Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 62 Chapter Village

Chapter 62 Returning to the Village
Night Fire Village.

Habayashi took Beixuan back to his home.

When Beihan saw his scarred grandson, he was really anxious.

"Grandpa, I'm fine. As a soul master, battles and injuries are inevitable, but don't worry, they are just minor injuries. After a few days of medicine, you will recover soon." Beixuan comforted.

"Okay, Xuan'er, take a good rest, I'll make medicine for you right now." After Beihan finished speaking, he hurriedly went out to make medicine. That's right.

"Grandpa, the medicine is too bitter, please remember to make another Chinese cabbage for me, I haven't eaten it for a long time!" In order to reassure Grandpa, Beixuan shouted angrily on purpose.

"Okay, I got it!" Hearing that Beixuan was so energetic, Beihan really relaxed a lot.

But as soon as Beihan left, Beixuan couldn't help coughing, his internal organs had been injured.

"You really like to be brave, just like your father and uncle." Habayashi walked in and said, "Being hit head-on by the soul master's sixth soul skill, if you were replaced by another great soul master, you must be dead. Fortunately, you have the body protection of the evil king's bones, and you have been treated by Lingyuan in time, and your life is safe, but if there is no panacea, there is a high probability that you will have to cultivate for a long time."

"This is exactly what I want to say, Habayashi, although this plan fell short due to the intrusion of the Wuhun Temple, we can turn the conspiracy into a conspiracy, and then I will trouble you to do two things First, go to Blazing Academy and ask for half a year's leave on the grounds of my serious injury. Second, go to Elephant Armor Sect to seek justice as my uncle. After these two things are done Afterwards, during the six months, we went to find Dugu Bo, I have mastered the detoxification method, it's time to find those fairy herbs." Beixuan said weakly.

"Serious injuries are not necessarily a bad thing. During this period of time, I have read the fairy herbs and medicine refining methods recorded in the Poison Sutra. Some medicines can not only cure injuries, but also warm and nourish the meridians, making the body stronger. , Most of the medicinal power is used for treatment, it will not stay in the body, maybe it is a benefit, allowing me to take the third extremely powerful fairy grass earlier after the water fire jelly."

Habayashi nodded, "Well, it makes sense, just like when a person breaks his leg, as long as he takes good care of it, the bone callus may grow stronger, Xiaoxuan, yes, you won't blame others because of a little setback, Instead, finding a workaround in the midst of difficulties is the demeanor of our evil royal family."

"Don't worry, I'll do these things when your injury is a little better."

He was really worried about leaving now, Beixuan's injury had better be healed faster by someone with strong soul power warming his meridians every day.

"Grandpa Beihan, I'm here to help you too. If you use my phoenix fire to decoct the medicine, the power of the medicine will be even better." Outside the room, after Ma Hongjun heard the news that Beixuan was injured, he rushed over immediately.

"Okay, Hongjun, thank you old man." Beihan smiled.

"Grandpa, don't say that. In the past two years in the academy, Brother Xuan has taken care of me, and he loves me as an orphan. He always makes Uncle Yubayashi care about me more. Now many people in the academy think that I am an orphan. It's Uncle Yulin's nephew, he's been so kind to me, it's only right that I help make some medicine." Ma Hongjun said honestly.

Because he didn't succumb to the evil fire like in the original book, Ma Hongjun at this time is not as wretched and lecherous as before, but has more excellent qualities such as simplicity, honesty, and kindness.

It's just that his character is not tenacious enough, and he is often lazy when he is not practicing. Beixuan originally set the goal for him to be ten years old and level 25, but now it seems that it is difficult for him to achieve it.

There are only a few months left before the age of ten, without the fairy grass, it is delusional to want to advance to the third level.

Looking out the window at the two people busy with him, Beixuan smiled slightly, he must get the fairy grass which is extremely important to the future, for himself and his family.

A few days later, Beixuan had basically recovered a bit, and he could use his kung fu to adjust his breath, so Yubayashi left with peace of mind.

Before leaving, he handed over his Wuhundian Token with the five-sided pattern to Beixuan.

If it is said that the person who executes the Pope's order is like the Pope in person, then the status of the person holding this token is equivalent to that of a platinum bishop.

There is a main hall of martial spirits in the nearby town. With this thing, Beixuan can mobilize them at will, one is to protect himself during the injury, and the other is to use their power to heal his injuries.

After all, Ma Hongjun's level was too low, and he had to be assisted by a high-level soul master during the treatment to achieve the effect.

Lingyuan Douluo made such a fuss before, and it wasn't all useless. At least, he could stand in the open and say that he was a family member of the elder of the Wuhun Palace, and he was not afraid of anyone's investigation. After all, this was the truth, and he was called Aunt Lingyuan .

When Beixuan entered the main hall of Wuhun with that token, the master of the Hall of the Soul Emperor there respected him very much, and he also easily obtained a lot of healing medicine.

The reason for Beixuan's injury was due to the troubles caused by the Wuhun Hall, and now using their power to heal himself can be regarded as a bit of compensation.

While Beixuan was recuperating in the main hall of Wuhun, Yubayashi had returned to Chihuo Academy and was meeting with Huoran in the principal's office to explain to him about the leave.

"What, Xiaoxuan was ambushed by the Elephant Armored Sect and was seriously injured?" Huo Wu was very anxious when she heard the news, "Then, how is Xiaoxuan now, how long will it take to recover, Your Majesty?"

"Don't worry, little girl, I know you are worried about my nephew, don't worry, he is out of danger, but he needs to cultivate for a while." Habayashi said.

Hearing this, Huo Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing the news of Beixuan's serious injury just now, she almost frightened her to death, but fortunately she was fine.

"Hmph, what a Weevil Academy, he actually did such a thing and hurt me as a student of the Blazing Academy, did he think that I, Huoran, was a vegetarian?" Huoran slapped the principal's desk in front of him angrily, Instantly burned the table to ashes.

"I won't let them go easily. I'm going to the Elephant Armor Sect to question them." Habayashi said solemnly.

He and Beixuan's new plan is to turn darkness into light.

Originally, they wanted to take advantage of Hu Yanli's opportunity to assassinate Beixuan, and killed Hu Yanli instead. Even if Hu Yanzhen knew the truth, they could only bite the bullet and hide it. After all, it was their Elephant Armor Sect who did it.

The tacit understanding of the two sides turned the big matter into a small matter, and let the matter sink into the sea.

But now because of the interference of Wuhundian, it was inconvenient for them to kill Huyanli at that time, so Yubayashi would turn the matter around and make the matter known to everyone, and then go to the Elephant Armored Sect to demand compensation in an open and honest manner.

It is true that Lingyuan and the others are the life-saving talismans of the Elephant Armored Sect, but they are also witnesses to the assassination incident.

If Habayashi wanted the entire Elephant Armored Sect to pay for their lives, they might side with the Elephant Armored Sect, after all, it was their own power, but if they just wanted some compensation, they would definitely side with Habayashi.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will go with you. Today I must ask the Elephant Armored Sect to give me an explanation." Huo Ran stood up, and the college students were ambushed and assassinated. If he, the principal, remains indifferent, he can retire early.

(End of this chapter)

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