Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 82 The Third Ring Evil Shadow Demon Tiger

Chapter 82 The Third Ring Evil Shadow Tiger

The roars in the dense forest were very dense, and there might be more than one spirit beast coming, at least three.

None of the tiger spirit beasts live in groups, but they appeared together at this time, which shows how disgusted they are to the evil spirit that Lan Xiang just showed.

A few pitch-black tigers slowly walked out of the dense forest, their eyes were blood red, and they exuded a strong killing intent. Beixuan estimated that there were fewer of them, and there were five of them here.

But not all of them are evil shadow tigers, three of them are ghost tigers, which are the kind of spirit beasts hunted by Zhu Zhuqing's fourth spirit ring in the original book.

This is also normal, to be a king, there must always be a few younger brothers.

If the Dark Devilgod Tiger is the upper rank soul beast of the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger, then the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger is the upper rank of the Ghost Tiger, with distinct classes.

"Hehe, is there more than one? Let me choose a little bit!" Lan Xiang sneered, and at the same time, his breath was no longer hidden, and nine soul rings, two yellow, two purple, five black, were also revealed.

The tigers were startled when they saw this. For high-level spirit beasts, thousands of years is enough to have a little bit of wisdom. At least they know that with their cultivation, the Nine-ring Titled Douluo among humans is not something they can do. Affordable.

Out of the instinct of beasts to seek good fortune and avoid evil, they just want to escape immediately, and they retreated a few steps.

"Want to leave? It's too late, the fourth soul skill, evil spirit spear array!"

Noticing their movements, Lan Xiang's fourth soul ring flickered. This soul skill is centered on the evil spirit spear, releasing the spear array, trapping the enemy and beheading them. It is controllable and attackable.

These tigers were not as powerful as the 8-year-old Evil Shadow Demon Tiger he had killed before, and they couldn't break through his spear array at all.

Knowing that they couldn't escape, the two evil shadow tigers and the three ghost tigers roared fiercely, and rushed towards Lan Suo at the same time. Although their ages were not too high, their races were considered advanced, and there was absolutely no reason to sit still.

Five tigers turned into seventeen in an instant. This is the ability of both the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger and the Ghost Tiger.

Ghost Tiger's avatars can only be used to bluff people, but Evil Shadow Devil Tiger not only has more avatars than Ghost Tiger, its avatars also have attack power ranging from 30.00% to [-]% of the main body, and the actual strength gradually depends on the cultivation level. Increase is a very powerful soul skill.

"Quantity is useless to me." Lan Xiang said coldly, "Evil Resisting Domain!"

A powerful domain spread out from Lan Xiang's body. His martial soul was stronger than Yu Lin's Meteor God Iron. When he reached the real body of the martial soul, he obtained the domain skills that all soul masters dream of.

One of the abilities of this domain seems to have a group damage effect. In just a moment, all twelve clones dissipated, and the five main bodies were also covered in gunshot wounds and cuts and bruises.

Lan Xiang had shown mercy, otherwise he would have killed all these tigers just now.

In addition, he was also judging their cultivation through attacking, and soon he locked on to a target, "We don't need three ghost tigers, these two evil shadow tigers, one has a cultivation base of about 7000 years, and one has a cultivation base of about 3000 years. Around 7000 years, as far as the third spirit ring is concerned, 1000 years is too dangerous even for you, Your Highness, but the Evil Resisting King's Bone can definitely withstand a spirit ring that is only over [-] years old."

"Okay, then we'll choose the 3000-year-old one." Beixuan nodded. For him, who has already completed the golden body of the sun and the moon, and has taken star anise ice grass and raging fire apricot, the soul ring of less than 5000 years should be There is no threat anymore.

Lan Xiang withdrew the domain and narrowed the range of the spear array, deliberately releasing the other four tigers.

Those four fellows were also very disloyal, seeing that they had a chance to escape, they jumped into the dense forest without hesitation, without even looking back. The 3000-year-old Evil Shadow Demon Tiger was sold just like that.

After the four unnecessary tigers escaped, Lan Xiang changed the spear formation from trap mode to attack mode.

Countless spear phantoms stabbed at the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger in the spear array, it had no power to resist Title Douluo's attack, and was severely injured in a short while.

But Lan Xiang did not stop attacking, and under the condition of ensuring that the evil shadow tiger would not die, it suffered pain like a thousand cuts.

Lanxiang has been killing demons for hundreds of years, and he has never been to the human world to get along with others. He really does not have the slightest compassion for the enemy. As long as he is judged to be the target of killing, his methods are even worse than those of Habayashi. No less.

He also used his own soul power to seal the soul power of the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger, preventing it from detonating its soul power and committing suicide.

Lan Xiang's purpose is very clear, he is going to destroy the evil shadow tiger's will to survive, just like the king of the earth who was tyrannized by Liu Erlong in the original book, the king of the earth who lost his will, Ma Hongjun absorbs it very easily.

Moreover, this can also increase the resentment of the soul beast and increase the chance of giving birth to a soul bone.

Although Beixuan would not absorb even if a thousand-year-old soul bone was born, since they are planning to create their own power, it is necessary to collect some ordinary soul bones, which can be used as rewards for future meritorious deeds.

"It's almost there, Your Highness, let's do it!" Lan Xiang felt that it was almost done, and if he continued to abuse, he was afraid that the evil shadow tiger would bite his tongue to kill himself, although with its strong physique, even if he bites his tongue to kill himself, he might not be able to bite himself to death.

Beixuan had already been prepared at any time, the moment Lan Xiang withdrew the spear formation, he used the second soul skill Shadow Demon Soldier to transform into a long sword, threw the long sword, and pierced the evil shadow tiger's eyebrow .

The Evil Shadow Demon Tiger slowly closed its eyes as if it had been relieved.

A circle of purple soul ring slowly emerged, Beixuan stepped forward and pulled it to his side.

The impact of the 3000-year-old soul ring is indeed much stronger than the slime that just passed the millennium. Even Beixuan's physique at this time can feel some stinging pain.

If it was an ordinary soul master of the thirtieth level, his body would be torn apart by this force, and he would explode and die, but for Beixuan, it was nothing more than that.

Lan Xiang glanced at the calm Beixuan, nodded, knowing that the absorption of this spirit ring was no problem.

Beixuan once again entered the realm of internal vision. When he absorbed the second ring, the inexplicable white light appeared again, protecting his body.

This time he was sure, the feeling last time was not an illusion, there was indeed some power that had been secretly helping him.

It's a pity that he still couldn't see what was in the depths of that light.

Two hours later, the power of the spirit ring gradually stabilized. Beixuan had passed the first stage of resisting the impact of the spirit ring's spirit power when absorbing the spirit ring, and stepped into the use of the spirit ring to strengthen the body and form a soul ring. second stage of the technique.

This stage passed much faster. In less than half an hour, Bei Xuan completely completed the absorption of the soul ring.

Slowly restraining the soul power in his body, the current Beixuan, at the end of level 32, has a lot of soul power, and it is pure and stable.

It's a pity that the Evil Shadow Demon Tiger didn't have a soul bone. It seems that his luck is not very good.

(End of this chapter)

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