Chapter 72

"Tianheng!" Seeing that Yu Tianheng was seriously injured, Duguyan turned pale with fright, and hurried over to support her sweetheart.

Seeing the long sword mark on his chest, she was furious.

Yu Tianheng is her reverse scale, whoever dares to hurt Yu Tianheng will bear the fate of being turned into blood by her poison.

"I'll kill you guys!!!" Dugu Yan said word by word, with a murderous look all over his body, and at the same time the purple light of the third soul ring shone.

"No, Yanzi, don't use the third soul ability!" Qin Ming said anxiously, Dugu Yan's third soul ability is very poisonous, it is not something a great soul master can block, once it is hit by her third soul ability, Within one hour and three quarters, all the bones in the body will be melted away.

Therefore, Qin Ming never allowed Dugu Yan to use this move on Bo Yi Dou's soul fighting arena.

But now that Yu Tianheng was injured, she couldn't take care of the teacher's orders anymore.

"No, Yanzi, don't worry, what I suffered was only a superficial injury, and the other party showed mercy." Yu Tianheng also realized that something was wrong, but he said it a step too late.

The Jade Scaled Snake has already sprayed out a thick purple poisonous mist.

This is Dugu Yan's third soul skill, Green Scale Purple Poison.

"Are you here?" Bei Xuan smiled slightly.

Injuring Yu Tianheng and angering Duguyan was the first step of his plan, and breaking Duguyan's poison was the second step of his plan.

The soul fighting in this big soul fighting field seems to be fair, but there is a huge omission in one place, that is, it is allowed to bring foreign objects.

In the original book, the Shrek team used hidden weapons to kill the Fierce God team, and Tang San also used realgar wine and flames to ignite and break Dugu Yan's blue scale and purple poison.

Today, Beixuan will follow the gourd to draw a ladle.

When Dugu Yan expended a lot of soul power to spray out the poisonous mist, Bei Xuan also took out the realgar liquor that he had prepared earlier from the golden belt of murder and arson, and threw it into the poisonous mist.

Huo Wu cooperates with Beixuan to shoot out a flame, which ignites the realgar wine, and with the property of realgar against snake venom, it breaks Dugu Yan's green scale and purple poison in one fell swoop.

Beixuan smiled and said, "Hehe, the poison of the green scaled snake is nothing more than that!"

"What?" Dugu Yan shouted in disbelief, her strongest attack method, the strongest snake venom she was proud of, was so easily neutralized by her opponent.

"Stop, we admit defeat in this game!" Seeing this, Yu Tianheng said hastily.

Although his injury was not serious, he still needed early treatment. Dugu Yan's poison was perfectly restrained by his opponent. He knew very well that they had no chance of winning.

"Concession!" Beixuan arched his hands, and today's goal was achieved.

Injuring Yu Tianheng and removing the venom of the Jade Scaled Snake, these two points have already touched Dugu Yan's Ni Lin, he didn't believe that she could bear it.

There is a high probability that it will still be the same as the original book, sue her grandfather, and then let her grandfather arrest her and teach her a lesson.

"Damn it, you two, remember, I will settle the account of hurting Tianheng with you." Dugu Yan's green eyes were fixed on Beixuan and Huo Wu, as if he wanted to completely forget them live.

"If you want revenge, come anytime. I live in the Tianxing Hotel in Tiandou City, but I don't think you have that ability. After all, your snake venom has no effect on me!" Beixuan said with a smile, and he added another flame. , and also told Dugu Yan his current address, for fear that the old poison could not find him.

"Okay, you wait for me!" Dugu Yan angrily supported Yu Tianheng to go down.

After finally winning, Huo Wu, who had fought so hard until now, let go of the pressure all over her body, and fell backwards. Bei Xuan hurried forward and hugged her.

"Sorry Xiaoxuan, I seem to have exhausted my soul power!" Huo Wu apologized.

"Senior sister, thank you, thanks to you, originally I wanted to use Hongjun to complete the plan, but judging from the competition just now, Hongjun and I may not be able to win the opponent, this is all thanks to you, next Take a good rest." Bei Xuan carried Princess Huo Wu into his arms, and Huo Wu fell into a deep sleep in Bei Xuan's arms.

She is a control system, fighting against a top attack system martial soul like the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, both physically and mentally, she bears too much pressure, after all, she does not have the physique of Beixuan.

On the other side, Ma Hongjun, who had been eating, drinking and having fun all day in Tiandou City, finally returned to the hotel in the evening, and just wanted to go to Beixuan's room to tell him that he was back.

But the voice from inside stopped his hand that was about to knock on the door.

"Hmm! Take it easy, Xiaoxuan, it hurts so much."

"Senior sister, don't move around, you can see that you are bleeding."

"Then you don't know how to be gentle, don't you know that it's the first time for Senior Sister?"

"Okay, okay, I'll be gentle."

"Hiss, that's right, it's this kind of strength, it's much more comfortable now."

Ma Hongjun was sweating coldly listening outside the door, should he knock on this door?I always feel that the atmosphere inside seems not quite right.

"I'd better eat another dog meat hotpot." In the end, after eating a mouthful of dog food, Ma Hongjun decided to eat the dog together.

Of course, in the room, it wasn't what Ma Hongjun thought, Beixuan was just applying medicine to Huowu, other places Huowu could come by himself, but he had to ask Beixuan for help on his back.

"Damn Yu Tianheng, this is the first time this girl has been injured so badly, and I don't know if there will be a wound on the skin. If I keep him, I will never let him go. Xiaoxuan, I will help you when you recover from the injury I'll teach him a lesson." Huo Wu lay on the bed and kept chanting.

For the rest, she doesn't worry, the only thing she cares about is not leaving scars.

She likes to wear short dresses. If there are scars on her hands and legs, she will not dare to go out in the future.

"Don't worry, senior sister, Yu Tianheng is also merciful. Although you have many scars on your body, they are very shallow. The medicine prepared by Habayashi will ensure that after your injuries are healed, your skin will become whiter and smoother than before. "Bei Xuan said, "Okay, the medicine is ready, after a few days of rest, you should be fine."

"Xiaoxuan, turn your head away, I'm about to put on my clothes." Huo Wu said with a blushing face.

When the medicine was just applied, the wound hurt, she couldn't care so much, and now she would feel shy instead.

"Okay, then I'll go to the balcony to blow some air." Beixuan nodded, stood up and walked out of the room.

It was already night at this time, and in Tiandou City, the nightlife belonging to the nobles had just begun, the lights below were feasting, and there was noise everywhere.

It is indeed one of the three most luxurious cities in the Douluo Continent.

Martial Soul City, Star Luo City and Heaven Dou City.

When it comes to the tyranny of the nobles, Xingluo City is the best, but when it comes to the corruption of the nobles, Tiandou City is second to none.

"Senior, I don't know if you are here, but I still want to say, I am very grateful that you secretly protected me, Senior Huowu, to come here, but after a while, there may be a little accident between me and her. If you can, please don't interfere with your plan." Bei Xuan said towards the surroundings.

He is now worried that the person who secretly protected Huo Wu before is still there, and when Dugu Bo comes to arrest him and Huo Wu, it will be bad for that person to fight to stop Dugu Bo.

"Let me not interfere? Suddenly thinking of offending a Titled Douluo, I don't know what this kid is planning to do?"

Beixuan's worry was correct, on the roof not far from his room, the white-haired young man was sitting leisurely watching the moon.

Fortunately, Beixuan said so, otherwise, in order to protect Beixuan and Huowu, this person will inevitably have a title-level battle with Dugu Bo.

Seeing that no one responded, Beixuan didn't care. If that person was here, he should have heard it. If he wasn't there, it didn't matter whether he said it or not.

Guessing that Huo Wu should get dressed, Beixuan turned and went back to the room. Before going in, he thought of something, and suddenly turned around and smiled, "By the way, senior, I want to ask you a question. You will be idle for me to protect my Huo Wu school." Sister, you should be my Uncle Lanxiang, right?"

After all, without waiting for the other party's answer, he directly entered the room.

If Lan Xiangruo is willing to show up, he will come out.

(End of this chapter)

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