Chapter 94
"Ma Hongjun, the person with the biggest problem in the soul fight just now is you, and you must have understood." Huo Xuan looked at Ma Hongjun seriously, "Although he has a top-level martial soul and a not weak soul power, he is not weak at all. If you know how to use it, you will use it carefully, once the tactics are broken by the opponent, you will immediately fall into panic, and you will not react to the situation at all."

"Do you know, in fact, your instant explosive power is far stronger than Wushuang. I originally wanted you to be the strongest firepower output point in the team, but it is a pity that now it seems that you are still far behind."

"Yes, the student understands! Then what should I do in the future?" Ma Hongjun naturally discovered his own problem. In fact, Habayashi taught him fighting skills, but usually, he always went to rest after practicing to a similar level. Unexpectedly, in actual combat, it was completely unable to play out.

"Don't worry, there are still four years before the competition. It is enough for you to change yourself. In fact, the method of change is also very simple. Fight, fight non-stop, and accumulate combat experience. Don't worry, I will give you special battle guidance later. " Huo Xuan said.

"In the end it's you, Xiaoxuan, your soul skills are really good. One trick of phantom mist will always be a battle field that is beneficial to your side. Although it was broken by Huo Wu just now, it also caused her to directly consume a lot of soul power. The second soul ability is even more ever-changing, it can be controlled, it can also be used to attack, and even when it is attacked, its attack power is not inferior to Wushuang, it can be called omnipotent. As for your third soul ability, although you haven't used it today, I also listened to Huowu yesterday Having said that, it is excellent, if you used it just now, Huo Wu's side will definitely lose."

"So, your position is very special in the future. Generally speaking, a team does not need two controllers. From now on, I plan to still use Fire Dance as the main controller, and Xiaoxuan, you will become the swing in the team. people."

"Swinger, do you mean that I can adapt to the situation and decide the position of each soul fight according to the opponent?" Beixuan guessed.

"That's right, you are very smart, that's right!" Huo Xuan nodded in satisfaction, "The types of opponents will not be fixed, such as Botany College and Tianshui College, they are excellent in control, and in terms of attack, But it is not as good as Thunder Academy, and there are kamikazes who are good at speed, elephant armors who are good at defense, etc. Therefore, I want you to use your ever-changing fighting methods to deal with all opponents, not limited to the word control, your burden , will be the heaviest in the team."

"That's very interesting, leave it to me." Beixuan said with a smile, he likes this position, he can do whatever he wants, let him choose his favorite style of play at any time.

"Okay, then continue the training, the groups will remain the same, but Huo Jun will replace Ma Hongjun, Hong Jun, you and I will practice alone." Huo Xuan is about to give Ma Hongjun a little trouble.

With his strength at the level of a soul sage, even if he only uses a soul power of level [-] comparable to Ma Hongjun's, he can be firmly suppressed.

If Ma Hongjun wants to bridge the gap in combat experience between himself and others, enough pressure is essential.

Moreover, Huo Xuan can also use this to teach Ma Hongjun little by little his years of fighting experience.

Although Yu Lin is much stronger than Huo Xuan, he is not a fire attribute soul master after all, but a tool martial soul completely different from the beast martial soul, and his fighting methods are very different. He can only supervise Hongjun's cultivation. In terms of guidance, unless he directly Teach superior skills, otherwise you can't teach the idea.

A new round of fighting has begun.

Huo Jun's Mars Martial Soul is also a very good support. The first soul skill Mars is like silk, a group support, which increases attack power by 20.00%. The power of the soul-calling technique is doubled.

It can be said that this auxiliary effect is not much worse than that of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. The increase in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda of the same level at this time is only 30.00%.

It's a pity that the Martian Martial Soul has a limitation. Its auxiliary effect is only effective for fire attribute soul masters. Generally speaking, it is still far behind the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

There is an absolute difference in the quality of the martial soul.

Fortunately, here is Blazing Academy, this weakness will not be revealed.

With his help, Beixuan's attack power once crushed Huo Wushuang.

Since Huo Xuan asked him to be a swingman, of course he has to make up for what he lacks. Ma Hongjun is not here, so he is the main attacker in the team.

Ma Hongjun on the other side was even worse, almost flying around in the sky after being beaten by Huo Xuan.

After finally surviving the most difficult first day, after the two returned to the dormitory, Ma Hongjun lay down on the bed, "No, I'm going to die. Teacher Huoxuan is too merciless. If this continues, I won't know Can I live to participate in the competition in four years?"

"Don't worry, you won't die. Your martial soul is the phoenix fire phoenix with extremely strong vitality, and you have taken the phoenix sunflower with cockscomb. You will be full of energy tomorrow morning." Beixuan said, "But this One point, Teacher Huo Xuan must also know, so he will be merciless in his actions, and I don't think he will let the water go in the slightest tomorrow."

"Ah?" Ma Hongjun was startled, he felt for the first time that his martial spirit was too strong, and he had eaten immortal products, maybe it wasn't a good thing, he originally thought he could rest for a few days.

Hearing what Beixuan said, I'm afraid that he will not have a good day until he graduates.

While Beixuan, Ma Hongjun and others were training every day, on the other side, Yubayashi and Lan Xiang were also very busy.

Apart from promising Lingyuan to go to Wuhun Hall from time to time, Yulin spent most of the time in the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi.

There is something that he wants to cultivate, and it may be of great use in the future.

Lan Xiang, on the other hand, went to the edge of the continent.

This is a no-care zone that the Wuhun Palace, the Empire, Zongmen and other major forces don't care about. The people living here can be said to have the most painful life.

Because this place is full of evil existences such as wolf thieves and evil soul masters.

It's not that they haven't thought about running and leaving here, but where can these ordinary people go, it's as if they were kept in captivity by wolf thieves.

Whether you need food or women, you can come here to get them at will. Wolf thieves will not kill them all, and even force them to reproduce to ensure a continuous flow of resources.

"Help, help, the wolf thief has entered the village again!" At the entrance of a small dark village, the villagers fled in all directions like the end of the world.

At the entrance of the village, a large group of half-human, half-wolf species roared and rushed towards the village.

These are wolf thieves, they are neither human nor soul beast, but the species born after the combination of human and non-transfigured Gale Demon Wolf. Compared with Tang San's kind of human with the blood of soul beast, this kind of monster is completely mediocre Between humans and spirit beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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