Chapter 79

Not long after, the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi boiled for a while, and a figure rose into the sky from the spring water.

Beixuan landed safely, and the red and blue colors on his body kept changing, finally, they converged on his chest, and then, his whole body radiated a pale golden light.

Compared to before, the power of the Sun Moon Golden Body seems to be much smaller, and the light is not as dazzling as before.

But in fact, this is the sign of the true perfection of the Sun Moon Golden Body, the power is completely restrained in the body, without wasting a single bit.

When it is deployed, not only is its power multiplied, but it is also invulnerable to weapons, water and fire.

Of course, this refers to ordinary knives, guns, water and fire. If it is a top weapon, martial soul, or extreme fire, it can still pose a threat to him.

"Xiaoxuan, how are you doing?" Huo Wu hurried forward and checked.

Apart from Beixuan's body being a little stronger than before, nothing else seemed to have changed.

But as his soul power erupted, everyone clearly felt that his soul power level had reached level [-]!

Huo Wu immediately said joyfully, "Xiaoxuan, your injuries are all healed, and you have even broken through to level [-] soul power!"

Beixuan smiled slightly, "That's right, I've fully recovered, this period of time has made you worry, senior sister, the medicinal power of the fairy herb is extraordinary, not only helped me cultivate into a golden body, but also healed my injuries, as for the soul power, the two The effect of planting fairy grass is to refine the body, it does not increase the soul power, it is because my golden body soul skill is perfect, and the speed of the soul power is accelerated, so I can break through in one breath."

"It's such a powerful fairy grass, if we eat ten or eight plants, wouldn't we be invincible in the world." Huo Wu's eyes lit up, as if he had already seen the day when he would fulfill his dream and become a Titled Douluo.

Beixuan's head was full of black lines immediately, "Senior sister, what you think is too beautiful, the medicinal power of the fairy herb is too strong, most people can only eat one plant, and the body's medicinal power will be completely saturated. If you eat more, the gain may not be worth the loss, and the body will explode." Death."

"Really, then how dare you eat so much, one plant when I was a child, now two plants, now there are three plants, will there be any problems?" Huo Wu didn't suspect that Beixuan lied to her, only worried that his body could Can't stand it.

Beixuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, my body is quite special, so it's not a serious problem. The fairy grass here is extremely precious. Anyone who eats one of them can make himself change drastically. Senior sister, since When you come here, it means that you are destined to have a fairy grass, and I will choose one for you."

"Great, then you have to choose the one that suits me best." Huo Wu was very excited, now she has completely believed in the powerful effect of the fairy grass.

She also subconsciously thought that Beixuan's heaven-defying talent was accumulated only by relying on fairy grass.

When she eats the fairy grass, she might be as strong as Beixuan. Then, she will be qualified to stand by his side all the time and become famous all over the world in the name of Phantom Group.

"Don't worry, I'm not qualified to pick too many herbs for the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye." After finishing speaking, Beixuan walked up to Dugu Bo and said, "Senior Dugu, after taking the Star Anise Black Ice Grass and Fiery Xingjiaoshu , now my blood is enough to be used as a medicine to produce a medicine that can suppress the poison in your body, and my evil blood is very powerful, even if it is only a small drop, as long as the senior is successfully refined, it must be of great benefit to the senior. It's too much trouble, let's start detoxification now."

"I have to fulfill my promise to you before you can fulfill your promise to me and let me take the treasure here at will."

"Haha, you boy, you are quite principled, alright, let's start detoxification immediately." Dugu Bo nodded, the poison had troubled him for too long, and he couldn't wait to get rid of it.

"Then, senior, according to what I said before, you can give me your poison pill, so that if I treat you, you can rest assured." Beixuan stretched out his hand and said.

"No need!" Dugu Bo shook his head, "Now I don't want to give you any more poisonous pills. I believe that you who can come up with such a skill can cure me well. This second promise will be fulfilled in advance. Well, I won't do anything to hurt my friends, brother, I will leave this old man's life to you."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Beixuan understood Dugu Bo's character, once he said this, it meant that he was completely his own.

Dugu Bo is aloof and arrogant by nature, but he will keep his word. He is cruel and domineering to the enemy, but he attaches great importance to love and righteousness to his own people. Once he is regarded as a family member he recognizes, he is willing to give his life to fight for it.

In the original book, in order to protect Tang San, he was not afraid of Bibi Dong and Jugui's three major Douluo.

In order to completely subdue this future trustworthy partner, Beixuan is naturally very concerned about detoxification. There is no shortage of herbs and ice and fire.

Beixuan has already prepared other things that are needed.

As long as the poison in Dugu Bo's body is temporarily suppressed, Dugu Bo can practice the Five Poisons Red Flame Body Kung Fu by himself, and he will be invulnerable to all poisons.

There are nine levels of this skill, and each level requires different poisons to assist the practice. According to Beixuan's estimation, as long as Dugu Bo reaches about the fifth level, his poison will no longer pose a threat to him.

It doesn't take too much time, after all, Dugu Boben has a powerful cultivation of Title Douluo level, just like Beixuan before, he can gradually transform the soul power in his body into five poisonous true qi.

Half a year is enough.

And starting from the sixth level, not only can those toxins be completely controlled by him, but they will gradually begin to mutate.

Those poisonous snakes, poisonous scorpions, and toads that need to be used in cultivation will be slowly absorbed by his Jade Scaled Snake Emperor poison, producing a more powerful new species of poison.

As for the final ninth level, Ten Thousand Poisons, it is definitely a terrifying poison skill that even the gods dare not accept. If Dugu Bo is lucky enough to practice this level, then he may be able to create his own God of Poison.

Just as Beixuan was in full swing to detoxify Dugu Bo, in Yehuo Village, Beihan finished his daily work and was going home to rest.

But today, there seems to be another visitor at the door of the house.

It was a girl with long aqua-blue hair fluttering behind her like a waterfall, and the beauty exuding from her delicate face was even more beautiful than the girl Huo Wu had seen before.

"That little girl, are you here to find my Xuan'er?" Bei Han stepped forward and asked.

The girl turned her head, looked at Beihan, and performed aristocratic etiquette, "Yes, you are Xiaoxuan's grandfather, right? I am his senior sister, named Shui Binger. I heard that he was injured when I was in the academy. , so I came to visit him specially, is he at home?"

"It turns out that you are also Xiaoxuan's senior sister, little girl, you are late, Xiaoxuan went out with Master Habayashi in order to heal his injuries, and said he was looking for medicinal materials. I don't know where to go, the old man just An ordinary person doesn't understand what's going on between you soul masters," Beihan said.

Hearing this, Shui Bing'er was a little disappointed, she came all the way, but Bei Xuan was not there.

However, since His Majesty Meteor Demon Mian took him away for treatment, there shouldn't be any problem.

"Thank you, grandpa, for letting me know. Since Xiaoxuan is not here, Bing'er will leave." Shui Bing'er bowed gracefully, bid farewell to Bei Han, and walked out of the village.

Looking at Shui Binger's back, Bei Han couldn't help thinking, his grandson is really amazing, a Huowu senior and a Shui Binger senior, they are both good girls, with completely different personalities, and a hearty and righteous one , an elegant and gentle person, and they are all so kind to Beixuan, they rushed here one after another because they were worried about his injury.

"Hehe, I don't know how many great-grandchildren I can have in the future, old man?"

This disrespectful old man returned to the house with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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