Chapter 76
When Dugu Bo agreed, Beixuan seemed very happy, "That's great, Senior Dugu, then we'll be friends from now on, don't be angry about Dugu Yan anymore, anyway, I didn't hurt her, I hit her Yu Tianheng!"

"Hmph, kid, don't be so familiar. You haven't cured my poison yet?" Dugu Bo snorted coldly, "Although I just want to say good job to that brat Yu Tianheng, but now I have I still have doubts about whether you can remove my poison, I need you to prove it first."

Of course Dugu Bo couldn't fully trust Beixuan, just as he tested Tang San's detoxification ability in the original book, he also planned to test Beixuan first.

With Habayashi by his side, he would not really take out the inner alchemy for Beixuan to take, but his life was at stake, so he had to be cautious.

"No need to test, Senior Dugu, just take a look at this." Beixuan smiled slightly, took out a book from his belt, and threw it to Dugu Bo.

On the cover of the book are five large characters, "Five Poisons Red Flame Body".

"Is this, a book of poisoning skills?" Dugu Bo opened the book curiously, the more he looked at it, the more startled he was. The poisoning skills recorded in this book were actually much more subtle than what he knew.

More importantly, this mental method records a method that can be practiced to develop a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons.

Dugu Bo immediately figured it out, Beixuan's way to remove his poison was to let him practice this magic skill.

"Senior, with this skill, your poison is free from worries, and your granddaughter can also use this to completely control the toxins in your body, but there is one thing, the poison in your body is too strong. To cultivate the five-poison red flame body, you have to do it yourself. It needs the help of various poisons. Once the poison of those poisons collides with the original poison in your body, you may die under the collision of the two poisons before you have practiced supernatural powers. Therefore, I will first match it with a general The medicine that is temporarily suppressed by the poison in your body, as for my dispensing level, do you need to test it?" Beixuan asked.

"No need, if you can come up with such a powerful poison skill, there is no need to doubt your level." Dugu Bo was completely immersed in the skill at the moment, and he found that this skill could not only dissolve his poison, but also Let his skill greatly increase.

Once this skill is practiced to a high level, super douluo is not a dream, limit douluo is not a limit, even the rumored hundred-level godhood...
"Huh!" Dugu Bo had just turned to the last chapter, only then did he realize that the last layer of this magic skill seemed to have been torn off on purpose, and the traces were still there.

"Boy, your cultivation method is incomplete. It clearly records the highest level of ten thousand poisons into the realm. What about the cultivation method?"

Beixuan nodded, "That's right, I tore it up, and it was on purpose. The transformation of ten thousand poisons is not part of the invulnerability of all poisons, and has nothing to do with removing your poison. Senior, I just kept it on purpose." These traces let you know the existence of ten thousand poisons, but they don't tell you how to cultivate, isn't it itchy?"

" bastard, you are really direct!" Dugu Bo gritted his teeth angrily, wasn't this intentional to whet his appetite?
"Of course, getting along with friends is more important than heart-to-heart and honesty, so I don't want to deceive you, I have put everything on the surface now, senior, I have, I have I just want to ask you, do you want it or not? As long as you ask, I will offer it immediately." Beixuan asked with a smile.

"Of course..." Dugu Bo was about to speak when he suddenly realized that he had been fooled.

Isn't this the second and third condition of Beixuan?

The second condition is that there is no bosom friend who cheats. Being friends is more important than honesty. He doesn't want to cheat Beixuan, he just wants to become a virulent person.

But once he said that, the third promise, which he thought would never take effect, would take effect immediately.

Yubayashi smiled at the side, it turned out that Beixuan deliberately tore off the last layer and left traces for this purpose.

Now Dugu Bo is in a dilemma.

To say no is to violate the second promise and to deceive one's friends. What Dugu Bo hates the most in his life is the kind of person who breaks promises, and he will never become such a person.

But if you say yes, then you have to open the third commitment and join Tianlu City.

This is naked conspiracy.

In fact, it is very simple to decipher Beixuan's strategy, neither saying yes nor no, just don't answer, so that there will be no third promise, no deception, just concealing one's own thoughts.

Everyone has secrets, even close friends, there are always things that they don't want the other party to know.

Although there is concealment, there is no deception. In fact, this is enough.

It's a pity that Dugu Bo, who couldn't turn his head around, didn't think of this level.

After a long time, Dugu Bo sighed silently, "Stinky boy, if you tricked me, then at least tell me where our Tianlu City is, and what position you plan to arrange for me, you said it yourself before , I don’t have to take care of things, and it won’t restrict my freedom.”

Beixuan and Yubayashi were overjoyed, they knew it was over, because what Dugu Bo just said was, "Our Tianlu City".

Beixuan scratched his head, "Well, senior, Tianlu City hasn't been built yet, and besides, all the people in our city are here now."

"What did you say? You mean that the so-called Tianlu City is not an established force at all, but a force you are planning to build?" Dugu Bo was shocked, joining existing forces, and building new forces from scratch, but Two completely different things.

"That's right, what's the point of joining someone else's power? I don't want to be inferior to others." Beixuan said proudly, "Senior, you should feel my talent, titled Douluo is not a difficult task for me , plus you and Habayashi, the three of us alone will be enough to support the appearance of a top power in the future."

"The two great empires, the seven great sects, and the Wuhun Palace, none of them were built from scratch. In the future, I want Tianlu City to surpass them."

"Hehe, what an ambitious kid." Dugu Bo smiled, being infected by Beixuan, he was indeed a little moved.

In the past, he was plagued by poison, so he didn't have any ambitions, and he just wanted to spend the last time freely, but now he holds the magical power of the five poisonous red flame body, if he doesn't turn the clouds and rains on the mainland, he is really blind This magic skill.

"Okay, boy, old man, I will go crazy with you once. Although there are only three of us, it is enough!"

"Who said there are only three people, plus me?"

At the entrance of the cave, a voice suddenly sounded, Dugu Bo was on guard immediately, what day is it today, why are there so many guests in his cave?
Under the reflection of the moonlight, the visitor revealed his true face, with long silver-white hair, a handsome face, and a long gun in his hand.

"Lan Xiang!" Yu Lin went up to him in surprise and joy, "You guy, you finally appeared. After all these years, where have you been? Since you are still alive, you don't know how to come to me!"

"I just don't want to see you!" Lan Xiang glanced at Habayashi and said indifferently.

Immediately, he walked in front of Beixuan again, and performed a royal ceremony to ward off evil, "Soldiers of the royal family to ward off evil, Prime Minister Lan, see Your Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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