Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 87 Dugu Yan and the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex Family

Chapter 87 Dugu Yan and the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex Family

After swallowing the jelly grass, Habayashi and Lanxiang left temporarily, they still had their own tasks to complete.

Yulin had no choice but to promise Lingyuan that he would go to the Wuhun Hall to visit her every three days. At this time, he needed to keep the people in the Wuhun Hall safe and not fall out with them again.

Lan Xiang, on the other hand, went to the edge of the mainland to look for the evil soul masters and wolf robbers who were forced there by the Wuhun Temple. His main purpose was to collect soul bones for Beixuan.

Not long after they left, Dugu Bo also came back, bringing Dugu Yan with him.

"Grandpa, why did you call this little bastard over to our house? I asked you to help me out, not to eat and drink for free at my house!" Dugu Yan looked at lying in the grass, using her own herbs as snacks, Accompanied by a beautiful senior sister, Beixuan, who was extremely comfortable, suddenly became angry.

That's how her grandfather helped her avenge her?This is simply an offering to the ancestors.

Could this be the price Dugu Yan had to pay for offending her?

"Okay, Yanyan, don't call me a little bastard in the future. Look at you, you are almost 17 years old, and you still look like a child. As for him, when he was just ten years old, his soul power is equal to yours, and his mentality is also different." Much more mature than you." Dugu Bo said.

"What, he's only ten years old? And he's already reached the soul level!" Dugu Yan was startled, although he had fought against Bei Xuan before, but judging from his figure and heart, she always thought that he was about the same age as her.

It turned out to be a ten-year-old boy.

Ten-year-old soul master, is this a human or a monster?

The old poison smiled slightly, "Hehe, now you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. A genius of this level is rare in a hundred years. Anyway, the golden generation of Wuhundian I have seen is far inferior to him. If you now If we fight with him, I'm afraid we won't be able to last for 3 minutes."

Duguyan didn't expect Dugu Bohui to praise Beixuan so much, and snorted, "What's the big deal, I was just careless last time, if I do it again, let's see if I don't hit him all over the place."

"Hehe, come here as you please. In four years, there will be a new Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition. We will accompany you till the end." Huo Wu laughed.

"Okay, you guys wait for me. It just so happens that last time you hurt Tianheng, I haven't settled with you yet!" Duguyan is a super treasure to protect her husband. In fact, what she really cares about is never that the snake's venom is broken, but It was Yu Tianheng who was injured.

Dugu Yan didn't know Beixuan's strength, but Dugu Bo knew it all too well, that terrifying body that was invulnerable to all poisons, fearless of water and fire, and invulnerable to swords and guns, even the Soul King of the Soul Sect was unlikely to be his opponent, let alone Dugu Yan The little soul respected, "Hey, hey, I don't care about others. But, you can't hurt my granddaughter when the time comes, otherwise I will never end with you."

Dugu Yan said dissatisfiedly: "Grandpa, what are you talking about? How could they hurt me? Aren't you boosting their ambitions and destroying my prestige? You are so close to them, you must be accepting them as apprentices Bar?"

"No!" Dugu Bo immediately denied it, and Dugu Yan was relieved, she didn't want to call Beixuan Huowu Junior Brother and Junior Sister, but at this moment, Dugu Bo continued, "But I recognized him as Brother Jinlan."

"What... what? Grandpa, you must be joking with me, right?" Dugu Yan's expression was very strange, a little horrified, but also speechless. She knew that her grandpa was always informal, but there must be a limit.

An old man in his seventies and a ten-year-old child became Jinlan, what is this?Also, what should she be called Beixuan in the future?

"That's the truth, why don't you ask grandpa to come and listen, my good granddaughter." Beixuan said with a smile.

Huo Wu still chimed in, "And me, if Xiaoxuan is your god-grandpa, then I'm your god-grandmother!"

"Don't even think about it!" Dugu Yan was so angry that her face turned red, she could hardly hold back her anger, she would rather die if she asked her to call two kids younger than her grandparents.

"Okay, you two, don't bully my granddaughter." Dugu Bo couldn't bear his granddaughter to be so angry, so he comforted him, "Don't worry, Yanyan, I have an appointment with this little guy. Don't call him Grandpa, but don't call him a little bastard, just call him Beixuan."

Dugu Yan managed to suppress the anger in his heart when he heard the words, "That's okay, Grandpa, but why do you recognize him as a brother? Even if he is very talented, he doesn't deserve this honor."

From Dugu Yan's point of view, his grandfather is a titled Douluo, and no matter how talented Beixuan is, he is not qualified to be equal to his grandfather until he converts his talent into strength.

Huo Wu was a little dissatisfied when Duguyan belittled Beixuan, if Beixuan's two uncles were not here now, I really want her to see who has a deeper background than Beixuan and her.

Dugu Bo still can't reveal the secret of Beixuan's plan to build his own forces.

Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng are too close, once she knows, Yu Tianheng will know too, the Landian Tyrannosaurus family is also one of the top powers in the mainland, and I don't want to see a power that divides the pie.

Therefore, even with his own granddaughter, Dugu Bo chose to keep it a secret.

After many years of experience in the world, Dugu Bo knows the seriousness.

In fact, for Beixuan, Yu Tianheng is not incapable of being used. Sooner or later, his power will be exposed. At that time, if he does not want to be the enemy of the whole world at the beginning, he has to choose a partner.

Impossible for Wuhundian and the two great empires.

As the number one force in the mainland, Wuhundian doesn't need to cooperate with anyone, what they want is to sweep the entire continent.

The two empires just have a lot of soldiers, the upper class is not very strong, and one is too tyrannical and the other is too corrupt. Beixuan doesn't want to have any contact with them at all.

Among the last three sects, he doesn't trust the Clear Sky School. When that sect is in danger, it can even sell its affiliated sects for self-protection, let alone mere allies.

In the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi was too shrewd, and Beixuan didn't want to intrigue with him every day. The two of them would use each other at most, and there was no need to cooperate too deeply.

Only the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is the weakest among the three sects in terms of strength, and their family's personality has always been straightforward, so they are good partners for cooperation.

Beixuan and Yu Tianxin have a good relationship, and Dugu Yan is connected to Yu Tianheng through the line of Dugu Yan. Through the two heirs of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, there may be an alliance in the future.

After all, once Beixuan established a faction, with Dugu Bo's strength, he would not be able to escape the status of an elder protector. In this way, it is equivalent to the marriage between the grandson of our elder and the heir on the opposite side, and the two parties have become relatives. Don't you have the foundation!
At this time, Dugu Bo slowly told Dugu Yan the truth about his family's highly inherited poison. It was precisely because Beixuan helped them solve this problem, which was regarded as a life-saving grace, that he chose to become Jinlan brothers with Beixuan .

After Dugu Yan heard this, her back felt cold, and she was covered in cold sweat. No wonder her father died so painfully. It turned out that she was tortured by severe poison. That is to say, if there was no Beixuan, she would probably have Follow in my father's footsteps.

"Anyway, thank you this time, I can't repay you for saving my life." Dugu Yan walked in front of Beixuan and made a big salute.

This girl has completely inherited Dugu Bo's character, willful and arrogant, acting egoistically, but also has clear grievances and grievances.

For Beixuan, such a character can be used very well.

(End of this chapter)

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