Chapter 93

"The terrifying Phoenix Fire is indeed a top-level beast spirit. If his level is the same as mine, I'm afraid I won't be his match." Huo Wushuang said with emotion.

In order to put out the fire hammer, he also jumped into the sea of ​​flames himself, and felt such a strong flame from Ma Hongjun for the first time.

Following two crane cries, the two brothers Huoyun and Huoyu displayed the characteristics of agility attack system soul masters. One wanted to take advantage of the opponent's opening to launch an attack, and the other came to block it.

In the end, the two collided with each other, evenly matched.

Huo Xuan nodded. The two brothers' fighting awareness and support awareness are very good. The soul masters of the agility attack system do not fight head-on in team battles. The most important point is to cut off the opponent's back row support.

But in this soul fight, neither side has support, so they mainly focus on support, supporting the audience with their own unique speed.

Wherever they need to attack or defend, they must arrive as quickly as possible.

"Second Soul Skill, Shadow Demon Soldier!"

Although Huo Lie, who was a strong attacker on Beixuan's side, was slightly injured, he was still fine, and the attack power he could display was not inferior to Huo Wushuang.

When he jumped up, a long sword melted in his hand, and Beixuan cast the Sun Moon Falling Demon Sword Technique and slashed down.

Huo Wushuang was faster than Huo Wushuang.

The Fire Hammer was already trapped by Ma Hongjun's phoenix flame, if this sword strikes again, he will be kicked out of the field [-]%.

"The third soul skill, resist the ring of fire!"

At this moment, with the fire hammer as the center, a shock force spread out, not only bounced Beixuan away, but also scattered all of Ma Hongjun's flames.

This is Huo Wu's resistance fire ring, which bounces away all enemies whose level is not higher than her tenth level within the release range, and all skills will be temporarily expelled.

Excellent defense and control skills.

The flames surrounding his body were bounced off, and with Huo Wushuang coming to support him, Huo Hammer returned to his camp safely.

But resisting the ring of fire has no attack power, and Beixuan landed safely without any damage.

Seeing this, the two brothers Huoyun and Huoyu stopped fighting and retreated to the team.

In this round of confrontation, it can be said that neither side took advantage of it.

In terms of soul power consumption, it was Huo Wu who consumed the most, especially herself, who released three second soul abilities and one third soul ability consecutively, which was more than half.

But fortunately, no one among them was injured.

On Beixuan's side, the consumption of soul power is less than that of the other side, but Huo Lie's arm is injured, and it will be difficult to play a role in a while.

"Okay, stop here!" Huo Xuan called everyone to stop.

In this spirit fight, he didn't have the purpose of letting them compete. First, he wanted to familiarize them with the fighting styles of their teammates. Second, he wanted to observe their characteristics so as to judge their strength. position in the team.

Hearing Huo Xuan's voice, everyone immediately withdrew their soul power, and Bei Xuan also withdrew the phantom mist.

"Father, how is my performance?" Huo Wu stepped forward and grabbed Huo Xuan's arm, with a coquettish look begging for praise.

No matter how heroic and heroic a girl is, she will always be the same as a little girl in front of two people, one is her sweetheart and the other is her father.

Huo Xuan smiled slightly, "Yes, it seems that you have not been wasted in the past six months. The choice of soul skills and the timing of casting are accurate and decisive. This is exactly what a control-type soul master needs. A control-type soul master is a team leader. brain, so you have to move faster than your limbs in order to direct them to make the most accurate actions."

"However, with your current soul power, it won't last long to release your soul skills like this. In the future, you must not slack off in the cultivation of soul power, and try to reach at least level 45 or above before the college competition, you know?"

"I know." Huo Wu looked very happy when he heard his father's praise. "Dad, you should also praise Xiaoxuan. He has taught me all kinds of fighting methods in the past six months."

The map of Yan Kingdom is really too short, and it will be seen soon. This is the real purpose of Huo Wu, to win the favor of her father for Beixuan, who she has identified.

Huo Xuan glanced at her angrily, "You don't need to remind me, ghost spirit."

"Next is Huoyun Huoyu, you are not bad, you know where the position of the agility attack system soul master is, but all of your soul skills are exactly the same, so our team's agility attack system soul master's fighting style is too single Well, as long as you watch your matches a few more times, the opponent will be able to prescribe the right medicine and come up with a strategy to deal with you, and it's best to make some changes for the third and fourth spirit rings."

"Listen to you, teacher." The two brothers Huoyun and Huoyu said in unison.

In fact, they had already discovered this problem. When the two of them stood together, it was like looking in a mirror. In fact, neither of them liked this feeling.

But they didn't dare to equip themselves with spirit rings at will, after all, matching one wrongly would affect their whole life.

So, they came to Blazing Academy, the first teaching place for fire attribute soul masters. Isn't the meaning of a teacher's existence just to preach and receive karma to solve doubts?

Now that the teacher has discovered their problem, they just need to listen to the teacher's advice.

"Huo Lie, Huo Hammer, I believe you have also discovered your own problems. Although the martial spirits of the two of you are not bad, once you meet someone with a higher quality martial spirit than you, it is extremely easy to fall into a passive position. Therefore, I I plan to ask the two of you to change your position a little bit, and have a defensive position." Huo Xuan looked at the two of them and suggested.

"Our blazing team does not have a purely defensive soul master, but our auxiliary soul masters cannot be left alone in the future, so this important task is entrusted to you."

"Yes!" The two nodded. After the battle just now, they also understood that their attack power was far too big compared to Huo Wushuang's Huolong and Ma Hongjun's Huophoenix, and it was not their turn to attack.

A team doesn't need so many attackers, they can only be shrouded in the light of these two, and they can also serve as defense, which may instead allow them to play their role and shine in the team.

"Wushuang, I have no opinion on you, you can go on your own way, but since you have taken the supreme fairy grass that Beixuan gave you, you can't waste his help to you, I have a request for you, Hun Before the division competition, you, like Huo Wu, have to reach level 45 or above." Huo Xuan said.

Huo Wushuang nodded, "Don't worry father, I will work hard."

In fact, Beixuan remembered that Huo Wushuang's level when he participated in the competition in the original book was level 43. Now the fairy grass has improved his soul power a lot. Even according to his original aptitude, there should be no major problems around level 46 or 47.

Huo Xuan finally looked at Ma Hongjun and Beixuan, the youngest but most talented of the two teams.

They are the core of the team.

If it is said that Huo Wushuang, Huo Lie and others determine the lower limit of the team, at least they can guarantee that Blazing Academy will advance to the final round, then these two people determine the upper limit of the team.

Whether they can win the championship in the future, it can be said that it depends on how well these two children perform.

(End of this chapter)

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