Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 86 Everyone's Ascension

Chapter 86 Everyone's Ascension

Huo Wu put away the ground dragon pumpkin, of course she must protect this kind of treasure.

In fact, the earth dragon pumpkin is not the most suitable fairy product for Huo Wushuang. Although the two are both dragon species, they have different attributes, one is earth and the other is fire.

Huo Wushuang couldn't exert the full ability of Dilong Jingua.

On the contrary, it is the Sacred Dragon Sect, one of the four sects of the seven major sects. The martial spirit of their clan is the Baijia Dilong. No matter in terms of type or attribute, they are perfectly in line with the Dilong Jingua. It is a pity that they belong to the Wuhun Palace. Instead of Beixuan's.

And the one that is most suitable for Huo Wushuang should actually be Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum. Huo Wushuang's fighting style is very similar to Dai Mubai's. With the indestructible body of King Kong, the combat power will be greatly improved.

However, Beixuan intends to keep the Qirong Tongtianju for himself. He is a golden body, unlike Tang San, he is confident in the third plant of immortal grass with overbearing medicinal properties.

The Binghuo Immortal Grass only has the effect of refining the body, without increasing his soul power, he has to improve his own soul power. He always believes that soul power is the foundation of strength.

It's just that it will be a little later, the Binghuo Immortal Grass has just been eaten, and it will take a while for Beixuan to completely transform the medicinal power of these two herbs, and then take the Qirong Tongtianju.

The strongest thing about the evil royal family is their invincible physical strength. Beixuan decided from the very beginning to train himself in this aspect since he was a child.

With the vajra indestructible body cultivated by Qirong Tongtianju, and the Dacheng Sun Moon Golden Body cultivated by Ice Fire Immortal Grass, Beixuan himself is not sure how strong his body will be by then.

Anyway, at least there will be no problem in cultivating the second martial soul, and it will not explode and die like the first twin martial soul soul master in history.

Beixuan and Huowu came to an open place and sat down, while the rest of them took the herbal jelly and were digesting the medicine.

Huo Wu leaned her head gently on Beixuan's shoulder, she liked the feeling very much, there was no light bulb, as if the two were alone.

Unfortunately, such comfort did not last long.

After absorbing the Lan phase of Moyu Shenzhu, he quickly stood up.

The medicinal power of Moyu Shenzhu is similar to that of Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, but Lan Xiang's skill is much higher than Ma Hongjun's, so the absorption is also faster.

"Uncle Lan Xiang, how do you feel?" Bei Xuan stood up and asked.

"It's level 93. I have absorbed 3 years of spirit bones and this fairy herb in a row, and I have risen two levels. It shouldn't be so little, but I have already passed the best age for taking this fairy herb, and part of the medicinal power has been lost. I think the same situation will happen to Yu Lin in the future." Lan Xiang said calmly, not at all resigned to not getting all the medicinal power of the fairy grass.

This is his character, he will try his best to get what he wants, but if he can't get it, he will not complain or feel disappointed because of it.

Fortunately, Mo Yu Shenzhu not only enhanced his soul power, but also strengthened his martial soul. He obviously felt that his evil spirit spear had become sharper.

In other words, his aptitude has also improved. If it is said that his innate soul power was level nine when he awakened, he has now reached a level beyond the innate full soul power, and his cultivation speed will be faster than before.

The second one to wake up was unexpectedly not Habayashi with the same title, but Ma Hongjun.

Following the sound of the phoenix cry, Ma Hongjun flew into the sky, the pair of phoenix wings became more solid, and his body also seemed to be a little smaller.

As soon as he landed, this guy ran towards Beixuan bouncing, feeling very excited, "Brother Xuan, look, I'm level [-], and I don't feel like I'm at my limit. This Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower has raised me by seven There are more levels."

Beixuan nodded, "Yes, it seems that you have absorbed the power of the medicine very well."

Since Ma Hongjun's evil fire had already been dispelled, most of the medicinal power of Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower was used to strengthen himself, so his improvement was much greater than in the original book.

He is now the same age as himself, a ten-year-old soul master. This talent, if placed on the mainland, will definitely cause shock.

"Now only Habayashi is left." All eyes turned to the last Habayashi.

In order to become a stronger immediate combat force, he gave up his future, hoping that his painstaking efforts will not be let down.

Suddenly, Habayashi's soul power fluctuated violently.Everyone could clearly sense that his soul power was increasing rapidly.

"Habayashi, he's level 95." Lan Xiang said.

Beixuan was overjoyed, 9495, it seems like a level difference, but it is a world of difference, level 95, barely considered the threshold to enter the Super Douluo.

Moreover, the medicinal power of the Hunyuan Immortal Grass has not been completely exhausted, and his strength is still improving.

Half an hour later, Habayashi broke through again, reached level 96, and became a real Super Douluo. As a general who wards off evil, his realm is already extremely high. The bottleneck in comprehension can be broken through as long as the soul power is sufficient.

Just when Beixuan was looking forward to whether Habayashi could reach level 97, his soul power gradually stabilized.

The potency is exhausted.

Beixuan sighed, the power of the Hunyuan Immortal Herb shouldn't be exhausted so quickly, after all, Yu Lin was the same as Lan Xiang, because of his age and cultivation base, he lost a lot of herb's power.

However, it is already very good. Although Habayashi and Lanxiang are the same, they have only been upgraded by two levels, but 94 to 96 are completely different from 91 to 93.

The latter is only a quantitative change, while the former is a qualitative change.

Yubayashi's current strength is more than a star and a half stronger than before.

Relying on the exquisite swordsmanship of the evil spirit clan that he has mastered, if he fights with sword fighter Luo Chenxin again at this moment, even if Chen Xin's soul power is fully activated, he probably won't be his opponent.

Habayashi at level 96 has the level to compete with Title Douluo at level 97.

Yulin restrained his soul power and woke up from the sedation. He was quite satisfied with his current strength.

As long as the rumored strong worshiper in the Spirit Hall doesn't take action, looking at the current world, under his protection, no one should be able to hurt Beixuan.

"Habayashi, you have such strength now, there is one thing we can start to prepare." Beixuan walked in front of a green tulip.

This is Qiluo tulip, one of the fairy grasses.

Beixuan still owed the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School some favors and needed to pay them back, but he wouldn't directly use Qiluo Tulips to pay them back, that would be too cheap for Ning Fengzhi, he didn't have to help the people of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School to build the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

According to the fairy grass information provided by Habayashi, Qiluo Tulip is one of the most graceful and luxurious fairy grasses, even the great demons or immortal cultivators covet it very much.

This is the case with the so-called stars holding the moon, so this herb has another characteristic. If it is a queen, it should naturally have a maid.

Beixuan picked the Qiluo tulips and handed them over to Habayashi, "Habayashi, I will hand them over to you next, how long will it take?"

"In the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi, three to four years is enough." Habayashi said confidently.

"Okay!" Beixuan nodded, this time was about the same as he expected, last time Ning Fengzhi put Yubayashi together, this time, when paying back the favor, he should also put him back together.

The others couldn't understand what charade the two were playing, but they didn't ask too much. Whether it was Huo Wu or Ma Hongjun, they both knew that when it was time to tell them, Beixuan would naturally tell them.

Lan Xiang, on the other hand, is purely not interested in these conspiracies and tricks.

As the strongest warrior in the clan after the evil king, he only believed in his own strength and spear.

(End of this chapter)

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