Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 80 8 Years Evil Shadow Demon Tiger Soul Bone

Chapter 80 8 Years Evil Shadow Demon Tiger Soul Bone

Two months passed, and Dugu Bo accepted the five poisonous red flame body faster than Beixuan imagined.

Because he already had strong poison kung fu practice, within a short period of time, he had already practiced the magic kung fu to the third level.

After practicing to this level, although he has not completely reached the level of being invulnerable to all poisons, he will not be troubled by illnesses every day like before.

Those spasms and pains haven't happened again since these days.

His body no longer had the stench of the past. It used to be caused by the overflow of poisonous gas. After training the five-poison red flame body, the toxicity is completely restrained, and it will not be induced. It will only erupt when fighting. Now Dugu Bo usually looks no different from an ordinary old man.

Dugu Bo's whole body seemed to be rejuvenated, and his face, which was always stern, seemed to have become a lot kinder.

However, because Dugu Bo and Beixuan have a age difference of almost 70 years because they place too much emphasis on promises, Dugu Bo insists on commensurate with the Beixuan brothers, forming a friendship with Jinlan, which has raised Beixuan's seniority by several generations.

If I see Dugu Yan next time, I think Dugu Yan will have to call him Grandpa.

But in fact, Beixuan had just passed his birthday during this period, and he was just ten years old now.

Dugu Bo didn't even let Beixuan call him Senior or Mianxia, ​​but Big Brother, but unfortunately Beixuan couldn't say it, but Dugu Bo, who is naturally free and easy, decided, it's up to each other, I call you Brother, you call me senior, it's up to each other, there is no need to care about so much between brothers.

On this day, Bei Xuan was continuing to refine medicine, while Huo Wu and Ma Hongjun brought by Yu Lin were practicing by the hot Yangquan, and Dugu Bo walked slowly. "Brother, the poison in my body has been completely controlled. Next, you don't have to refine medicine for me every day."

"It's been two months since you broke through level [-], but in order to refine medicine for me, you haven't hunted for a soul ring. You can't delay any longer. Even though you can increase your soul power without a soul ring, the efficiency is always the same. will slow down."

"Well, I think it's about the same. Your Five Poisons True Qi has already established some foundations. After that, you don't need to take medicine every day." Beixuan nodded. It is indeed time to hunt for the third soul ring, otherwise it will be delayed , will affect the progress of cultivation.

"This is the Sunset Forest. Soul beasts are easy to find. We will take you there." Yu Lin and Lan Xiang walked slowly, and they also stayed here to practice during this time.

Yulin passed on a set of mental methods to Lanxiang, which made him practice much faster.

Who would have thought that such a place would actually gather a whole three Title Douluo.

The three of them were just about to set off, when at this moment, on the other side of the blazing Yangquan, a flame suddenly grew stronger, it was Huo Wu.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, this little girl has also made a breakthrough." Habayashi laughed.

Huo Wu was originally at level 29. Although her soul power was far less pure and powerful than that of Beixuan who practiced the Sun Moon Divine Art, she managed to break through to level [-] with the help of the blazing Yangquan, a natural mimetic training ground.

Now she is only 15 years old, and she is only a few months away from her 16th birthday, which is quite an achievement.

Of course, she couldn't compare with those of the Shrek Seven Monsters who reached level [-] at the age of twelve or thirteen, but she had already broken Yu Tianheng's record, so she was quite a genius.

Huo Wu opened her beautiful eyes, ran towards Beixuan happily, held Beixuan's hand and said excitedly, "Xiaoxuan, have you seen that I have broken through, and I have reached level [-], this Yangquan is so powerful , practicing here, my flame meditation method runs at least half faster, thank you for bringing me to such a good place."

"It's all because of your own talent, senior." Beixuan smiled, "I'm about to hunt for soul rings with Yubayashi and the others. Now that you have broken through, let's go together."

"Okay!" Huo Wu immediately agreed, it was a rare opportunity to go hunting for spirit rings with the help of Title Douluo, let alone two, so to speak, the spirit rings needed for level [-] were up to her to choose.

But when he heard that Huo Wu was going to follow, Yu Lin didn't care, but Lan Xiang frowned, in fact, he had something he wanted to give Bei Xuan.

But during this time, Dugu Bo, Huo Wu and Ma Hongjun were all there, he didn't want people to know the secret, so he kept it a secret, and originally wanted to take advantage of this good time to go out to tell the story.

Unexpectedly, Huo Wu followed up again.

Beixuan picked the fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo, and with this fairy grass, he forced away Dugu Bo's poisonous mist and left the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye.

As soon as he came out, Lan Xiang said, "Habayashi, the soul ring that this girl needs is completely different from the soul ring that His Highness needs. In order to buy time, we might as well take one of them and work separately. You take this little girl Miss, go to Flame Valley, I will take His Highness with you."

Since he was unlucky, God didn't give him a chance to talk with Beixuan alone, so he created it himself.

Yu Lin and Lan Xiang have been brothers for many years, and after hearing what Lan Xiang said, he immediately realized that Lan Xiang intentionally distracted them. Of course, it was not him, but Huo Wu.

Then he nodded, "Okay, then after hunting the soul ring, let's meet up at the Eye of Ice and Fire."

Although Huo Wu didn't want to be separated from Beixuan, she didn't dare to refute the opinions of the two Title Douluo, so she obediently followed Yu Lin and left.

Lan Xiang and Bei Xuan also went in another direction.

"Uncle Lan Xiang, do you have anything to say to me alone?" Beixuan asked, how could he not notice what Yu Lin could notice.

Lan Xiang remained silent, reached into his arms, took out two shiny golden objects, and handed them to Bei Xuan.

One of them is a soul bone given by the Elephant Armor Sect. Lan Xiang took it from Yulin in the past few days, but compared with the other one, there is a huge gap in the light.

Beixuan was startled, "This is a soul bone? Moreover, the quality is extremely high!"

Lan Xiang nodded, "That's right, it exploded when I hunted for the ninth spirit ring. It's the left arm bone, which came from an 8-year-old evil shadow tiger."

"8 years, tigers!" Beixuan was startled. No wonder Xiang Lan was so cautious. The so-called "fighting between dragons and tigers", the spirit bones of dragons and tigers are among the best among all spirit bones. This thing can be called a priceless treasure. In the original soul master competition, the three soul bones rewarded by the Wuhun Temple are much more precious.

Apart from the 10 year spirit bone, there probably aren't many other spirit bones in this world that can match it.

Lan Xiang is different from Habayashi, although he does not have such strong communication skills as Habayashi, but he is as careful and cautious as dust.

Soul bones can be taken away, so the less people know about this kind of secret, the better.

Although Dugu Bo is now willing to join Beixuan's side, Ma Hongjun is also Beixuan's younger brother, and on Huowu's side, anyone with a discerning eye can see how she treats Beixuan.

But in Lan Xiang's heart, the only ones he could trust wholeheartedly were Bei Xuan and Yu Lin, the two family members from Tianlu City.

"Lan Xiang, why don't you absorb it yourself? The soul ring and soul bone of the same soul beast are absorbed by the same person, so the effect can be maximized." Beixuan asked.

"Because you need it more, and I want to go home!" Lan Xiang whispered.

In just one sentence, he expressed his heart, yes, it is useless for him to become stronger, and it is useless for Habayashi to become stronger, not to mention titled Douluo, even if he becomes a god, they can only wait forever. In this world, there is no way to go back to Tianlu City.

Here, only after Beixuan recovers as the evil king can he use the ability of the evil royal family to break through the space barrier and bring them back together.

For this purpose, Lan Xiang can sacrifice everything of himself. For him, the improvement of Beixuan's strength is more important than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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