Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 67 The Arrival of Huowu and Departure of Tiandou

Chapter 67 The Arrival of Huowu and Departure of Tiandou
A few days later, with the help of Habayashi's powerful soul power, Beixuan's skill finally recovered to about [-]%, except for coughing from time to time, there was no serious problem.

It was enough to recover to this level, Beixuan decided to immediately set off for Heaven Dou City.

But on the day when he was about to leave, a person came suddenly and completely shocked him.

"Huo...Senior Huowu, why are you here?"

Looking at the beautiful figure standing at the door of her house, Bei Xuan was surprised and puzzled.

"Xiao Xuan!" Seeing Bei Xuan, Huo Wu ran over happily and touched him all over. "That's great. You seem to be fine. Your Majesty Yu Lin went to the academy to tell my grandfather that you were injured." It's very serious and I'm afraid it will take half a year to recuperate, but I'm so worried that I took half a year off to take care of you."

It turned out that in order to make matters worse, Yulin intentionally made Beixuan's injury serious, which frightened Huo Wu, and she was worried if she didn't see Beixuan with her own eyes, so she came here alone.

"Senior sister, thank you, don't worry, my physique is stronger than ordinary people, other people's injuries take half a year, I can recover in a month." Beixuan laughed, he was a little moved, and Huo Wu had known each other for three years, Since the establishment of the Phantom Group, this senior has indeed taken great care of him.

"Well, that's good." Huo Wu nodded, and then looked at the burden behind Beixuan suspiciously, "Where are you going? Since your injury is not that serious, why did you ask for leave for half a year?"

Beixuan gave a wry smile, this is his own fault, he intentionally made the problem serious, but recruited this girl here, and now he doesn't know how to tell her.

In the end, Beixuan, who couldn't bear to say deceitful words, could only truthfully say, "Habayashi and I plan to go to Heaven Dou City to find a Titled Douluo to help. With his help, my injury can be recovered in the shortest possible time." Fully recovered, as for the half-year leave, it is because I want to use the power of that Titled Douluo to cultivate and become stronger."

For Huo Wu who came all the way to see him and even asked for leave to take care of him for half a year, Bei Xuan really couldn't bear to lie to her.

To say the least, although there is concealment, there is no deception.

"Title Douluo? Are you a friend of Meteor Demon's Crown? That's great. Since it can help you recover from your injuries as soon as possible and make you stronger, then I'll go with you." Huo Wu said joyfully.

Beixuan sighed silently, he knew that Huowu would say that, there was nothing he could do now, Huowu came all the way here, he couldn't just drive her back like this.

At this moment, Bei Han happened to have just returned from selling vegetables, and was taken aback when he saw the youthful and beautiful Huo Wu.

"Uh, Xiaoxuan, who is this?"

"Grandpa, this is my senior sister. She came to see me because she was worried about my injury."

"So you are Xiaoxuan's grandfather. Hello, grandpa, my name is Huo Wu!" Huo Wu has a straightforward personality and is generous. When meeting Elder Beixuan for the first time, he still had a cheerful look, without any sense of awkwardness. .

Bei Han liked such a girl very much, and immediately asked her to have lunch together, and even took out her savings to prepare a big meal.

In fact, when he was in the academy, Beixuan would send money to his family every once in a while, so that grandpa would not have to work so hard. People know that Beihan is an old man who has no fighting power and lives alone with a huge amount of assets. He is afraid that it will lead to murder, so every time Beixuan only sends him the part that can save him from hard work and nourish his life. up.

But Beihan saved it for Beixuan. He thinks that he is an old man, and he can't use so much money. He usually earns enough to live by selling vegetables, so he wants to save the money and use it for him to marry a wife in the future. .

Isn't there one right in front of you?

Beihan and Huo Wu, the old and the young, had a great time chatting. No matter what Beihan asked, Huo Wu knew everything and said everything.

Bei Han frowned when he heard that Huo Wu was actually the granddaughter of the principal of Blazing Academy.

Quietly pulling Beixuan, Beihan whispered in his ear, "Grandson, this girl's identity is very unusual. We are born as a commoner, so I don't deserve it. You have to work harder in the future to make this beautiful daughter-in-law Hold on."

Beixuan was in a cold sweat, and looked at Huo Wu with embarrassment on his face, and couldn't help but slander in his heart, "I said, Grandpa, you don't know how to transmit sound into secrets, so don't play this kind of ear-biting behavior, okay? No matter what you say about Huo Wu You also have the strength to be close to the soul master, how can you hide your whisper from her?"

After lunch, the group bid farewell to Beihan and left. In order to take care of Beixuan's injury, Habayashi hired a carriage. He and Ma Hongjun drove outside, while Beixuan Huowu stayed in the carriage.

Ma Hongjun expressed with an aggrieved face that he also wanted to go in, and he didn't want to blow the wind outside.

But he was firmly held down by Habayashi, jokingly, as the leader of the evil-proofing royal family, he must of course consider the next generation of the evil-proofing royal family.

If Beixuan returns home in the future and ends up not even bringing a daughter-in-law with him for so many years, it can be regarded as his dereliction of duty, he will be ashamed to see the king and Xiejun.

So for the sake of my own face, I can't let this little fat man make trouble.

Inside the carriage, Beixuan glanced at Huo Wu who was looking at him with a teasing face, and said helplessly, "Senior sister, my grandpa made you laugh, you can laugh if you want."

"That's not the case. I think your grandpa's vision is much better than yours. You have to work hard in the future so that you can be worthy of me, senior!" Huo Wu teased.

"Yes, yes, everything is up to senior sister, but senior sister, you are indeed a little impulsive this time. Blazing Fire Academy is thousands of miles away from Yehuo Village. It is too dangerous for you to come here without a single guard. This continent is not so peaceful." Beixuan said, at the same time, he was also a little surprised why Huo Ran would let her come here alone, with Huo Ran Contra-level strength, it shouldn't be difficult to capture her back.

"Don't worry, your senior sister, I am kind-hearted and beautiful. Of course, lucky people have their own talents. On the way, I met people who wanted to rob money and sex, but most of them were ordinary bandits. How can I beat me?" Soul master, as for other evil soul masters, I have encountered one or two, but before they attacked me, they died inexplicably." Huo Wu waved his hand, and all kinds of "dangerous but not scary" along the way , almost made her think that she was the daughter of destiny.

"Unexplained death?"

Beixuan and Habayashi outside the carriage were taken aback for a moment, the body of the soul master was much better than that of ordinary people, how could he die inexplicably.

They all realized that someone was secretly protecting Huo Wu.

The strange thing is here, as Huo Wu is the granddaughter of the principal of Blazing Academy, it is no problem for someone to protect her, but why is she in the dark?
Huo Wu didn't even show up when she arrived at her destination. Is it necessary to be so mysterious?

Unless this person is not arranged by Huo Ran, the main purpose of doing this is not to dance towards Huo Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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