Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 60 The Tradition of the Spirit Hall

Chapter 60 The Tradition of the Spirit Hall

"Nine Nether Ghost Prisons, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where there is a ruler for happiness, and without a ruler for suffering!"


Lingyuan silently recited Beixuan's poem several times in a daze. At this moment, she understood Yubayashi's mind.

Habayashi left her because he couldn't bear her tyranny, but he never really forgot her, and wrote such lyrical poems.

"Even if you are in the Nine Nether Ghost Prison, as long as I am by your side, you will feel happy. Otherwise, even if you are in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and lose me, you will only feel pain. Habayashi, do you mean that?" Ling Kite said softly.

"Idiot, you bastard, since I hate killing people so much, I won't kill them in the future, so why abandon me? It makes us both miserable."

Lingyuan did not suspect that Beixuan was lying. After all, such lyrical words could not have been uttered by a nine-year-old child who does not understand love, and must have come from Habayashi's mouth.

Looking at Lingyuan on Xiafei's cheeks, Beixuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had Lingyuan on his mind this time, so he was fine.

"Well, Your Majesty Lingyuan, may we go?" Hu Yanzhan asked inappropriately when Lingyuan was still immersed in the poem.

Lingyuan glanced at him dissatisfied, this guy almost turned her and Yulin into enemies, fortunately Beixuan was fine.

The Elephant Armor Sect has long been attached to the Wuhun Palace. Although she is angry, she can't do anything to them.

But she made Yubayashi angry just now, if she just let them go like this, Yubayashi might not calm down so easily.

"Auntie, look, I'm fine anyway, why not just let them go." Beixuan took advantage of the situation and gave Lingyuan a step up.

He knew that since the people from Wuhundian were here, he and Yubayashi's original plan to counter-kill Huyanli to get the spirit bones would definitely not be able to be carried out.

And even though his name is Aunt Lingyuan, he is not familiar with him after all, so it is no problem to use her power to protect himself, but if he uses her power to kill her subordinates, it will cause her dissatisfaction, so it is better to accept it as soon as it is good.

A "nine-year-old" child, at this time, should behave a little more innocently and kindly.

Of course, today's matter will not be revealed so easily. The plan can be slightly changed. Beixuan has already thought about how to do it in the future.

Lingyuan glanced at Beixuan with satisfaction, his words saved her from embarrassing her.

"Since my nephew has spoken, you can go away. I will let you off for today's matter, but my nephew was seriously injured. I think you understand what to do next." Lingyuan said coldly.

Hu Yanzhan hurriedly responded, "Yes, yes, this subordinate understands that today's subordinate accidentally hurt little friend Beixuan, and he will come to the door to apologize in the future."

"Okay, get out!" Ling Yuan waved her hand, Hu Yanzhan took Hu Yanli, and immediately left in despair.

Today they are really stealing chickens and losing money.

"Thank you for saving my life, auntie." Seeing this, Beixuan clasped his fists and bowed to Lingyuan.

Ling Yuan was suddenly a little embarrassed, in fact, if she hadn't stopped Yu Lin, Bei Xuan would not have been injured at all.


In the sky, suddenly there were three sounds of piercing through the sky, and three figures flew towards this side rapidly, it was Habayashi and Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo.

The chrysanthemum ghost finally released the shackles on him. After all, Habayashi was kind to them and they were friends. They couldn't stand Habayashi's constant pleading.

"Xiaoxuan!" As soon as Habayashi came over, he ran to Beixuan to check.

He was greatly relieved to find that although Beixuan had suffered internal injuries, it seemed that he had been healed by infusion of pure soul power, and he could recover after a period of rest.

"I'm sorry, sister Lingyuan, Habayashi said that if he doesn't let go of him, he will burn my garden down afterwards. You also know how much effort I have spent in order to plant such a beautiful garden..." Ju Dou Luo tried hard to explain.

He is also in a dilemma, one side is a girlfriend, the other side is a good friend, no matter what he does, he will be sorry for the other side.

Then again, what did he do with the old ghost today?At Lingyuan's request, he got into a fight with Habayashi out of nowhere, but he still doesn't know the reason for the fight.

Could it be that he is just a tool man?
Lingyuan looked at Yulin, showing a blushing smile, "It's okay, thank you today, Xiao Guanguan, although I didn't achieve my original goal, but it made me know something that made me happier."

"Yeah, Uncle Yulin, thanks to the thirteen unique skills you taught me today, and Aunt Lingyuan's help, otherwise I would be dead." Beixuan hurriedly said, because Lingyuan appeared suddenly, he and Yulin didn't pass the gas, but he must not reveal his secrets, otherwise, if a woman like Lingyuan knows that she has been cheated, once she gets angry, the situation will be a hundred times more dangerous than the Huyan battle just now.

At this time, Lingyuan walked up to Yu Lin, not to lose the aloofness and arrogance she faced when facing Huyan just now, but instead said like a girl, "Habayashi, I'm sorry about what happened today, if your nephew hadn't told me, I would I don't even know what you think."

Habayashi was taken aback, what did he think?What did Xiaoxuan tell you again?

"Wait, just now Xiaoxuan called him aunt and mentioned the thirteenth style, could it be..." Yulin immediately had a brainstorm, and he roughly guessed that it must be Beixuan who just used the power of Lingyuan to resolve his own pain Dead end.

In order for Lingyuan to save him, he must first fool Lingyuan into treating him as a nephew, then he will be the breakthrough point. As for the thirteen-style unique skills, only one of the thirteen-style unique skills taught by Habayashi to Beixuan is the thirteen-style unique technique. Well, Beixuan must have used the method here.

So now, it doesn't matter what Beixuan said, anyway, it must be some sweet words, and then he must play his true qualities as a scumbag, and adapt to the situation.

Yu Lin looked at Ling Yuan, scratched his head, and looked a little embarrassed, "Yuan'er, those words are all from my heart. In fact, after leaving you, I have always missed you very much, but I can't get past the pain in my heart." Kan came to you."

"Because of that, are you going to give up on me? Habayashi, I know, it's true that you like to save people and do good, but you have never been a compassionate Virgin. You will blame me for my killing, but you won't hate me for it." Me, because in the final analysis, those so-called innocent people have nothing to do with you, otherwise, why don't you completely forget about me." Lingyuan said sadly.

Yulin stared at Lingyuan affectionately, and caressed her face, "In my heart, killing the common people is a very serious crime. You and I are one husband and wife. I have to bear this crime, so I share the parting of losing my lover with you." The reason why I can't forget you is because, Lingyuan, in my heart, although you will never be more important than the world, you must be more important than myself."

"The only thing I can control is my body, but I can't suppress my heart. I will leave you because of your killing, but I can't control myself from loving you anymore."

"I have spent half my life cultivating myself into a Titled Douluo, but I am more willing to spend my whole life cultivating no regrets, and then engrave a monument in my heart called Memories of You and Me!"

Yu Lin's words hit the tenderness in Ling Yuan's heart thoroughly, she couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself into Yu Lin's arms, she missed this embrace for too long.

Beixuan was dumbfounded, what a habayashi, he didn't know what he said to Lingyuan at all, so he just made a bunch of nonsense and connected it, and even got out the tradition of Wuhundian, and made Lingyuan Just give it away for free, cow!
Beixuan was watching with relish, and suddenly realized that he was flying up inexplicably.

Looking back, it turned out that Ju Douluo was holding his collar.

"You are Habayashi's nephew, children can't look at this kind of thing, so turn around." After saying that, Ju Douluo turned himself to face the big tree, but he watched it with relish.

If this guy is placed in modern times, he must like to watch idol dramas about love and romance.

(End of this chapter)

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