Chapter 78

After making an agreement with Dugu Bo, Beixuan will start preparations for detoxification.

To make the medicine to suppress the poison in Dugu Bo's body, you need Yaoyin, and that Yaoyin is the same as Tang San in the original book, who has taken the blood of star anise black ice grass and raging fire apricot.

Therefore, Beixuan had to take these two kinds of fairy grass first.

Alone, he walked towards the center of the spring of the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

Beside the spring of Binghuo Liangyiyan, the three Titled Douluo stood side by side, Dugu Bo frowned and said, "That brat really wants to eat those two herbs, it's something even I dare not touch."

"It's okay, Xiaoxuan knows better than anyone how to take these two kinds of fairy grass." Yulin said, he had already taught Beixuan the knowledge about the fairy grass.

"Okay, since you have said so, but if something goes wrong, don't blame the old man, I didn't let him eat it." Dugu Bo was very worried, once Beixuan ate to death, the two people would come to him Settle accounts.

As one of the titled Douluos who had never won a single duel or a group battle, he couldn't beat any of the two next to him.

Habayashi smiled slightly, "Hehe, don't worry, Dugu Bo, our Highness values ​​you very much, he said, in terms of ability to fight alone, you may be the weakest among Titled Douluo, but as long as you want, you can even Make yourself the weakest in the whole world."

Hearing what Yulin said, Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment. On the surface, it sounded like Beixuan looked down on his strength, but after careful consideration, it was clear that he was praising his excellent group fighting ability.

As one of the titled Douluo standing at the top of the Douluo Continent, Dugu Bobi knows that there is no perfect soul master in this world, and everyone has their own characteristics. Otherwise, there would be no strong attack, defense, or control. Waiting for different categories.

For example, Tang Hao, Yu Yuanzhen and other top experts, if I challenged them one-on-one, I would be decapitated after a few moves.

But if everyone is facing an army of [-] each, Dugu Bo promises that he will kill faster than Tang Hao.

Rubbing his beard lightly, Dugu Bo smiled triumphantly, "Hehe, this brat has some eyes."

Beixuan at the spring's eye searched around, and soon, near the ice spring, he found a white medicinal herb.

The top of the white herb looks like a large white flower, octagonal, with stamens shining like ice crystals in the center.There is no fragrance revealed, and its location is exactly the center point on the side of the cold spring.

Without the slightest hesitation, Beixuan used his second soul skill to transform into a long sword and swing it. At the same time, his body used Moon Shadow Steps to quickly retreat, and retreated ten meters away.

Where the long sword was swung, large white octagonal flowers fell in response to the sound, and fell among the herbs. In an instant, a gust of cold air permeated the air, and a layer of hoarfrost hung on the surrounding herbs.

This medicinal herb is the Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass. It is also a fairy herb, but it contains a peerless poison. If you take it directly, you will definitely die from the cold poison.

But when this herb is combined with another herb, it can have amazing effects.

Beixuan turned to the other side, and in the center of the fire spring, there was a fiery red plant, which was the Fiery Apricot, which was completely opposite to the Star Anise Black Grass, and belonged to the fire-attributed highly poisonous fairy product.

Beixuan didn't use a long sword this time, because according to the immortal knowledge taught by Habayashi, a weapon made of jade must be used to pick this herb.

Beixuan took out a jade dagger from his belt, which was a birthday present given to him by Shui Binger.

The dagger was thrown out, cutting off Li Huo Xingshu, and at the same time, Beixuan circulated his soul power and sucked the two herbs over at the same time, but Beixuan didn't touch it with his hands, because he couldn't bear the poison of fire and ice now. .

These two medicinal herbs fell to the ground in front of Beixuan at the same time. At this time, the aura of them that originally exuded extremely cold and extremely hot disappeared suddenly.

This is because the two plants restrain each other, and this is the only chance to take them. Without hesitation, Beixuan picked up two herbs and stuffed them into his mouth at the same time.

The two celestial products melted in the mouth, and the powerful medicinal power spread all over Beixuan's body in an instant.

Afterwards, two rays of light, one red and one blue, flickered on Beixuan's body at the same time. Beixuan immediately tore off his clothes, sat cross-legged in the center of the ice-fire spring, and performed the Sun-Moon Golden Body Cultivation Technique with all his strength, and began to absorb the power of the medicine.

These two kinds of immortal grasses have a much greater boost to Beixuan's physical body than Tang San's. Because of the matching attributes, he needs to use the power of ice and fire to push the sun and moon golden body's cultivation to culmination.

The medicinal power of the fairy grass turned into nourishment to promote the growth of the golden body of the sun and the moon, the impact on Beixuan's body was not as great as Tang San's, not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but was extremely comfortable.

At the last moment, Beixuan jumped into the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, refining the last part of the medicinal power with the help of spring water.

"Xiaoxuan!" Seeing Beixuan sinking into the bottom of the lake, Huo Wu cried out worriedly, and even wanted to rush over to save him.

As a fire attribute soul master, she may not be very familiar with the extremely cold Yinquan, but she can clearly feel how terrifying this fiery Yangquan is. For a normal person to enter, within three seconds, even the bones will be melted by the spring water .

"Don't bother Your Highness." Lan Xiang pressed Huo Wu's shoulder, "Don't worry, his parents and uncle are both strong, inheriting their blood, he will also be strong, and the spirits of these elders will also bless him his."

Hearing Lanxiang's words, Huo Wu calmed down a bit, she was just a small great soul master, at this time, since Titled Douluo said so, she could only trust Beixuan and wait.

Habayashi poked Lan Xiang's back, "Well, Lan Xiang, I know that you don't have much contact with outsiders, and your emotional intelligence is relatively low, but your words should be appropriate, Wang Shang and Qi Xijun are not dead yet. , the words "Spirit of Heaven" cannot be used indiscriminately."

"Anyway, not in this world, what's the difference from being dead?" Xiang Lan folded his arms and spoke as usual, never showing any morality.

Regarding the conversation between the two, Huo Wu and Dugu Bo listened to nothing.

Huo Wu is okay, she is too weak to understand, and besides, she is now fully focused on Beixuan, and doesn't even care about what the two behind her are saying.

But Dugu Boke was completely transformed.

"My parents are not dead, but they are not in this world. Could it be...?"

As a titled Douluo, Dugu Bo has heard the legend of becoming a god at level [-]. It is said that when a soul master breaks through level [-] and becomes a god, he will leave this world and go to a higher plane, the God Realm.

Isn't this in line with what Lan Xiang said, that he is not dead but not in this world?

Could it be that this little ghost named Beixuan is the son of the gods, that's why these two titled Douluo called him His Highness and obeyed him, so that he can easily come up with a super poisonous skill cheat book that can reach level [-]? It makes sense.

If it was true, then Dugu Bo might have a super thick thigh in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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