Chapter 63
Giant Elephant City, here is one of the seven major sects of the Douluo Continent, the location of the Elephant Armor Sect.

Hu Yanzhen wasn't there not long ago, he went to the Wuhun Hall to meet the Pope, that's why Hu Yanli asked an elder of the family to act rashly.

If he was here, at least he wouldn't be so impulsive. Although this guy's IQ is not very good, he is the master of the sect after all.

When he just came back, he got a piece of news that made his blood pressure soar.

"What, you went to ambush Titled Douluo's nephew, but you failed!" Seeing Hu Yanli and Hu Yanzhan who were kneeling on the ground, Hu Yanzhen couldn't help feeling angry.

Even the nephew of the Title Douluo dared to move, it was fine if he moved at first, it would be okay to do it cleanly, and let him die without anyone noticing, but it failed, so how could the Title Douluo let it go when he knew this .

"Sovereign, it's my fault. During Beixuan's college competition, he humiliated the young master many times, and even became the laughing stock of the Five Elements Academy. I was so angry that I did what I shouldn't have done."

"According to the news obtained at the time, Meteor Demon Douluo had already brought his other nephew back to his hometown, and Beixuan went back alone. He is only over 20 levels. With the strength of my Soul Sage, I expected that there would be no trace left. It's not difficult to ambush him, I didn't expect that he was more difficult to deal with than imagined, and I didn't expect that Lingyuan Douluo of Wuhun Palace would suddenly appear, resulting in a failure!" Hu Yanzhan took all the responsibility on himself, it can be seen He loves Hu Yanli very much, otherwise he wouldn't have come to stand up for him as soon as he called him.

"Stupid, do you think you can carry it all by yourself?" Hu Yanzhen was about to continue pursuing the case when suddenly, there was a loud "boom" from outside the sect.

"What's going on?" Huyan said angrily.

"Sect Master, two people are coming in. They are too powerful to stop them." A disciple of the sect rushed in to report in a panic.

"Sky phenomenon Hu Yanzhen, get out of here!!!"

A roar, accompanied by an incomparably huge soul power, shook the entire Giant Elephant City, and even a peak Contra like Hu Yanzhen felt a great threat.

"This power is Titled Douluo!" Hu Yanzhen frowned, he still didn't understand, it must be Habayashi who came to settle accounts with him.

He hurriedly walked out with several elders of the sect, and saw Yu Lin and Huo Ran standing in mid-air, surrounded by soul rings, looking murderous.

"Huh, Hu Yanzhen, you finally came out. I still think you are a coward." Yubayashi said coldly, "I believe you already know the purpose of my coming to you. I, Yubayashi and your Elephant Armored Sect You have no grudges in the past and no grudges in the present, but you sent people to ambush and assassinate my nephew, causing him to be seriously injured, should you give me a reasonable explanation for this debt?"

"That's right, Hu Yanzhen, although my Chihuo Academy is not as good as your Elephant Armored Sect, I'm not letting you bully me. If you don't explain clearly today, don't blame us for being rude." Huo Ran chimed in road.

"My lord, Principal Huoran, please calm down, this matter is a misunderstanding." Hu Yanzhen said.

If Huoran was the only one, he wouldn't be so low-key, but with the titled Douluo Yubayashi, he can only confess today.

Habayashi sneered, "Hehe, misunderstanding, why, do you think what I said is false? Wuhundian Lingyuan Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo can all testify to this matter, do you need me to tell you the truth? The three of them please come out and confront Huyan and Huyanli face to face."

"No, no, the evidence for this matter is conclusive. Of course Your Majesty is not lying." Hu Yanzhen hurriedly said, he had heard about the relationship between Yulin and those three people, and if the matter got so serious that he invited these three people out, he would It's really hard to get back.

"What I mean is that the cause of this incident is only the misunderstanding of the children. They are immature, impulsive and irritable. Please don't remember the villain's mistakes. Forgive me for being unintentional this time. After that, Hu Yanzhen will come to visit with generous gifts, and I, the Elephant Armored Sect, will definitely find the best healing soul master in the whole continent to heal your nephew's injuries."

"Hu Yanzhen, you really know how to turn big things into small things. Hu Yanli is ignorant, so is Hu Yanzhan? My nephew is just a great soul master, but Hu Yanzhan, a soul sage, used his sixth soul skill to kill him. Injury, you know he almost died." Yubayashi said sharply, in fact, under the protection of the evil king's bone, Beixuan is no longer in serious trouble, but now, he just wants to say something serious.

"What?" Hu Yan was startled. Hu Yanzhan and Hu Yanli didn't tell him about this just now.

The great soul master has endured the sixth soul skill of the soul sage, and under normal circumstances, he is indeed immortal and disabled. He originally thought that Beixuan was only slightly injured, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. It seems that today's things can't be bettered.

Hu Yanzhen was speechless for a while, because he didn't know what to say to expose this matter.

"Hu Yanzhen, you have nothing to say, don't you? Why don't you let me tell you that my nephew was treated in time by Lingyuan Douluo of the Wuhun Palace, and his life is no longer in serious danger, but the foundation will inevitably be damaged, which will affect future generations. The realm of strength is very influential, as long as you can restore my nephew's potential, I will not pursue it any further." Habayashi said the main purpose of today, he is here to ask for compensation, or in other words, for benefits.

"My Majesty, the improvement of strength is nothing more than leveling up and hunting for soul rings, but with you here, how can I help?" Hu Yanzhen asked worriedly.

This is why the Douluo Continent system is not perfect. In this world, the alchemy industry is really underdeveloped, there are very few people who are familiar with fairy grass, and there are few powerful exercises, so Hu Yanzhen is helpless at all.

Habayashi smiled slightly, "I said, my nephew, there is something wrong with his physique, and several bones have been broken, so what do you think can strengthen or even improve his physique?"

"Soul bones? You want soul bones!" Hu Yanzhen's eyes widened. He finally understood that Yu Lin was here specifically to extort money under the pretext of assassination.

"That's right, I want a soul bone, and it must be more than [-] years old. It's best to be a trunk bone. Only this part can improve the body's physique the most," Habayashi said.

Hu Yanzhen was shocked again, this was no longer a simple extortion, but an unforgiving lion who opened his mouth.

You know, in terms of preciousness and strength of all spirit bones, except for the legendary external spirit bones, among the six major parts, the torso bone is the undisputed first, followed by the skull, and then the limbs.

It can be said that a 1-year-old torso bone is completely worth a 2-year-old skull, and a 3-year-old limb soul bone is a priceless existence.

(End of this chapter)

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