Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 70 Phantom Combination VS Dragon Snake Combination

Chapter 70 Phantom Combination VS Dragon Snake Combination
"It's okay, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan, I've heard about your dragon-snake combination for a long time, and I have long admired the two grandfathers, Thunder Mianxia and Bilin Mianxia, ​​so I came here today to propose to you two. The challenge, I just want to see how powerful the martial spirit passed down by Title Douluo is, and please don't hesitate to teach me." Beixuan asked, he is acting like two little fans of Title Douluo.

"Since you don't mind, then of course I won't refuse." Yu Tianheng nodded, looked at the staff and said, "Is that okay? Does my battle with them not comply with the rules of fighting at the same level in your Soul Arena? "

The staff member shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. If it were a random match, naturally this wouldn't happen. But you are making a fight. If both parties agree, it doesn't matter. And you are both a Silver Fighting Soul combination, which complies with the points ranking rules."

"Okay, then let's start immediately." Yu Tianheng acted like his martial spirit, resolute and vigorous. He was polite on the surface, but he was extremely arrogant, especially after he was promoted to the soul master, he didn't put these two mere great soul masters very much. in the eyes.

This feeling of contempt was captured by Huo Wu, what she couldn't stand the most was that others underestimated her.

"Let's go, Xiaoxuan, let them see today, our Phantom team is amazing!"

The fighting spirit of this fiery girl was completely aroused.

"Hi everyone, this is the fairest stage of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena." A pretty girl stood in the center of the Soul Arena, holding a cone-shaped amplifying soul tool in her hand, looking pretty. with a professional smile on his face.

"It's a great honor to meet all the distinguished guests. I'm the host Yiyi. I hope that all the distinguished guests will have a good time watching today. First of all, today's first soul fight. I believe everyone is very familiar with the Dragon Snake combination that has won nine consecutive victories in the Soul Arena."

Yiyi waved to the player passage on the left, and the lights from all around converged there, illuminating the two figures in the darkness.

"Dragon-snake combination, dragon-snake combination, dragon-snake combination..."

There was a loud cheer from the audience. It seemed that Yu Tianheng and Duguyan had already made a name for themselves here. With their strong martial spirits, handsome men and beautiful women, they had accumulated a large number of fans.

"On the other side, they came from another city to challenge them, the Xuanwu group!"

Huo Wu and Bei Xuan slowly walked out of the passageway on the right. Compared to just now, they were almost completely neglected.

After all, this is not Ice and Fire City, and no one can recognize the Phantom combination.

"Damn it, if it's in Ice and Fire City, I must let those two feel what is the away game atmosphere." Huo Wu said unhappily, the reputation of her and Beixuan in the Ice and Fire Great Soul Arena is not inferior to Yutian here Heng and Dugu Yan.

"Both parties, please get ready. First, open the martial soul!" Yiyi's crisp voice sounded.

Four rays of light, one blue, one green, one black and one red, flickered at the same time.

"Yu Tianheng, Level 32 Assault-type Battle Soul Venerable, Martial Soul Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, please advise!"

"Dugu Yan, level 31 control system war soul master, martial soul Jade Scaled Snake."

"Xuan Ge, level 29 control system battle spirit master, Wuhun Nightmare, please advise!"

"Huo Wu, level 29 control system battle soul master, Wuhun Hokage, come on!"

The four of them reported their names and ranks, and the gap between the purple soul rings was very obvious. If it wasn't for a battle agreed upon by both parties, such a situation would generally not be matched.

Yu Tianheng's level is stronger than Dugu Yan's. After all, his Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex has a very high demand for soul rings. Not only the age limit, but also must be dragon or sub-dragon soul beasts. Powerful, he raised Yu Tianheng two levels in one go.

In such a situation, almost everyone is not optimistic about the Xuanwu group.

Moreover, Beixuan still has injuries on his body, and his skill is not at its full state. It is said that it is [-]%, but it is actually usable, less than [-]%. , to perform a subduing palm attack.

Seeing that the preparations for both parties have been completed, the host Yiyi announced loudly, "The soul fight begins!"

"For the sake of fairness, I don't need the third soul ability in this match, but you probably won't be able to resist my first two soul skills. Let's take it, the first soul ability, Thunder Dragon Claw!"

Yu Tianheng's fighting style is exactly the same as Yu Tianxin's. The opening is a strong attack, and the first attack is the strongest.

"The first soul skill, the shadow of flame."

Huo Wu wrapped the flames in his palms and charged forward.

In the collision of Thunder and Flame, the strength of these two attributes is equal, but the difference in cultivation and strength of the two people who made the move is too great.

"it hurts!"

The thunder pierced through Huo Wu's flame, causing Huo Wu's arm to ache from the electric current.

Beixuan jumped up from Huo Wu's back, and slapped Yu Tianheng with his palm.

"The first soul skill, Green Scale Red Poison."

"The second soul skill, Green Scale and Blue Poison."

Dugu Yan also made a move at this time. Although she is a control-type soul master, it is not until the third soul skill that she can truly attack the soul skill. The first two soul skills are all auxiliary.

The first soul skill, the green scale red poison, is the poison of excitement, the effect is to stimulate the nerves, and the attack power and defense power are increased by 20.00%.

The second soul skill, Green Scale Blue Poison, is a strong hormone, which increases the speed by 30.00%, and forcibly eliminates the feeling of physical fatigue, but when the effect of the hormone passes, the accumulated fatigue will erupt in one breath, and after that, he will have to lie in bed for a day.

Compared with ordinary support, her highly poisonous support has a flaw. It cannot continuously support the same person with the same poison within a day, otherwise the person being supported will be eroded by the poison.

This is a disadvantage, but it is also an advantage, because of this, these two moves can also be attack skills that change direction.

In the past, Dugu Yan cast the green scale red poison on his opponent twice in a row, allowing the opponent's poison to enter the brain, overexcited, completely lost his mind, and finally died of madness.

Of course, Qin Ming did not allow Dugu Yan to use this move in Bo Yi Dou's soul fighting, so the soul skill she released this time was only to assist Yu Tianheng normally.

After receiving the blessing of the double poison, Yu Tianheng's attack and defense speeds have been improved, and at the same time, he hit Beixuan's subduing demon palm with the lightning dragon claw at an extremely fast speed.

After all, Beixuan was injured, and in the confrontation with Hunzun, he was completely at a disadvantage.

With a bang, the soul power of the two exploded, and Bei Xuan was also sent flying.

Yu Tianheng gained power and was relentless, he strode forward and rushed towards Beixuan, ready to finish him off in one fell swoop.

Beixuan has rich combat experience and has already set up a defensive posture.

But at this moment, Huo Wu quickly rushed between the two, with his arms crossed, wrapped in flames, and forcibly withstood Yu Tianheng's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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