Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 73 The Arrival of Dugu Bo

Chapter 73 The Arrival of Dugu Bo

In fact, Beixuan has been suspicious of Lan Xiang. Judging from the original work, Huo Wu has no hidden background at all.

It is also impossible for Huoran to allow his only precious granddaughter to ask for leave for half a year. She ran away from home and came to find herself. , was also blocked by someone.

Huo Ran is a Contra of more than 80 levels, and to be able to stop him, his strength must at least be at the peak Contra level, or even a titled Douluo.

It is impossible for Huo Wu to know this kind of character.

And that person protected Huo Wu all the way, if it wasn't for Huo Wu itself, then he was for Huo Wu's target, which was himself.

In this world, with such strength and will do so much for himself, Beixuan guessed and guessed, except for Habayashi, there is only Lan Xiang.

Excluding other impossibilities, what is left in the end is likely to be the truth.

It's just these, he can't say, because he just guessed that it was Lan Xiang, and said all of them in one brain, if the other party was not Lan Xiang, wouldn't he have fully exposed his own origin?

It doesn't matter if it's just a name, if it's Lan Xiang, he will figure it out, if it's not, then it's nothing, just a name, what can it represent?
The young man on the roof showed a look of surprise, the moonlight shone on his handsome face, that appearance was exactly Lan Xiang.

"This kid, how did you guess me?" Lan Xiang was puzzled at first, but soon he figured it out, "Hehe, so that's the case, is the method of elimination? Daddy is much smarter."

Back in the room, Huo Wu, who had changed into new clothes, came over and asked curiously, "Xiaoxuan, what were you muttering outside by yourself just now?"

"It's nothing, it's just a small insurance for my plan." Beixuan smiled.

"I don't know when Dugu Bo will come. I really want to see if the treasure land you mentioned called Ice and Fire Yangyan Eye really exists?" Huo Wu looked forward to it.

Beixuan told her that there was fairy grass there, that is, the kind he ate when he was a child. If she could also have such a treasure, then her talent would definitely be greatly improved.

"I only know that the Binghuo Liangyiyan is in the Sunset Forest. Where exactly is it? The Sunset Forest is so big, it's hard to find. If we take Yulin to Tiandou Royal Academy to visit him directly through Duguyan, although we can see him , but with his temperament, he must be extremely vigilant, I am afraid that he will not take us to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye so easily, let him directly catch us there, it is the fastest." Beixuan explained, "Next we have to do Yes, just wait quietly."

Dugu Bo won't go to Tiandou Imperial Academy every day, but since his granddaughter is there, he doesn't live far away, so it is common to see her from time to time.

Firstly, that is Dugu Bo's only relative after all, and secondly, Dugu Bo needs to pay close attention to Dugu Yan's physical condition at all times, so that if something goes wrong, he can be treated in time.

Dugu Bo knows better than anyone else that Dugu Yan, like him, has long been corroded by toxins. His son died under the backlash of toxins back then. Dugu Bo's wish in this life is to relieve Dugu Yan of the poison. He will pay any price for this.

Beixuan and Huo Wu didn't wait too long, after just two days, they found the person they were waiting for.

In Tiandou Imperial Academy's academic affairs office, Dugu Bo was sitting calmly drinking tea, and the three education committee members received him personally.

Titled Douluo's visit, even if it's just to see his granddaughter, must be received with the highest standard of treatment.

This is the highest level of class status in the mainland. Although Dugu Bo is currently only at level 91, for ordinary people and even some Soul Saints and Contras, the difference between level 91 and level 99 is not that big, anyway, they are so unattainable .

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment, I have already arranged for Qin Ming to call your granddaughter." Meng Shenji said.

"Yeah!" Dugu Bo nodded, he has a withdrawn personality, unless it is someone he approves of, he would not care about how warm people are to him.


A female voice came. Hearing this voice, Dugu Bo's indifferent expression changed 360 degrees, becoming like a kind little old man.

"Haha, Yanyan." Dugu Bo looked at the precious granddaughter who threw himself into his arms, and said softly, "Well, not bad, your soul power has improved again."

"Of course, I'm the granddaughter of Poison Douluo, so naturally I can't embarrass you." Dugu Yan raised her face and said proudly.

At this time, Dugu Bo noticed that after breaking through the [-]th level, Dugu Yan's eyes became greener, which is a phenomenon of toxin enhancement.

"Yanyan, you haven't felt any discomfort in your body lately, right? I don't think your face looks too good?" Dugu Bo asked tentatively.

He didn't tell Dugu Yan that she had already been poisoned by the terrible fact that his granddaughter was still so young, he was afraid that Dugu Yan would not be able to bear it.

Therefore, Dugu Yan, who knew nothing about it, shook his head casually, "No, Grandpa, you underestimate me too much. I am also a soul master, and my body is much stronger than ordinary people. How can I get sick every now and then? It's just me." I've been in a bad mood recently."

"I'm in a bad mood, what's the matter, did Yu Tianheng bully you, tell grandpa, grandpa will teach him a lesson." Dugu Bo said angrily. Yu Tianheng, but it's okay to poison him for a whole day and night.

As an elder, why should he teach his grandson-in-law a lesson?Yu Yuanzhen is not so stingy to this extent.

Dugu Yan shook his head, with tears in his eyes, "Tianheng didn't bully me, he...he was injured during the soul fight, and he has been recuperating for the past few days!"

"That's it?" Dugu Bo said helplessly after hearing the words, "I thought it was a big deal, wasn't it just an injury, as a soul master, it's just a little bit of injury, it's nothing more than normal, can't you even bear this?"

"More than that, the person who injured him also used some realgar wine to break my green scale purple poison, and even threatened that my green scale snake poison was nothing more than that. Grandpa, he despises my green scale snake lineage so much, you must help I'll teach him a lesson."

Just as Bei Xuan expected, the first thing Dugu Yan did when he saw Dugu Bo was to file a complaint.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo became a little interested, Yu Tianheng was injured or something, it's none of his business, but Dugu Yan's blue scale purple poison was the soul ring he personally chose for him, he knew very well about this poison It was so violent that it was easily broken by someone.

"The venom of the green scaled snake, is that all? Hehe, what an arrogant brat!" Dugu Bo sneered.

Will fight Dugu Yanyu Tianheng for soul, which means that the opponent should be a child of the same level. He wants to see if that little kid will dare to say this so arrogantly when he sees him.

(End of this chapter)

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