Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 75 3 promise

Chapter 75 The Three Promises
"This... this sword? You are... Meteor Demon Douluo, Habayashi!" Dugu Bo looked at the giant sword lying across his neck, and recognized Habayashi at first sight. It's strange that you don't recognize him when you act in a high-profile way.

After all, there are only two titled Douluo who use swords on the mainland.

Unexpectedly, this guy is so powerful, he can come behind him silently without being noticed by him. Anyway, he is also a dignified Titled Douluo, even a 95-level Super Douluo, it is impossible to do it. to such an extent.

Unless, Habayashi is stronger than Super Douluo.

"Yes, it's me. Don't make wild guesses. I'm not as strong as you think. I'm only level 94, but I, Tianlu City, have my own way of hiding my aura." Yu Lin could tell at a glance what Dugu Bo was thinking. , said with a smile, "But even if I am not as strong as you think, I am still stronger than you. If I don't show up, you won't be able to find me. As long as I am here, you can't hurt my Highness."

"Tianlu City? Your Highness?" Dugu Bo thought for a while, he has traveled across the mainland for decades, but he has never heard of this place name, if one of the forces came out of Yubayashi, the titled Douluo, he should not be unknown.

And from Habayashi's tone, the kid in front of him is equivalent to the young master of Tianlu City.

"Meteor Demon Douluo, it turned out that you and this kid designed it together to lure me out. Although I, Dugu Bo, have offended many people by only acting on my likes and dislikes, I think I have no grievances or enmity with you, Meteor Demon Douluo, right?" Dugu Bo Bo asked sharply.

Habayashi nodded, "That's right, we have no grievances and no enmity, so my Highness and I didn't really think to do anything to you. Didn't My Highness say it from the beginning, our goal is to have the eyes of ice and fire. "

"Binghuo Liangyiyan, those two springs seem to have something special, which makes you, a titled Douluo, go to war. Such a design, it's a pity, it's my territory." Dugu Bo suddenly started chattering and laughing , "Hehe, do you think you can threaten me by placing your sword across my neck? I, Dugu Bo, have never been threatened by anyone."

As he said that, Dugu Bo's whole body exuded a green light.

"Meteor Demon Douluo, I really can't beat you, but don't you care about that little brat? The big deal is that the old man will drag him to be buried with him. With the poison of the old man, if it breaks out in a full blown way, these two little brats, as well as the people outside, can be killed." The Binghuo Yinyi eyes are all ruined, and you get nothing." Dugu Bo's character is as perverse as the original book.

Sexually likes to be free, never threatened by others, and would rather be broken than whole.

"Don't worry, Senior Dugu." Beixuan smiled, "What's the use of killing me, and you can't kill Yulin, you will be dead by then, if Yulin wants to avenge me, guess what? Who will he attack? And without the suppression of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang, how long do you think she can live, and you also use the Ice and Fire Yin Yang to suppress the poison in your body, so that you have cultivated to the Title Douluo level, right?"

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's heart felt cold for a moment, and the green light was immediately suppressed by him, and he looked at Beixuan with an extremely ugly face, this brat really knew his weakness.

That's right, he doesn't care about his own life, anyway, being tortured by the poison every day is worse than death, and Dugu Bo is no longer afraid of death.

However, he couldn't help caring about his granddaughter. He couldn't die before he found a way to remove the poison from Dugu Yan. He didn't want his granddaughter to suffer the same torture as himself in the future.

"You guys, what are you going to do?"

"Senior Dugu, it seems that you have calmed down. Don't worry, the purpose of our coming here is neither to steal nor to rob, but to make a deal with you. I will detoxify you and your granddaughter from the body, and let you Great increase in skill, how about in exchange for your three promises?" Beixuan laughed.

"What did you say, you can detoxify me and my granddaughter?" Dugu Bo questioned in astonishment, he didn't believe that a little ghost could easily detoxify the poison that had troubled him for decades.

"Hehe, of course you can, but you need to rely on the power of your Binghuo Liangyiyan. If you don't believe me, why don't you swallow your inner alchemy for me, so that if I put you to death, I will die a miserable death." Beixuan believed in himself, he dared to gamble with his own life.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo was a little moved. This brat really knows a lot, even about the inner alchemy that has gathered half of his skill, and he was able to say exactly what his physical problems are, so it can be seen that he is also an expert in poisoning .

"Tell me first, what are the three promises you want me to make? If it's something I can't accept, I'd rather not treat it." Dugu Bo said, for him, some things are more important than life.

Beixuan stretched out a finger, "Okay, then the first promise I want you to make is that if I cure you, I want the treasure in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and you can't stop it."

"That's no problem. I've been using those two springs to suppress the poison. If the poison is cured, it's okay if I give you this treasure land." Dugu Bo didn't care about this small request. No matter how you use the Liangyi eye, it doesn't make sense to keep it.

"Then, the second promise, I hope you will stop blaming me for designing you. From now on, let's be friends. There is no such thing as a friend who cheats and treats each other honestly."

"Friend...friend? This is your second condition, to be friends with me?" Dugu Bo was taken aback, this was the first time someone told him that he wanted to be friends with him.

People in the past almost avoided him when they saw him.

Beixuan tilted his head, "Can't you?"

"Hmph, of course, if you cure me and my granddaughter, let alone a friend, you will be my Dugu Bo's lifelong brother, and I will be married to Jinlan with you." Dugu Bo solemnly said, he always obeys his words, Bei Xuan It is precisely this point that he has taken a fancy to.

"Then the third and last promise, I want you to promise me that one day, when I have what you want in Tianlu City, in the name of our friends, you can come to my Tianlu City to hang a name , I’ll give you something, of course, I know you like freedom, so even if you join me, I won’t have any restrictions on you.”

This is Beixuan's third condition, but this condition makes Dugu Bo feel very strange.

He is a titled Douluo, and it is very common for many forces to want him to join. The third promise that Beixuan asked him to make had a premise, that is, in the so-called Tianlu City, there was someone he wanted to join. In other words, if there is nothing he wants, this promise will never need to be fulfilled, and there is no restriction on him at all.

Of these three promises, except for the first one, the other two are more strange than the other.

Dugu Bo thought about it for a while, and these three conditions were not bad for him at all, and immediately said, "Okay, boy, I solemnly promise now that as long as you can cure my granddaughter and me, your three conditions, I agreed to everything."

(End of this chapter)

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