Chapter 88 Returning to the Academy
Half a year passed by in a flash.

The poison in Dugu Bo's body was completely unharmed, and even completely under his control.

Beixuan's detoxification method is different from Tang San's. Tang San asked Dugu Bo to import the poison from his whole body into the soul bone, and find a carrier for the poison.

Beixuan, on the other hand, let Dugu Bo himself become the carrier, as long as the carrier is no longer afraid of the poison, then the poison will instead become his most powerful weapon.

After cultivating to the sixth level of the Five Poisons Chiyan Body, Dugu Bo's body is no longer afraid of any toxins, and he has fused the Five Poisons with his own poison to form a new Poison Kungfu, which greatly increases its power. Ascension to level 92 pinnacle.

Dugu Bo struck while the iron was hot and took Wangchuan Qiushuilu, although this fairy product was the same as Binghuo Xiancao, it was not very useful for improving soul power.

But the main function of this fairy product is to enhance the power of his Medusa gaze.

According to Dugu Bo himself, his Medusa skull is a 3-year-old soul bone, which is already amazingly powerful. After taking fairy grass and using it, its power is equivalent to at least 9-year-old soul bones Technology, infinitely close to 10 years of quality.

With two new hole cards, Dugu Bo already has the confidence to fight his old opponent, Ju Douluo, even if his spirit power is still a few levels short.

And Wangchuan Qiushuilu also has the magical effect of changing tendons and washing marrow, which will make it easier for Dugu Bo to break through in the future. Dugu Bo plans to wait for him to break through to level 93, and then go to Juhuaguan to settle the score of the year.

As for Dugu Yan, it was even easier, after all, the poison in her body was far less than that of Dugu Bo, after taking the Snake Scale Fruit and cultivating the Five Poison Red Flame Body to the second level, her pupils became normal black.

Dugu Yan, who had just obtained the Five Poison Red Flame Body, was like Dugu Bo at the beginning, as if he had seen the gate of a new world. There was such an astonishing Poison Art in this world, which was a hundred times stronger than the one passed down by her family.

Beixuan saved her life and passed on her miraculous skills. This kindness was too great, and she no longer felt embarrassed to trouble him for Yu Tianheng's sake. The two sides turned enemies into friends.

"Brother, it's been half a year. I've already mastered the sixth layer of the Five Poisons Red Flame Body. The poison will no longer threaten me. I really appreciate you, but you should go now." Dugu Bo sighed.

"This is going to drive me away, brother, you are too much to kill a donkey." Beixuan laughed.

"You know I don't mean that. The Binghuo Liangyiyan is mine and yours. You can come back at any time, but you are still young and you can't spend all your time here. The outside world is wider. It's the place you should go, without enough experience, how can you become a Titled Douluo!" Dugu Bo's tone was full of reluctance, for the past six months, he really treated Beixuan as a brother.

"Yeah, Xiaoxuan, we have been on leave for half a year, and it is indeed here." Huo Wu pulled Beixuan's arm. Although she was very happy to spend time with Beixuan here day and night, she also missed her family and friends in the academy a little bit.

"Besides, in a few years, there will be the Continental Soul Master Academy Competition. I think the academy is about to start forming a new team, and we have to integrate into it as soon as possible."

Beixuan nodded, "Okay, then senior, let's take our leave."

"Well, the old man will give you a ride, there is still some distance from Ice and Fire City!" Dugu Bo said.

Under his leadership, Bei Xuan, Huo Wu, and Ma Hongjun finally left the Binghuo Yinyanyan who had lived for half a year.

Although this place is good, as Dugu Bo said, they can't stay here for a lifetime. There are many things that must be experienced in order to promote growth.

Under the leadership of Dugu Bo, they quickly returned to Ice and Fire City. Dugu Bo didn't want to see outsiders, so he sent them to the school gate and went back.

"Finally home!" Huo Wu looked at the familiar school gate and said with a smile.

She hadn't seen her family for so long, and she missed her very much.

Just as he was about to enter the school gate, Beixuan suddenly said, "Wait a minute, senior sister, I heard that you tied up your brother before and then sneaked out, have you figured out how to make amends to your grandfather and brother? "

Huo Wu's body froze suddenly, thinking of the angry appearance of her grandfather and brother, she felt goosebumps all over her body.

It's over, she was so happy living with Beixuan before that she forgot about it.

"Xiao...Xiaoxuan, I'm all for you, you have to help me later." Subconsciously hiding behind Beixuan, Huo Wu showed this timid look for the first time, there was no way, the disaster she caused too much half a year ago up.


"I can't save you, senior sister, there is a price to pay for self-willedness." Beixuan smiled gloatingly, and stepped into the academy.

"Okay, you heartless!" Huo Wu angrily chased after her.

Ma Hongjun said that he didn't see it, he would continue to eat dog meat hot pot later.

Since the three of them are top geniuses and figures of the Blazing Academy, they were recognized by everyone as soon as they returned to the academy.

"It's Zha Xuan, and Huo Wu. They asked for leave for half a year, and they're finally back."

"It's asking for leave, it's skipping class. I heard that it was Zha Xuan who proposed marriage to the principal, but the principal refused, so he abducted Huo Wu directly."

"Isn't that elopement? It's indeed Zha Xuan."

"No, no, it's different from what I heard. It is said that Zhaxuan ate up Huowu-senpai a long time ago, and even created a little life. The purpose of this six months is to raise a baby."

"I'll go. That's even worse. Pregnant before marriage. No wonder that day it was said that the headmaster was so angry that he was promoted to a higher level. He also threatened to roast Beixuan when he came back."

"Red alert, red alert, classmates who have girlfriends, younger sisters, mothers, and even grandmas are alive, please be sure to hide the female family members at home, Zha Xuan is back, repeat again, Zha Xuan is back!"

With Beixuan's current hearing ability, he can clearly hear the words of everyone around him. He is sweating. In just half a year, his reputation has reached such a level.

Especially for Huoran, Beixuan can also roughly know how much he thinks of him from the words of his classmates. After all, Huo Wu left for him.

Now Yu Lin and Lan Xiang are not here, I don't feel safe by myself, I should have let Dugu Bo stay for a while.

"Well, senior sister, I thought about it for a while. You are right. You ran away from home because of me. We should bear it together."

"Hmph, you think of me now?" Huo Wu said dissatisfiedly, this brat, just now wanted to be alone, but now it will be difficult, hehe, man!
The two walked to the door of the principal's office with trepidation, but no one dared to knock on the door.

"Grandpa Principal, it's me, I'm back!" On the contrary, Ma Hongjun stepped forward and slapped on the door without any psychological pressure.

The door opened slowly, and Beixuan Huowu walked in, mentally preparing for death.

(End of this chapter)

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