Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 64 Persecution of Huyan Zhen's Ten Thousand Year Soul Bone

Chapter 64 Persecution of Huyan Zhen's Ten Thousand Year Soul Bone
"Your Majesty, are you being difficult by a strong man? My Elephant Jiazong doesn't have a ten-thousand-year torso bone." Hu Yanzhen was a little dissatisfied, even in the face of the Titled Douluo, his temper became tough when he spoke.

After all, there was the Wuhun Palace standing behind him, so he didn't believe that Yulin really dared to destroy his Elephant Armor School today.

Yubayashi naturally knew where Hu Yanzhen's confidence was, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, then I have a second way to solve this matter."

"any solution?"

"It's very simple, an eye for an eye!" Habayashi's tone suddenly changed, full of murderous intent, "If your grandson assassinates my nephew once, then I will assassinate him again. It's fair and just. As for whether he can survive, it depends on him." good fortune."

"After an assassination, regardless of whether Huyanli is alive or dead, all the grievances between us will be wiped out. What do you think, Sect Master Huyan."

"What?" Hu Yanli fell to his knees in fright when he heard the words.

Being assassinated by the Titled Douluo was no joke, even if his grandfather protected him, he probably would not escape death.

"Your Majesty, don't go too far. Li'er is my grandson, and even the future suzerain of my Elephant Armor Sect." Hu Yanzhen was very angry. He has many descendants, but Hu Yanli is actually the only one who looks up to him.

Hu Yanli is also his most beloved grandson, otherwise, he would not have given him one of the Elephant Armor Sect's direct descendant soul bones.

"Why, your grandson's life is your life, but not my nephew's? Hu Yanzhen, I only give you two choices today, either give you a spirit bone as compensation, or wait for me to assassinate your grandson once, and see if he dies or not." "Habayashi didn't back down, and he didn't need to back down when facing Huyan Zhen, a mere Contra.

"By the way, since your grandson is so loved by you, maybe there are good things on him. I promised in advance that if I kill him, I will not return the spoils of war."

As soon as Yubayashi said this, Hu Yanzhen immediately fell into incomparable shock. Could it be that Yulin knew that Ali was carrying a ten thousand year skull?

Then the situation was even worse, no matter what he said, his murderous intention would probably not change.

Facing a powerful titled Douluo like Yubayashi, even if he personally protects his grandson, he is not fully sure of protecting his grandson. Moreover, how does he know when Yubayashi will come to assassinate him? Hu Yanli's side, the sect is no longer in charge?Don't practice by yourself?

Most importantly, if Habayashi didn't want to destroy the Elephant Armor Sect, but just wanted to kill a trivial Hu Yanli, Wuhundian would definitely not stand up for him.

Firstly, Yu Lin and the several titled Douluo elders in Wuhundian had a very good relationship, secondly, he was reasonable, Hu Yanli was the first to get involved with the forces under his sect to attack Beixuan, so it was reasonable for him to fight back.

In this way, the worst result may be that he lost his grandson's life and the head spirit bone again.

This is Beixuan's conspiracy to turn it into a conspiracy. It is precisely because Yulin and Lingyuan have reconciled, and with her testimony, this plan can be implemented.

Now Yu Lin has two options for Hu Yanzhen, one is to give the soul bone directly, and the other is to take Hu Yanli's life after Yu Lin takes his skull, in fact, Hu Yanzhen has no choice at all.

"Okay, Your Majesty the Meteor Demon, I, Hu Yanzhen, recognize what happened today. It was my Elephant Armored Sect who was wrong, but I really can't get the ten-thousand-year torso bone you asked for. My Elephant Armored Sect has two ten-thousand-year bones in total. One of the above inherited soul bones already has a master, and there is no trunk bone in it. The only thing left is a 3-year-old left arm bone. I would like to take it out to resolve the grievances, and please, forgive me!" Hu Yan Zhen gritted his teeth and said.

The reason why he kept that soul bone and didn't absorb it was because he wanted to wait until he reached level 89 to assist in breaking the realm when he hit the Title Douluo, so he had to take it out now.

Even though his heart was already extremely angry, what could he do in the face of the power of the Titled Douluo?We are not as powerful as others, so we can only admit defeat.

"The 3-year-old left arm bone, that's all, it's not bad, I'll accept it reluctantly, take it out, and this matter will be over." Habayashi thought for a while, and it's better to accept it first.

After all, the Elephant Armor Sect has already taken refuge in the Wuhun Palace, if the persecution is too much, it will be troublesome to go to Bibi Dong's side.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Hu Yanzhen opened the soul guide, and took out a left arm bone that shone with earthy yellow light. His face couldn't hide his heartache and reluctance. In the end, he turned his head and threw it towards Yulin.

Habayashi reached out to take the soul bone, feeling the strong energy from this soul bone. Compared with many treasures he had seen in his previous life, this thing was of course far inferior, but in this world, it was the first time he To touch such a treasure.

After all, since he didn't join any forces, no one would provide him with soul bones inexplicably, and his luck was very bad. He hunted and killed nine soul beasts, but none of them exploded.

Nodding in satisfaction, Yubayashi smiled and said, "Okay, Hu Yanzhen, I, Yubayashi, keep my promise, and the previous things will be written off, but you'd better keep an eye on your grandson. If the same situation happens again, I will not You will not be given another chance to choose."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will restrain him." Hu Yanzhen said in a low voice, this guy with a bell-like voice rarely heard him speak so softly.

Anyway, given all the soul bones, he didn't mind serving it one more time.

After getting what he wanted, Yu Lin and Huo Ran turned and left, Hu Yanzhen was relieved, but his fists were clenched even tighter.

"Title Douluo!"

Why he was forced into such a situation by a guy with no influence is very simple, Habayashi is a titled Douluo, but he, Xiang Jiazong, has no title-level powerhouse.

At this moment, his desire for a title has become extremely huge.

"Grandpa!" Hu Yanli timidly walked to Hu Yanzhen's side, ready to accept his punishment. After all, the sect suffered such a big loss today because of his impulsiveness.

"Oh, forget it, Ali, you have to be more careful in your plans and actions in the future. You are the future suzerain of my Elephant Armor Sect. Sometimes, no matter how angry you are, you have to suppress your anger, you know?" Hu Yanzhen sighed, he just educated him, but he still couldn't bring himself to punish the grandson he always loved the most.

"Yes, Grandpa!" Hu Yanli agreed superficially, but the hatred for Beixuan in his heart had reached a peak at this time, and it was all because Beixuan didn't obediently die, which made his most respected grandfather suffer this kind of pain. It was the humiliation of being persecuted that made them suffer such a big loss like the Jiazong.

"Zhaxuan, I am the dignified Elephant Armor Sect's future suzerain, with a distinguished status, and you, just a nephew who was lucky enough to be picked up by the roadside of Titled Douluo, why do you compare with me, I want you to die, you are honest Wouldn't it be enough to die, you dare to resist, let alone snatch the woman I like, one day, I will make you pay the price!" Hu Yanli's heart roared like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

(End of this chapter)

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