Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 81 The Choice of the Second Soul Ring

Chapter 81 The Choice of the Third Soul Ring
Bei Xuan took the soul bone from Xiang Lan.

At this time, what he took over was not just a simple soul bone, but also the responsibility and Lan Xiang's wish.

"Lanxiang, don't worry, no matter what, I will try my best to bring you home." Beixuan promised.

"Okay!" Although Lan Xiang cherishes words like gold, he rarely shows a smile. He can feel Beixuan's determination. Although Beixuan is still in the weak stage that he looks down on, Beixuan's body can bear Zi Xuange, compared to Beiluo, was the only evil king that he recognized from the bottom of his heart.

He believed that Beixuan would definitely become a strong one day.

Beixuan looked at the other soul bone in his hand, it was the Elephant Armor Sect soul bone blackmailed by Habayashi for him, and the lifespan was as high as 3 years.

He has been keeping it and not absorbing it, just to test the ability of his own external spirit bone.

Coincidentally, what Lanxiang and Yubayashi gave were left arm bones.

Beixuan suspects that one of the abilities of his external soul bone is that when he absorbs other soul bones, he does not replace the original soul bone like ordinary people, but directly absorbs the energy in the soul bone. In this way, Bei Luo was able to ensure that his body of the evil king would not be affected by foreign blood.

Therefore, Beixuan speculated that since it only absorbs energy, can the same part absorb back and forth.

In other words, he absorbed the 8-year-old spirit bone first, and then absorbed the power of the 3-year-old spirit bone from the same part. The power of the two may be superimposed.

I did not smoke for 3 years before, because Beixuan felt that the quality of 3 years was not enough. If it was not what he thought, it would be a waste of a soul bone position on his body, but 8 years would be fine, even if Beixuan’s experiment It doesn't matter if you fail, and it doesn't hurt to wear an 8-year spirit bone on your left arm.

As he said that, Beixuan planned to absorb the soul bone directly, but was stopped by Lan Xiang, "Wait, Your Highness, the soul bone will be sucked a little later, and I will hunt for the soul ring first. My soul bone comes from the evil shadow tiger, which is in the dark department." Among the tiger spirit beasts, it is second only to the legendary Dark Devilgod Tiger, it is very powerful, and it is also very suitable for your Nightmare Spirit."

"The most important thing is that if you absorb the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger's spirit ring first, and then absorb the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger's spirit bone, even if they are not produced by the same spirit beast, they are still produced by the same kind of spirit beast. Power may be enhanced by mutual influence."

Hearing the words, Beixuan nodded, as if there was such a possibility.

In the original book, when Tang San was hunting for the fourth spirit ring, although he himself finally chose the Ten Thousand Year Pit Demon Spider, what Yu Xiaogang chose for him was a 6000 year Man Face Demon Spider. The third soul ring has the same origin.

According to what the master said, if Tang San had chosen the 6000-year-old Man Faced Demon Spider at that time, he could have obtained a fourth spirit ability to protect himself, and the third spirit ability would also be affected and strengthened, which is slightly different from the current situation. There are similar.

Although the master is a bit of a fame-seeking person, but a lot of his knowledge comes from the reference room of the Wuhun Palace, so he must not make a big mistake.

But one thing worth noting, in this case, the latter generally affects the former, this spirit bone is as high as 8 years, and Beixuan absorbs the third spirit ring, at most thousands of years.

Therefore, the order in which spirit rings and spirit bones are absorbed is also very important

If the order is reversed, the spirit bone is absorbed first, and then the spirit ring is absorbed, then the spirit ring of several thousand years is not enough to affect the 8-year spirit bone, let alone relying on feeding back to make the spirit bone stronger.

Lanxiang's thoughts are indeed more delicate than Yubayashi's, and he can think of this level.

However, the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger is not so easy to find. This kind of spirit beast is powerful and ferocious but rare. To meet it, you have to rely on luck.

However, since Lan Xiang said so, it proves that he naturally has a way to find it.

Fortunately, this is the Sunset Forest, the third largest gathering place for spirit beasts in Douluo Continent besides the Star Dou Forest and the Extreme North. Except for those fierce beasts, there are basically all kinds of spirit beasts, even in the very center where few people go. Where there may not be the legendary 10-year-old soul beast.

Of course, the current Beixuan doesn't need to consider going to the central area, it's all gathering places for ten thousand year spirit beasts, it doesn't make sense for him to go there, and he can't absorb it.

Lan Xiang took Beixuan to search for dark places in the place where soul beasts gathered in the interval from a thousand years to ten thousand years.

Finally, he found a dense forest. Because the trees here were too tall and dense, the sunlight was completely blocked, and the whole forest looked extremely dark, just like the legendary Mirk Forest.

"That's it. This is one of the places where the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger likes to live. Try it and see if you can attract it out, evil spirit gun!" Lan Xiang said, his soul power surged, and he stretched out his hand and swayed. The spear was already in his hand.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the tool soul!"

Lan Xiang directly used his weapon soul avatar, and saw that the gun suddenly roared and turned into a huge evil spirit.

"This is, the weapon soul avatar beast soul transformation!" Beixuan said in surprise, this is actually the same weapon soul avatar beast soul transformation as that Snake Lance Douluo.

This kind of martial soul avatar not only has the beast-like enhancement of the beast martial soul, but also has the toughness and strength of the weapon martial soul. It turned out to be to ward off evil spirits.

"My evil spirit spear was built for me by the former king, that is, your uncle. Like your father's Tai Sui, it has been infused with evil spirits. After it has been transformed into my martial soul, even though all my evil blood has been lost. , but part of it remained, and when I get the seventh spirit ring, it will have the function of transforming into a beast soul, an avatar." Lan Xiang said.

At the same time, he also deliberately weakened his aura, and then let the evil spirit spread out.

Beixuan instantly understood that the evil shadow tigers, as the top tiger spirit beasts, generally occupy their territory, and what they like is this kind of dark forest.

This kind of soul beast is extremely yin and evil, and it is completely opposite to the evil spirit of the most yang and strong. Now, it seems that a soul beast that is completely opposite to it has broken into their territory, and it will naturally arouse the opponent's fury.

The reason why Lan Xiang wanted to weaken his aura was because he was afraid of scaring the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger.

After all, this is only a gathering place for thousand to ten thousand year spirit beasts. If Lan Xiang's title-level power is fully activated, ordinary spirit beasts would not dare to come here. Soul beasts with a little bit of IQ know how to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

Soon, there was a sudden gust of wind in the dense forest, and Beixuan could vaguely hear the sound of a tiger roaring not far away.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, and there is a high probability that there is no Dark Devilgod Tiger in the Sunset Forest. Then it should be the Shadow Devil Tiger we need. It can't be wrong. Your Highness, get ready!" Lan Xiang recalled to ward off evil spirits Sharpshooter, on alert.

(End of this chapter)

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