Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 91: Narcissus Jade Musculoskeletal

Chapter 91: Narcissus Jade Musculoskeletal

"Half-soul lotus seed, ancient Kunlun jade? Is that its name? Xiaoxuan, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable. You know things that my mother doesn't know." Shui Bing'er praised.

"Well, because I have seen this thing before." Beixuan said.

In fact, he was very puzzled, if it were ordinary lotus seeds and Kunlun jade, it would be fine, any world could be formed, and it would have no other effect besides being beautiful.

But the half-soul lotus is different, it is a treasure of the kingdom of witches.

There is also Kunlun jade in the early period, which is extremely hard and contains a lot of spiritual power. After Xuanyuan Huangdi obtained it in the legendary Kunlun Market, he used it to make weapons for the tribe.

Could it be that this world also has the Country of Witches and the Kunlun Ruins?Are there people who are astonishingly talented like the Yellow Emperor?Know how to use it.

"I understand, this is what my father left behind 50 years ago." Bei Xuan quickly figured it out.

The Beiluo of 50 years ago was not as strong as the current Beiluo. Even because of Lien Zhan Datianmo and Wu Yan, he was seriously injured, and his demon power could not be improved for ten years.

Under such circumstances, how could he break through the barrier of the plane, send the remnants of Habayashi and Lanxiang to this world to be reborn, and how could he protect their remnants from being harmed when traveling through time?

He must have used the ability of the half-soul lotus lotus seed to open up a lotus realm, and then put the remnants of the two people in it, using the lotus realm to protect their souls.

And in the lotus center, there is also a piece of Kunlun jade from the early period. Bei Luo must have used the spiritual power in the Kunlun jade to make up for his lack of strength at that time.

As for where the ancient Kunlun jade came from, Bei Luo couldn't be more troubled. When he was wandering the world with Yun Wuyue and Cen Ying, he once found a huge piece of Kunlun jade on a mountain near Detong at the foot of the first mountain. Jade.

Beiluo must have moved it here, and then took off a part to provide strength when crossing.

Shui Qingwu is lucky. Although the Kunlun Jade is in the territory of Lianzhong, its powerful spiritual power still affects the outside world, which speeds up Shui Qingwu's cultivation. However, after all, it is only a little spiritual power spilled out. After Wu broke through Contra, the effect was very limited, so she gave it to her daughter Shui Bing'er.

"Senior sister, your mother is very lucky. This half-soul lotus seed is a rare treasure. You should use it well." Beixuan returned the lotus seed to Shui Bing'er, even though it should belong to his family, But since Shui Binger's mother picked it up, it is her chance.

Unexpectedly, Shui Bing'er shook her head, "No need, since you know what it is, you must also know how to use the power inside it. It's just a hidden gem for me, so I'll give it to you, Xiaoxuan."

"Give it to me, but this is a treasure left to you by your mother." Beixuan said in surprise.

"It doesn't matter. The exercises you taught me are more precious than this lotus seed. I'll go first. You just came back, so go to rest early." Shui Binger came here just to see Beixuan, seeing that he was healthy and safe, she Also relieved.

"Wait, senior sister, I have a gift for you too." Beixuan stopped Shui Bing'er at this moment, then took out a treasure box and walked in front of her, "This is a medicinal herb, and I also left a note on how to take it. The note, after you go back, take it according to the method, it will help you cultivate your soul power, so take it as my return gift."

Shui Bing'er heard the words, took the treasure box, and showed a bright smile, "Thank you!"

She didn't care much about what was inside the treasure box, but Beixuan didn't forget to bring her a gift when he went out, which made her very happy.

"You don't need to say thank you, it's just a little souvenir, I hope you like it." Beixuan smiled.

Shui Bing'er went back contentedly with the gift, and Bei Xuan kept looking at her back until she was awakened by an unsuitable voice, "Brother Xuan, you are really a scumbag. Chatted so happily with Sister Shui Binger again."

Ma Hongjun held a large bowl of meat, and complained while eating.

"Otherwise, how do you think I got the name Zhaxuan?" The current Beixuan fully acknowledged this nickname, and even felt proud instead of ashamed.

Recalling half a year ago, he was still very resistant to this.

Because at that time, he was actually not considered a scumbag. At that time, he only treated Huo Wu as a senior sister, and the only one he liked a little bit in his heart was Shui Binger.

Shui Binger's temperament is really a bit like her mother Yun Wuyue, cold and gentle, Beixuan found that he might have a bit of Oedipus complex, so he was a little tempted by her.

However, for the past six months of getting along with Huo Wu day and night, and Huo Wu repeatedly expressing his feelings to him, it is impossible to say that he is not moved. Now he can no longer say that he has no feelings for Huo Wu.

In such a situation, he had no choice but to admit his nickname Zha Xuan.

"Hongjun? What are you eating?"

"Dog meat stew, would you like a piece?"

"No need, you love eating dog meat so much recently, sooner or later you will be attacked by dog ​​lovers."

"Then what can I do? I eat dog food all day long, and I always have to find a way to vent my anger. I think I will eat double portions in the future." Ma Hongjun complained mercilessly.

Beixuan's face was suddenly embarrassed, "Well, Hongjun, you can eat dog meat as you like, but don't be a scumbag like me. Brother Xuan, I have a very important thing to ask you from now on."

Ma Hongjun looked puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Beixuan smiled mysteriously, waved his hands, and walked towards the dormitory building, "You will know in the future, remember, don't imitate me."

On the other side, Shui Binger, who returned to her home, opened the treasure box that Beixuan gave her.

Inside is a white delicate flower and plant, which looks as spotless as a green lotus and white couple.

There is a note next to the flowers and plants, which says how to take it, "First eat the petals, then suck the stamens, and finally use your soul power to activate the absorption."

Shui Bing'er trusted Beixuan very much, so without further ado, she took this herb according to what he wrote.

Then mobilized her own soul power, two yellow and one purple three soul rings emerged, it turned out that she had also been promoted to soul master.

You know, she is two or three years younger than Huo Wu, and she is about 13 to [-] years old now.

This level is not much worse than Tang San Xiaowu who cultivates the fastest among the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Originally, Shui Binger's aptitude was not inferior to the other members of the Shrek Seven Devils. After learning the Sun Moon Divine Art, she has risen a level. Now she can be regarded as one of the young generation with the fastest cultivation speed in the world.

The medicinal power of this herb is very gentle, and Shui Bing'er is not in a hurry, she works steadily and step by step, and the medicinal power is hardly lost.

In fact, what she took was one of the fairy herbs, Narcissus Jade Muscles and Bones, which moisturizes tendons and strengthens bones, and unblocks the eight meridians.

When Shui Bing'er had completely absorbed it, feeling the soaring soul power in her body in disbelief, she actually rose to seven levels in one go.

"Xiao Xuan, do you call this precious medicine a local product? How much more do you want me to owe you?"

(End of this chapter)

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