Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 65 Huowu's Mysterious Title Douluo Runs Away From Home

Chapter 65 Huowu's Mysterious Title Douluo Runs Away From Home
The goal was achieved, and Yubayashi returned with the newly obtained soul bone contentedly. Although the inherited soul bones of the Elephant Armored Sect were not as valuable as those of the Haotian Sect with an average age of more than 6 to [-] years, they were still considered precious. .

As for the skull that he and Beixuan wanted, let's store it on Huyanli's head temporarily, and there will always be a chance to get it again in the future.

Saying goodbye to Huoran, he didn't go back to Blazing Academy, but flew directly to Yehuo Village.

But Huoran, who returned to Blazing Academy, saw a scene that made his blood spurt.

I saw Huo Wushuang, with a cloth strip stuck to his mouth, his body was firmly bound by a rope, and his soul power seemed to be blocked, and he fell to the ground face-on like dead ashes.

This made Huo Ran subconsciously think that the Blazing Academy was attacked, but there was no trace of a fight in the academy. If someone really attacked, would the teachers, deans, and deans in the academy not respond?

Seeing Huo Ran come back, Huo Wushuang regained his energy, and cried out 'woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'.

With black threads burning all over his head, he stepped forward to unblock his soul power.

With soul power, how could a mere rope bind a soul master? With a shake of both arms, Huo Wushuang broke the rope into several pieces, and then tore off the glue sticking to his mouth.

Huo Ran looked at Huo Wushuang and said angrily, "Wushuang, what's going on, you look embarrassed?"

At this moment, Huo Wushuang is just like Hu Yanli just now. In front of his grandfather, he said timidly, "It's my little sister. She left school. Because I didn't allow it, she knocked me out while I wasn't paying attention, and blocked me. Soul power, in order to prevent me from waking up and telling the truth, she stuck my mouth together and tied me up again."

"By the way, this is the letter she stuffed in my arms before she left."

As he spoke, Huo Wushuang took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Huo Ran, with a few simple lines written on it.

"Grandpa, I'm leaving. Xiaoxuan was seriously injured. I really don't feel at ease. I asked for a leave of absence for half a year. I hereby sneak away. Don't come and arrest me, or you will pull out your beard. By the way, say sorry to my brother for me, it's a big deal. When I fight with him in the future, I will kick him less!"

After reading the contents of the letter, he blew his beard and stared furiously. This little girl actually ran away from home.

"Fire Dance!!!"

With a roar, a huge one-horned fire tyrannosaurus rose from the sky in Blazing Academy.

At this time, Huoran broke through from level 83 to level 84!
"Awesome, as expected of a little girl, who can make grandpa so angry that he can directly level up, the No. 1 in the ages." Huo Wushuang was full of admiration.

Anger is indeed one of the sources of human strength, but in fact, Huo Ran was already at the peak of level 83. His anger had already reached its peak because of Beixuan's injury, and now he was manipulated by Huo Wu's Sao Stimulating, breaking the situation is not too abrupt.

Huo Wu, who had already left the Ice and Fire City by some distance and was running away quickly with her pack on her back, seemed to have heard the roar from behind.

Subconsciously shaking his body, he felt goosebumps all over his body.

"I'm sorry, grandpa, my granddaughter will apologize to you in the future." Huo Wu stuck out her tongue, but rushed towards Yehuo Village without looking back.

Her speed was not as fast as Yubayashi's, and she could only walk one step at a time.

As a rare beauty, and her skills are still very shallow, she has not even reached the soul master, and she has no experience in going out. In fact, it is still a bit dangerous for her to go to Yehuo Village, which is thousands of miles away.

If you meet someone like Bu Le, it's easy to be targeted.

This is where Huo Ran was really angry. If Huo Wu really wanted to go, just tell him, wouldn't it be fine if he sent someone to escort him, so there's no need to sneak around?

"Hehe, what an interesting but bold and ignorant little girl. She doesn't have any sense of being a weak person. However, chance is something that needs to be grasped. Maybe your actions today can win you something different. The future." On a big tree not far from Huo Wu's direction, a white-haired young man sat on the trunk and muttered to himself.

At this time, a flash of fire flashed by, and it was Huoran who was chasing after him. How could he rest assured that Huowu went to Yehuo Village alone.

With Huo Wu's walking speed, Huo Ran wanted to catch up with her without any effort.

The young man smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and a silver-white spear was thrown out.

Feeling the danger, Huo Ran stopped immediately, and the long gun was inserted right in front of him.

"Who?" Huo Ran was surprised that someone could get so close to him without being noticed.

He could sense the danger just now, and it was the spear intention released by the man deliberately. Fortunately, the man had no malicious intentions, otherwise he would have been severely injured even if he didn't die.

"Don't worry, I'm just an idler who just came out of seclusion. I originally came to trouble the Elephant Armor Sect, but I just saw that you and Yu Lin had already gone there, so I chose to stop. We shouldn't be considered enemies."

An indistinguishable voice echoed in the woods, even with the strength of Huo Ran who had just been promoted to level 84, he couldn't find where the speaker was.

This at least made Huo Ran prove that this person's skill is far stronger than his own.

"May I ask which senior is here, so don't joke with me, I am here to recover my granddaughter, and it should have nothing to do with senior." Huo Ran clasped his hands, "Please let me go, senior. "

"I said, don't worry, that little girl, I will protect it secretly." The voice came again, Huo Ran concentrated, this time he must find someone, otherwise he would not even know where the opponent was, that would be too scary up.

It's a pity that the difference in cultivation between the two sides is really not small. He can only find the general direction, but he can't find the exact position at all.

"Senior..." Huo Ran wanted to say something more, when suddenly a huge pressure fell from the sky, like a weight of ten thousand catties, on his shoulders.

This situation is similar to when Zhilin oppressed Tang San in the original book, when high-level soul masters suppressed the soul power of low-level soul masters.

"Huo Ran, you have to figure it out. To me, you are weak. The weak just need to listen to the strong. I don't want to hear any more nonsense."

"Yes!" Huo Ran replied, he felt that the other party was a little impatient.

In fact, with such a little oppression, he can resist it by activating his martial soul, but this is only afraid that it will completely irritate the person who came. Judging from the oppression of the soul power just now, the opponent is not simply a few levels higher than him, but a stage higher.

In other words, this person is also a Title Douluo.

As far as Contra is concerned, even a newly promoted Title Douluo can't touch porcelain at will.

Even Hu Yanzhen, the Elephant Armored Sect, although his defensive power claims to have reached the title level, but if he really fights against Title Douluo, he can only last a little longer, and it would be a dream to win.

(End of this chapter)

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