suffered a little injury, his life was safe, so Lingyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lingyuan Douluo? She is actually here. Could it be that the reason why Yulin didn't show up was because he was entangled by the people from the Wuhun Palace." Beixuan quickly guessed the current situation, probably Lingyuan came to find Yulin He avenged being abandoned, so Habayashi didn't have time to come to rescue him.

"Hehe, I'm really unlucky to be hit by this crazy woman. However, since she saved me just now, today, maybe it can become my lifeline instead." Beixuan secretly said, at this time, he can only die Be a living horse doctor.

Beixuan barely stood up supporting his injured body, and asked Lingyuan, "Well, please, are you... are you my Aunt Lingyuan? Auntie, please save me!"

Hearing this, Hu Yanli and Hu Yanzhan were taken aback, why was this little ghost called Elder Lingyuan just now, aunt?
Hu Yanzhan said angrily, "Little devil, don't talk nonsense, what is Lingyuan's status, how could she be the aunt of a lowly person like you."

Lingyuan glanced at Huyanzhan. She was just happy when she heard Beixuan call her auntie. The flaming wings on the back of this disappointing guy immediately flapped, and the powerful aura sent him flying along with Huyanli at the same time. Tens of meters away.

"Shut up, since he is Habayashi's nephew, it is reasonable to call me aunt, do you need to question it?"

It turned out to be true!Hearing what Lingyuan said, Huyanli was surprised that a hundred eggs could be stuffed into his mouth at the moment, and at the same time, his heart was full of resentment.

The surname is scum, Lingyuan Douluo is such a big deal to your aunt, you fucking said it earlier, you said it, and if you lend me a hundred courage, I will not dare to touch you, you are not deliberately cheating .

Originally, although Yulin was powerful, he had no influence. Although they were afraid, they were not overly afraid. After all, the Elephant Armor Sect stood behind the Wuhun Palace.

So they thought before, as long as Beixuan died silently, then even if Habayashi suspects them without evidence, they can't do anything to them. Habayashi will never offend a nephew who doesn't love him Wuhundian.

But now, for the sake of this child, Lingyuan Douluo, one of the nine elders of the Wuhun Hall, came in person, and the meaning was completely different. The one they wanted to kill was actually the nephew of their immediate boss, and was caught by the rightful owner on the spot , it's over now.

"This... this old man really doesn't know, please forgive me!" Hu Yanzhan was so frightened that he prostrated himself on the ground, not daring to move.

Seeing this, Hu Yanli also quickly knelt down.

Although he is stupid, he also knows that at such a time, any explanation is empty, and if he honestly apologizes, he may be able to confess and be lenient and get a chance.

Lingyuan slowly fell from the sky, walked to Beixuan's side, injected a stream of pure soul power into him, and healed his injury a little bit.

"Thank you, Auntie, for saving me!" Beixuan said gratefully.

Lingyuan nodded, "You recognized me at the first time, and you know to call me aunt, so it should be Habayashi who mentioned me to you, right?"

Lingyuan's tone contained strong anticipation.

"I often mention it." Beixuan replied. In fact, Habayashi only mentioned it to Beixuan once, but at this time, in order to meet her expectations, she could only choose to open her eyes and tell nonsense. After all, whether she can live today depends on See if it can make her feel better and like her nephew.

"Then what did he tell you about me?" Lingyuan said excitedly.

Looking at Lingyuan Douluo, who is like a little girl, having a love brain attack, Beixuan felt a headache. The love brain infection in Wuhun Palace cannot be cured. I know it’s enough to mention it often, but I have to get to the bottom of it Extremely asked what was mentioned.

How do I know what to mention?
Beixuan felt depressed, he was not like Yu Lin who was a lover, he could make girls happy with just a few words.

"Habayashi, at this time, I can only hope for your thirteen moves to seduce girls. If it doesn't work, I will find an opportunity to complain to my mother after being hurt by you today." Xuan secretly said, did he know that in the entire Tianlu City, there were only two women, Yu Lin, who did not dare to flirt.

One is the ex-queen Nishang, and the other is his own mother, who eclipses Junyun Wuyue.

The former one was the wife of his biggest boss, so of course he didn't dare to make up his mind, and the latter one was simply because his mother was too good at beating.

Beixuan remembered that it was written in the Thirteen Styles of Flirting Girls that for a girl like Ling Yuan who is a little bit arrogant, it is a good way to suppress first and then raise.

After thinking about the wording, Beixuan said, "Auntie, don't be angry when you hear that, Uncle Yubayashi mentioned you several times, and it was all about punishing rape and evil with you, but he said that sometimes it is too much for you to kill. If there are too many, he can't accept it."

Hearing this, Lingyuan's face darkened. Sure enough, Yulin had always been concerned about this matter.

"What's more, didn't he just tell you about my bad things?"

"Also, I once saw that Uncle Habayashi sometimes looked at your portrait at night and complained. How he wished that you could distinguish between good and evil when you kill someone. He said, you like that, let He wanted to get close, but he didn't dare to get close, he was in great pain, and I kept hearing him recite a four-character poem, which should be written for you."

"What poem, can you read it to me?" Lingyuan heard this and looked forward to it. It was the first time Yulin wrote a poem to her.

Beixuan nodded, and said, "Jiuyou Ghost Prison, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where there is a king, it is joy, and without a king, it is suffering!"

(End of this chapter)

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