Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 68 Huo Wu's Gentle Side Arrives in Heaven Dou City

Chapter 68 Huo Wu's Gentle Side Arrives in Heaven Dou City

"Is it because of Senior Sister herself, or is it aimed at me?" Beixuan was lost in thought.

Judging from the original book, Huo Wu didn't have any hidden identity, except for her own family, who would be so idle and boring to protect her secretly.

If there is any change between Huo Wu and the original work, it is because he got to know himself, so it is very likely that the real reason lies in himself.

"Xiaoxuan, Xiaoxuan!" Huo Wu waved his palm in front of the contemplative Beixuan, and called twice to wake him up, "What are you thinking, you suddenly became dazed?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I was suddenly a little bored just now." Beixuan said casually. He didn't want Huo Wu to know about many things. Although this senior sister treated him very well, she wasn't close to him after all.

"Did the injury flare up? Then you can lie down and rest. If you feel uncomfortable, I can borrow your senior sister's leg as a pillow." Huo Wu pressed Beixuan on her leg and stroked it with her left hand. His chest was smooth.

Beixuan was very surprised, he didn't expect that this fiery girl would still be so careful and gentle.

Habayashi who was driving the car smiled slightly. As a titled Douluo, he couldn't hide the movement inside. He could only say that when a girl faces the person in her heart, her personality may be completely different from that of other people. of.

Lingyuan was like this at the beginning, when facing outsiders, as long as there was something that didn't make her go her way, she would always be a move of enthusiasm, burning the sky and boiling the sea, but only when facing herself, she was extremely gentle.

In fact, Yulin didn't lie to Lingyuan back then, it was true that he couldn't stand Lingyuan's overly cruel character, but it was true that he couldn't forget her all the time.

If it weren't for Habayashi's not only acting skills, but also showing his true feelings at that time, with Lingyuan's knowledge, how could he be deceived by memorizing lines.

"The wind is so cold, I really want to get into the car and sleep." At this time, there was only Ma Hongjun who was innocent, who didn't know anything about love at all.

Three days later, the few people finally arrived at the largest city in the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

In fact, it's not too far from Ice and Fire City. Beixuan originally wanted Huowu to go back first, but she was worried about Beixuan's injury, so she sternly refused.

Bei Xuansui didn't force it anymore, the purpose of his coming this time was the fairy grass, Ma Hongjun recognized him as his elder brother, he was one of his own, and he must have a share of the fairy grass, as for Huo Wu, since he came, he was still here to take care of himself It's her own chance to come.

"Xiao Xuan, I don't even know that there is a Titled Douluo in Tiandou City. How are you going to find him?" Huo Wu asked doubtfully. If there is such a big thing about a Titled Douluo in the capital of Tiandou Empire, she shouldn't Knowing nothing, the royal family cannot remain indifferent.

"That titled Douluo is not here, let's find a girl first." Beixuan said.

"What, girl?" Huo Wu heard the words, locked Beixuan's neck with a golden hook arm, and said angrily, "Xiaoxuan, are you kidding me, saying that you are looking for Titled Douluo to heal your wounds, but you are actually here to find a girl yes?"

"Sister...Sister, be merciful and listen to my explanation." Beixuan finally broke free and explained, "That Titled Douluo is not in the city, his whereabouts are erratic, and it is usually difficult to find him, but he has a granddaughter Dugu Yan, is studying at Tiandou Imperial Academy, as long as I make good use of her, I can make that person come to me on his own initiative."

"So that's it, Dugu Yan? The surname is Dugu again. Could it be that Xiaoxuan, you are looking for Poison Douluo, Senior Dugu Bo!" Huo Wu thought for a while and said.

In this world, there are only a dozen titled Douluo with names and surnames on the surface, so it is easy to guess.

"Xiaoxuan, I heard Grandpa mentioned this Titled Douluo, his temper is not very good, is it really all right?"

"Don't worry, senior sister, if I'm not sure, I won't act rashly." Beixuan said to himself, "Habayashi, please hide in the dark from now on, in order to complete the plan, you have to wait until you need to come out Appear again, as for Hong Jun, it is rare to come to Tiandou City, you can play around, but you have to remember, play for fun, don't go to dirty places, and don't delay your usual practice, this is the golden soul coin Card, take it."

"Don't worry, Xiaoxuan, I won't let anyone find me." After Habayashi finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace.

As for Ma Hongjun, he was ecstatic when he got the Golden Soul Coin Card, said "Thank you Brother Xuan" and ran away without a trace.

In fact, he was originally one of Beixuan's planners, but now that Huowu came, Beixuan felt that it would be better for him to cooperate with Huowu. After all, the phantom combination has been famous for more than two years.

Seeing Beixuan's strict arrangement, Habayashi who solemnly agreed, and Ma Hongjun who was obedient, Huo Wu looked at Beixuan with suspicious eyes.

"Xiaoxuan, who are you? I used to think that you were the least important of the three, but I guessed wrong. With all due respect, His Majesty Habayashi treats you like an uncle treats a nephew sometimes. On the contrary, there is a feeling that you are following orders. You are the backbone of the three. The appearance that he loved Ma Hongjun more before was your instruction. In order to let more people focus on Ma Hongjun, you yourself cultivated steadily. .”

"Senior sister, I know what you are wondering about, but I'm sorry, there are many things I can't say right now, and I hope you can help me keep them secret, but I promise you, one day, I will tell you everything about myself." Bei Xuan replied.

"It's okay, everyone has their own secrets, if you don't want to tell them now, I won't ask, but I will remember what you said just now, if you want to tell them in the future, I must be the first to know, don't you You must tell the other girls first." Huo Wu didn't force it, she also had a considerate side.

"Of course! The agreement is so, and I will never go back on it." Beixuan promised with a slight smile, Wang Bixie has always kept his promises.

Huo Wu nodded in satisfaction, "Well, by the way, I have another question, you have to answer me, why don't you let His Majesty Meteor Demon lead us to go directly to Dugu Yan, and beg to see that Poison Douluo Mian , with Meteor Demon Mian here, Poison Douluo Mian will always show up to save face."

"That's true, but if we meet like that, Poison Douluo will only pretend to be false in many things due to the existence of Habayashi, but I want to get straight to the point with him once, so I have to let him lead me without knowing the existence of Habayashi. Go where I want to go, don't worry, senior sister, I have planned everything, there will be no problem." Beixuan said confidently.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Let's go. It's rare to come to the largest city in the Tiandou Empire. If you're not in a hurry, let's go for a stroll!" After Huo Wu finished speaking, she took Bei Xuan's hand, and the two trotted into the city together. into the city.

(End of this chapter)

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