Douluo's Nightmare Charm

Chapter 92 Group confrontation training

Chapter 92 Group confrontation training
In the early morning of the next day, after a night of rest, Bei Xuan and Ma Hongjun, who had completely recovered their energy, came to the square to join the other seven people.

Yesterday, because he was too tired, Beixuan didn't study the half-soul lotus seed, he put it in the golden belt of murder and arson, and then rested. Anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.

When Huo Xuan arrived, he saw the energetic nine people standing in a row before him, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, on the first day, you let me see that you are serious, you are not late, and you are not lazy. As a soul master, talent is important, but if you don't have the determination to turn your talent into strength, then no matter how strong your talent is, it will be useless." .”

"From today onwards, the training you have to do will be much better than that of other students, not only your soul power, but also your actual combat and tactical coordination. This is different from the past. Back then, we adhered to the extreme style of fighting and thought that flames were a strong attack. Therefore, the entire team is full of attacking soul masters, but the experience of several consecutive defeats tells us that this is not feasible, and the consecutive championships of Wuhundian also gave us inspiration, only the fusion flow can go further .”

"Our team now consists of four strong attackers, two agility attackers, two controllers and one assistant. We need to design a variety of tactical changes to bring out their full strength."

"Except for support, you are now divided into two groups, Bei Xuan, Ma Hongjun, Huo Yun, and Huo Lie are in one group, and Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, Huo Yu, and Huo Hammer are in the other group to fight against each other."

Huo Xuan is very clear that there is no major problem with these children's personal strength, but they are not familiar with each other, so he must first make them a whole.

For this reason, he also split the four people who were friends with each other, Beixuan Ma Hongjun into a group, and Huowu Huo Wushuang into a group, and asked them to form teams with their new friends.

"Sister Huowu, I never thought that the two of us would have a day to fight with our respective team members. Don't be careless." Beixuan laughed.

Huo Wu replied, "You are the one, I won't show mercy!"

Bei Xuan and Huo Wu, as the two control system soul masters in the team, represent the brains of the team, and of course they are responsible for all tactical arrangements.

Huo Xuan gave them each a stick of incense time to discuss tactics.

"Our advantage here is that we have three soul masters, but the senior Huo Wushuang on the opposite side is a bit higher than you. The one-horned fire tyrannosaurus is amazingly powerful. It is best not to confront him head-on. Senior Huo Lie, senior Huo Yun, you guys First explain what your soul skills are, and let me see how to target Senior Wushuang." Beixuan said.

Huolie said, "Well, my Scarlet Flame Porcupine has three soul skills, the first soul skill flame boost, single-target attack soul skill, the second soul skill Crazy Explosion Fire, a status-like soul skill, which increases attack power by 50.00 %, and the next attack must carry the burst attribute, the third soul skill puffs smoke, and the long-range group damage soul skill."

After listening to Beixuan, he felt that the configuration of this fiery soul ring was not bad. It had melee single-combat, long-range group attack, and status improvement, especially the second effect of the second soul skill. Simply put, this is the status The first blow is bound to be a critical strike, which is very useful.

Then Huo Yun said, "My two soul rings, the first soul ability is the power of fire spirit, the speed increase is 50.00%, the second soul ability is scorching wind, the attack soul ability, Huo Yu on the opposite side and I are the same The same, we are twin brothers, regardless of martial spirit, level, or soul skills, we are exactly the same."

"Okay, everyone's spirits and spirit rings are good, so let's do it like this." Beixuan nodded and began to configure tactics.

On the other side, Huo Wu's side is dominated by her, and she has also arranged a plan to deal with Beixuan.

No one in this world knows Beixuan better than her about the tactics that Beixuan is good at. That trick of phantom mist may be very powerful to others, but it is no longer a threat to Huo Wu now.

Soon, the eight of them stood still on the soul fighting arena.

Following Huo Xuan's order, the eight of them released their martial spirits and spirit rings at the same time. After all, they were elite students, they didn't have a single white spirit ring, and all of them were equipped with the best spirit rings.

"It's started, the first soul skill, Phantom Fog!" Beixuan's opening is always to set up a favorable position for himself.

Huo Wu smiled slightly, "Xiaoxuan, this trick can fool others, but it can't fool me. The second soul skill, Hokage Clone."

Before Beixuan's mist filled the air, Huo Wu separated into three clones and came to Huo Wushuang and the other three.

At the same time, her finger brushed across her eyes, and there was a gleam of fire in her eyes. This is the eyesight soul skill, the pupil of fire, created by her through the scorching Yangquan when she was in the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan.

Although she couldn't see Beixuan and the others at this moment, she could see the heat energy emanating from their bodies, so she could judge the opponent's direction in the fog.

And her avatar is connected with her mind, so she can use the avatar to point out the direction for her teammates

"The first soul skill, Tyrannosaurus Strike!"

Huo Wushuang followed the direction guided by Huo Wu's avatar, and attacked forward.

And right now, not far in front of him, were Ma Hongjun and Huo Lie who wanted to strike him down first with a sneak attack.

They didn't expect that under the phantom fog of Beixuan, Huo Wushuang would be able to strike first, and they were caught off guard for a while.

Although Ma Hongjun's spirit power is strong, he is still young and has too little combat experience, so he doesn't know how to fight back when he gets flustered.

Fortunately, Huo Lie is also a frequent visitor to the Great Soul Fighting Field. He has fought more dog meat than Ma Hongjun has eaten in the past six months. He immediately cast his first soul skill and met Huo Wushuang's dragon claw with his strong body.

Although the Scarlet Flame Porcupine and the One-horned Fire Tyrannosaurus are not top-level spirits, they are considered to be a type of high-level spirits.

However, high-level martial souls can also be divided into upper and lower levels, and pigs are always inferior to dragons.

What's more, the difference in the level of soul power between the two sides is also very huge. After only one collision, half of Huo Lie's body was completely numb.

This is because this is just a sparring session, Huo Wushou is merciless.

"Senior, are you alright?" Ma Hongjun asked anxiously.

"It's okay, junior, remember, in the soul fighting arena, there is no room for hesitation, even if the tactics fail, you must immediately launch a counterattack." Huo Lie urged.

Off the court, Huo Xuan was also very dissatisfied with Ma Hongjun's performance. Actual combat is the embodiment of evaluating a soul master's strength. Although Ma Hongjun's soul power is not weak, he has no actual combat experience. This point needs to be educated.

At this moment, a heavy hammer suddenly fell from the sky.

"The first soul skill, Flaming Hammer."

"Damn it, number one soul skill, Phoenix Firewire!"

At any rate, he is one of the protagonists of the original novel, the Shrek Seven Monsters. Ma Hongjun is inexperienced but his fighting talent is definitely not weak. He will not make the same mistake twice.

Moreover, Huolie was injured to protect him, so he couldn't hold back any longer.

Immediately a flame spewed out.

Although both are fire attribute martial souls, each has resistance to flames, but how can the fire on the fire hammer be compared with the fire of the phoenix.

After a while, the Fire Hammer was countered by Ma Hongjun and surrounded by a sea of ​​flames.

Fortunately, his second soul skill is called Violent Hammer Body Protection, which is a defensive soul skill, so it's not so easy to get hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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