Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 74 The Poisonous Douluo

Chapter 74 The Poisonous Douluo
On the night when Dugu Bo came to Tiandou City, Bei Xuanzheng and Huo Wu went shopping calmly together,

Although in order to recuperate from injuries, I usually need to rest most of the time, but I can't always lie down, and I have to go out for a walk at ordinary times.

They usually choose the night, after all, do snakes still like to act in the darker hours?

"This Tiandou City is indeed more prosperous than our Binghuo City, it is indeed the capital of the Tiandou Empire." Huo Wu said looking at the gorgeous buildings everywhere.

"Is it luxurious? I've seen a more luxurious one, called Tianlu City." Beixuan said with emotion, "Sister, that's my house, it's much more beautiful than this."

"Your home? But isn't your and your grandfather's home in Yehuo Village?" Huo Wu was puzzled.

"Grandpa, he is not my biological grandfather. Of course, the family relationship between me and him is absolutely not half false, but in terms of blood, I really have nothing to do with grandpa. My real parents are both in the same family. The place called Tianlu City, due to some unavoidable reasons, I temporarily separated from them." Beixuan said, "The reason why I practice hard is to think that I can go home and meet them."

"That's it." Huo Wu was very happy. This was the first time Beixuan told her his secret. She trotted forward. She took Beixuan's arm and looked at him expectantly, "Then, one day you can Come home, take me with you, I also want to see how beautiful the city you mentioned is more luxurious than Tiandou City."

"Okay, if there is a chance to go back, I will definitely show you my home." Beixuan nodded, and at this moment, he suddenly smelled a fishy smell.

Beixuan smiled, "Hehe, senior sister, it seems that the person who can help us go home has arrived, let's go."

Taking Huo Wu's hand, Bei Xuan led her away from the innocent crowd.

Dugu Bo has never had any scruples in his actions. If ordinary people get even a little bit of his venom, their lives will be lost.

The two came to a small forest, and not long after they walked, they saw a slender figure in front of them.

"Are you the ones who hurt Yu Tianheng and understated the poison of my granddaughter Duguyan?" The man turned his head, his beard and hair were dark green, and his eyes shone like emeralds.

Coupled with the fishy smell attached to him, his identity has been clearly revealed.

Huo Wu pulled Beixuan's arm, her body trembling a little, Dugu Bo had a fierce reputation, she had expected him to come before, but when she saw him, the cold expression on his face and the endless fishy smell made her a little scared .

Beixuan patted Huo Wu's arm lightly, indicating that he was fine, and then stepped forward and asked, "This senior just said that Dugu Yan is your granddaughter, so you must have changed your surname to Dugu, and the fishy smell on your body is overwhelming. If I guess correctly, the senior must be the world-renowned Poison Douluo, Senior Dugu Bo, right?"

"Hehe, yes, I'm a little clever. Since I have guessed my identity, then, you should know that resistance is useless. You guys, come with me obediently."

With a flash of Dugu Bo's figure, he came in front of the two of them in an instant.

The two of them just felt a burst of dizziness in their brains, and soon they knew nothing.

Dugu Bo led the two of them away from Heaven Dou City at a speed that ordinary people could hardly distinguish with naked eyes.

However, just as he left, the two figures chased after him at a faster speed.

The first one is Habayashi, and the latter one is Lanxiang who deliberately slows down Habayashi.

The strength of these two people is above Dugu Bo, and Dugu Bo didn't even realize that he was being followed by two strong men.

Soon, he returned to his lair and threw Bei Xuan and Huo Wu to the ground.

"Little ghost, you don't need to pretend when you wake up. I've discovered it a long time ago. Your body is very strange, and your resistance to poison is very strong. Your soul power is also extremely pure, even surpassing me, a Titled Douluo." Dugu Bo's hoarse voice sounded. .

Beixuan took advantage of the opportunity to open his eyes, and stretched his waist, "Hehe, I really can't fool you, senior, but I slept quite comfortably just now."

"Little ghost, do you know what your current situation is, so comfortable?" Dugu Bo looked at Bei Xuan's expression in surprise.

This kid is not afraid of him at all!Could it be that his reputation on the mainland is so good now?
He remembered that the evaluation of him on the mainland has always been both good and evil. He has always only done things according to his own preferences, and he is withdrawn by nature. Usually, there are no soul masters willing to deal with him. Even if there are, most of them are afraid.

"Senior wants to kill me, just move your finger, am I afraid it will work?" Beixuan asked with a smile.

Dugu Bo nodded, "That's right, you have a good heart, I just discovered something, you kid, you are seriously injured, this makes me very strange, originally with your physique, even if you are seriously injured, you should take care of half of your body." Yue is fine, but you dragged your seriously injured body to forcibly fight with my granddaughter and Yu Tianheng, causing the soul power to surge, and the wounds added to the wounds, why is that?"

"Hehe, otherwise, how can I provoke Dugu Yan, and then let her sue you, and then let you arrest me here? This is your home, so there must be the Eye of Binghuo not far away. Oh, it is the fire spring and ice spring that you have been using to suppress the poison in your body." Beixuan dragged it out without any concealment.

"I've been looking for this place, but it's a pity that the Sunset Forest is too big. Going in and looking for it is like finding a needle in a haystack. I can only ask you to take the initiative to bring me here."

Dugu Bo's green pupils widened in shock. He understood that he had been tricked by the brat in front of him. He started by challenging his granddaughter, and his purpose was to lure him out and bring him here.

"You kid, what are you talking about? I am a powerful Poison Douluo, so how could I be poisoned? I have never heard of the Ice and Fire Eyes."

There are some things that Dugu Bo can't admit, such as the fact that his body is highly poisoned, firstly he loses Poison Douluo's face, secondly, if his enemies find out, he will be miserable.

As a poisonous snake, Dugu Bo knows better than others the principle of taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

"Really, then, every time it's rainy, is the itching on your ribs okay? Is it still getting stronger? According to your situation, I guess your symptoms should occur once a day at noon and midnight , each time it lasts for more than an hour. Also, every night, around three o’clock, you will have a needle-like tingling pain on the top of your head. The whole body convulsions, at least half an hour, I did not Are you wrong?" Beixuan talked eloquently, describing Dugu Bo's symptoms exactly.

"Shut up!" Dugu Bo roared angrily. Being able to explain his situation so clearly means that this kid has indeed grasped his weakness, and the green light in his hand began to condense. He can't let him continue to live, "Little devil, you know There are too many, and you still don't know how to hide in front of me, who gave you the confidence?"

"I gave it to you!" At this moment, an epee lay across Dugu Bo's neck, and Habayashi suddenly appeared behind Dugu Bo, threatening coldly, "Dugu Bo, don't move, or I will immediately It will cut off your head!"

(End of this chapter)

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