Chapter 71 Fusion of surrounding figures into one
Under the huge gap in soul power, Huo Wu's flame was easily pierced again, and many bloodstains were drawn on her snow-white arms by lightning.


"Xiaoxuan, don't worry about me, just attack with all your strength." Huo Wu shouted, she always said that she could do it, since she promised to confront the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex head-on, she would not break her promise.

Stepping on the moon shadow footwork taught by Beixuan, Huo Wu confuses Yu Tianheng with a strange body style. When he approaches Yu Tianheng, the figure is on his right, and Yu Tianheng subconsciously raises his right hand to defend.

But Huo Wu's Huo Ying Martial Soul, like a mirror image, followed the same footwork, came to the left of Yu Tianheng, and slapped a palm with the power of flames.

This palm was not aimed at defeating Yu Tianheng, but on his acupuncture points, causing his soul power to stagnate for a short time.

This is to buy time for Beixuan.

Beixuan's most powerful palm, the Ao Mo Style, needs a little time to accumulate strength, and he didn't waste the opportunity created by Huo Wu, so he slapped it with all his strength.

But at this moment, a snake tail entangled Beixuan's palm, forcibly shifting the direction of Beixuan's palm force, making Beixuan's full-strength palm fall short.

It's Dugu Yan, using the martial soul flexibly is not just as simple as using soul skills, it is also very important to use the characteristics of one's own martial soul to control the enemy.

As the granddaughter of Titled Douluo, Dugu Yan certainly does not fail to understand this common sense.

"Damn it, if I don't use phantom fog, my attack route is too simple to deceive people." Beixuan frowned.

Beixuan's volleying palm brushed past Yu Tianheng, blasting a big hole in the ground behind him. This powerful palm immediately made Yu Tianheng feel lingering fear.

Although the two opponents are only great soul masters, it's not that simple. The girl's footwork is extremely delicate, erratic, and she can also use her martial soul together, multiplying her power.

And this young man has a powerful self-created soul skill, which is not inferior to his dragon claw.

If it wasn't for Dugu Yan's help just now, if he was hit head-on by that palm, he would have been seriously injured.

"It's me who underestimated you, the second soul skill, Thunderbolt!"

Yu Tianheng became more serious. The countless electric currents coiled around his body amplified at the same time, and in the next moment they turned into countless arrows of lightning and flashed out in all directions.

Huo Wu was forced to retreat in an instant, but she still stood in front of Beixuan, constantly blocking the lightning arrows, and at the same time, there were more and more scars on her body.

Duguyan looked at Beixuan with a disdainful smile, "Boy, your palm strength is not weak, but you turned out to be a waste who can only hide behind his female companion and eat soft food!"

"Shut up!" Huo Wu yelled angrily after kicking away a thunderbolt again with a kick wrapped around the flame.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the injuries on my Xiaoxuan body, if it wasn't for the fact that he has less than [-]% of his soul power left, and only [-]% to [-]% of his soul power can be used freely, you are no match for him at all." These words, Huo Wu could not Speaking out, I can only roar unwillingly in my heart.

Today, she felt a completely different feeling from the previous spirit fighting.

The former Phantom combination was invincible, as long as she was with Beixuan, she had never even been injured, because at that time, no matter how powerful the opponent was, no matter whether it was a cross-level battle or not, Beixuan would always stand in front of her. Allows her to freely use clones to attack from behind.

"Xiaoxuan, it turns out that defending against the enemy in front is such a hard job. Once, you blocked all attacks for me in order to let me play my own tactics comfortably, but today, as a senior sister, I must protect You who were injured." Huo Wu thought in her heart, with a firm expression, a Huo Ying avatar rushed out of her body, and together with her main body, she kept approaching Yu Tianheng with moon shadow footwork.

"What a weird footwork. You can attack while defending. Miss Huo Wu, your combat talent is very good, but the same tactics are useless to me." Yu Tianheng's eyes locked tightly on Huo Wu and Huo Wu. As her avatar, he won't be attacked again.

But this time, he miscalculated, Huo Wu didn't intend to sneak attack, after arriving in front of Yu Tianheng, she took a frontal attack, activated the shadow of flame, and stretched out both palms.

Yu Tianheng was startled, "How dare you confront my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex head-on, you're courting death, Thunder Dragon Claw!"

It was another battle between soul power and strength. In terms of soul power, Huo Wu had no choice but to rely on explosive power to make up for the gap.

The two soul rings on Huo Wu's body rose simultaneously and merged into one. The power of the flames on her body was greatly increased in an instant.

"This is Ronghuan!" Qin Ming said in surprise.

Fusion ring is not a soul skill, but a talent. It fuses the power of all your soul rings into one, and releases the soul power in an instant to use a soul skill, which doubles the power of this soul skill. Unexpectedly, the little girl in front of her There is such a talent.

But with the fusion of rings alone, the control system's fire dance is still not as powerful as the top attack system's martial soul, the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex.

The moment the two palms met, the avatar created by Huo Wu merged with the main body.

"The figure matches? This girl created a change for her second soul ability, what a genius!" Qin Ming in the auditorium was full of admiration.

Create a clone, and then attach the power of the clone to the main body, so that the power that erupts instantly doubles. Although this method consumes a lot of soul power, but supplemented by the fusion ring, the superimposed instantaneous explosive power of the two can undoubtedly reach beyond the soul. level of respect.

Yu Tianheng didn't expect Huo Wu to have this move, he was caught off guard, and was beaten back again and again by Huo Wu's palm.

Huo Wu hurriedly turned her head, "Xiaoxuan, it's now!"

"It's been prepared a long time ago, the second soul skill, Shadow Demon Soldier!" Beixuan didn't hold back his hand anymore, he held a pitch-black long sword in his hand, accumulating sword energy, and slashed at Yu Tianheng with a sword.

This is exactly the Sun and Moon Falling Demon Sword. Although Beixuan didn't deliberately learn this sword technique, he is proficient in the same palm technique as this sword. In addition, his sword technique talent is super high, and he understood it after just a few glances.

With the blessing of soul skills, the power of the Jiangmojian swordsmanship is more than double that of the Jiangmo Palm.

Another snake tail struck, and in midair, Beixuan stepped on the void and changed direction instantly.

"What?" Dugu Yan was startled, her surprise attack was dodged.

"Didn't Yu Tianheng say just now that the same tactics are useless." Bei Xuan smiled slightly, and when Yu Tianheng's body was not stable, he slashed down with his sword.

The tyrannical sword energy streaked across Yu Tianheng's chest, and a shocking scar was visible to the naked eye.

Of course, it was just a skin trauma, Beixuan would not seriously injure Yu Tianheng, he came here for Dugu Bo, and he didn't want to offend the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

But even if it is a skin trauma, this injury is probably enough to make Yu Tianheng temporarily lose his fighting power. After all, his teammate is not Jiuxin Haitang, so there is no way to treat him.

"Tian Heng, underestimating the enemy and not using the third soul skill is the biggest reason for your defeat today." Qin Ming murmured.

He could see that there seemed to be something wrong with this Xuan Ge, and his soul power was extremely unstable, so he kept the soul skill of the full blow until the end.

If Yu Tianheng used the third soul skill at the beginning of the match, he would not be able to lose this match.

Even if Huo Wu's figure is one, it is impossible to be the opponent of the soul master who has activated the third soul ability.

(End of this chapter)

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