Chapter 101 The Second Battle!
After Tang San and Ning Rongrong left the stage, Qin Ming looked at the pitted soul fighting platform that had become bumpy due to the battle between the two, and his soul power fluctuated slightly.

A lonely wolf howl came out from Qin Ming in vain, and the illusory shadow of the giant flaming wolf slowly appeared behind Qin Ming.

The phantom of the giant wolf raised its head slightly, its unruly and aloof beast eyes were filled with flames that seemed to be able to burn all things, its legs were slightly bent, and it instantly turned into a stream of light running through the soul fighting platform.

As he landed, streaks of soul power that seemed like blazing flames were instantly injected into the depths of the Soul Fighting Platform.

In an instant, the huge Soul Fighting Platform began to vibrate. As the shaking Soul Fighting Platform began to gradually smooth out many traces of the battle, it seemed that the Soul Fighting Platform was vaguely shrouded in a layer of faint light. .

In just a few moments, the originally pitted Soul Fighting Platform was restored to its entirety.

After restoring the Soul Fighting Platform to its original state, Qin Ming's mental power fluctuated slightly, and the flames in the eyes of the blazing giant wolf shadow beast not far away flickered and slowly dissipated.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, who were in the preparation area at the edge of the Soul Fighting Stage, quickly appeared on both sides of the Soul Fighting Stage without any hesitation.

Although the battle has not yet begun, two fierce forces are quietly colliding. One is like the Netherworld Emperor coming, and the other is like the Beast Emperor collapsing from the sky.

Obviously, the martial souls awakened by the two of them were not powerful beings, but the power of the two of them at this moment amazed everyone.

Even Qin Ming, who had a soul power of level 65 on the Soul Fighting Stage, felt a hint of surprise in his heart when he felt the power emanating from the two of them.

But it's not that the power that Tang San and Ning Rongrong erupted just now is not as strong as that of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, but compared to the power of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, the power of Tang San and Ning Rongrong is not as strong as that of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu. The power of cultivation is more restrained in expression.

Even though Ning Rongrong's fighting posture was extremely bold, the 'Liu Li Shi' was more of an increase in Ning Rongrong's strength.

Whether it is the 'Netherworld Power' practiced by Zhu Zhuqing or the 'Jade Rabbit Collapsing Heaven Power' practiced by Xiao Wu after choosing the one-hit Shura route, they are both extremely powerful powers in combat.

If the 'Netherworld Power' practiced by Zhu Zhuqing is like a netherworld hell, then the 'Jade Rabbit Collapse of Heaven Power' practiced by Xiao Wu is like the beast king who overwhelms all beasts and collapses the sky with one strike.

Fortunately, there was an invisible barrier on the Soul Fighting Stage that blocked the power of the two. Otherwise, after this day's sequence of battles, most of the students in the outer courtyard would have been hit and lost their morale.

After being blocked by the invisible barrier, the coercion of the 'shi' was completely shielded. Many students from the outer courtyard watching the battle could only see the intensity of the momentum of the two people on the soul fighting stage, and would not be hurt by the 'shi' practiced by the inner courtyard students. .

Seeing this, Qin Ming did not waste any time and quickly said in a deep voice: "The battle for the seventh sequence, the second battle - begins!"

As Qin Ming finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu's martial spirits instantly possessed them.

Three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings rose from the two of them one after another. Xiao Wu's eyes turned blood red in an instant, and his consciousness quickly condensed into a soft-bone rabbit that seemed to contain endless animality.

The ferocity of its animal nature is no less than those of the 10-year-old soul beasts in Douluo Continent, but on the contrary, the aura of Xiao Wu is extremely pure, even faintly like a newborn baby.

Obviously, this is the 'Jade Rabbit Collapse of Heaven', which completely condenses its violent animal nature into the soft-bone rabbit that he is visualizing.

"The first soul skill - waist bow!"

"Vajra body!"

The light of the first soul ring and the Vajra Body soul skill instantly covered the whole body, and then all the muscles in Xiao Wu's body, mainly the waist, instantly tightened like a bow of the full moon, and the strength of the whole body condensed instantly.

Originally, after Xiao Wu activated her first soul skill, the waist bow, the effect she obtained was to instantly increase her waist strength by 50.00% and increase her body toughness by [-]%. After the tenth level of soul power, with each additional level, the effect of using the waist bow increased. Increase one percent.

When using it, you will even unconsciously turn your body like a large arc-shaped bow, which is just a soul skill that amplifies soft skills.

But at this moment, after Xiao Wu practiced according to the one-shot Shura route given by the Soul Hunting Department, the first soul skill waist bow can not only integrate all the power in Xiao Wu's body in an instant, but can even explode with the increase of the soul skill. Expose more than [-]% of your strength.

In addition, the waist bow is a growable soul skill. As Xiao Wu's soul power level increases, her physical fitness becomes stronger, and the power she can explode becomes stronger.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is the backlash caused by this powerful force, but the 'Vajra Body' in the inner courtyard and the transformed soul skills perfectly solve this problem.


A violent roar instantly erupted from Xiao Wu's feet, and the violent force quickly cracked the Soul Fighting Platform into a huge pit.

If we talk about Ning Rongrong's fighting posture after perfectly controlling her own power in the last scene, then Xiao Wu's fighting posture at this moment is a violent posture with no restraint on her own power.

The pink figure shrouded in golden light crossed more than half of the Soul Fighting Platform in just a few steps. Every time he ducked, a huge hole appeared on the ground of the Soul Fighting Platform.

The sharp contrast instantly stunned all the students from the outer courtyard present.

Even Dai Mubai and others who were also in the inner courtyard couldn't help but look at him sideways at this moment. Dai Mubai looked at Tang San who was recovering with some astonishment, with a trace of admiration in his eyes, and said: "Tang San, I admire you!"

Tang San, who was constantly running the 'Xuantian Technique' and using Oscar Sausage to restore his soul power, suddenly heard Dai Mubai's endless words of admiration, and the route of his soul power running almost went right.Fortunately, 'Xuan Tian Gong' is the most authentic Taoist method. Although it is not as fast as other Xuan Gong in terms of practice speed, it is extremely safe, so it only interrupted the operation of 'Xuan Tian Gong' and did not cause any harm. .

Suddenly he looked at Dai Mubai with confused eyes, obviously not understanding what Dai Mubai meant.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai showed an expression that was half a smile, and motioned Tang San to look at the Soul Fighting Platform.

Tang San subconsciously looked towards the soul fighting stage, seeing the unprecedented posture Xiao Wu was showing at this moment, a look of understanding suddenly appeared on his face, and he heard the meaning of Dai Mubai's words.

Tang San did not respond to what Dai Mubai said, but there was a trace of sourness in his eyes for some reason. But compared with this trace of sourness, there was more joy in his eyes. Tang San had completely seen his feelings for Xiao Wu. It was clear, so Tang San didn't feel any embarrassment on his face at the moment.

It's just that I feel more and more grateful for Shrek Academy, and at the same time, I feel more and more disgusted with a certain existence that has been buried in the back of the academy.

But soon, Tang San's eyes began to change rapidly, and a hint of a smile appeared on his face, motioning Dai Mubai to look at the Soul Fighting Platform, and said with a smile: "You're not bad either!"

Dai Mubai was stunned, as if he had guessed something, and turned to look at the Soul Fighting Platform. Soon, Dai Mubai's originally interested expression froze, and regret and bitterness flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Tang San shook his head slightly and didn't say much. Regarding Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, even those students in the inner courtyard who didn't know the specific situation had some guesses in their minds.

But neither of them spoke to persuade or stop anything. After all, the decision was made by oneself. Once you make it, you have to bear the consequences, even if the consequences are not good.

On the soul fighting stage, looking at Xiao Wu who was charging straight at him like a violent beast, Zhu Zhuqing's face remained as cold as ever, but his tightened pupils revealed Zhu Zhuqing's fear of Xiao Wu.

His mental power fluctuated slightly, and his consciousness instantly fell into darkness. In the darkness, an extremely light shadow slowly condensed, like a messenger from the underworld.

The power of the underworld increased in vain, and an extremely dark breath of underworld slowly wrapped around Zhu Zhuqing's body.

The dark green and clear blue eyes showed a trace of death in vain, the soul power in the body exploded instantly, and the first two yellow soul rings flickered.

"Vajra body!"

"Second Soul Skill - Nether Hundred Claws!"

"The first soul skill - Nether Spike!"

In an instant, golden light shone, and a prison-suppressing king seemed to appear in the dark hell, and the sharp claws like spikes seemed to have a double luster.

In just an instant, hundreds of Nether Claws shining with faint golden light were formed.

The second soul skill, which was already extremely fast, became even more terrifying with the increase of the first soul skill. The two soul skills that could only be used for close-range attacks now directly turned into hundreds of gleaming sharp claws in Zhu Zhuqing's hands. .

The overwhelming Netherworld claws instantly tore the air in front of Zhu Zhuqing's eyes. There were violent whistling sounds, the sound of the ground rolling on the Soul Fighting Platform, and the exclamations of all the teachers and students outside the venue.

Hundreds of dark sharp claws appeared in front of Xiao Wu in an instant. The terrifying speed and the attack range without any blind spots directly eliminated the possibility of Xiao Wu evading.

After being possessed by the martial soul, his ears trembled slightly, and the third soul ring surrounding his body instantly lit up, shrouded in purple light.

"The third soul skill - Listen to the wind!"

As the 3000th soul skill was activated, Xiao Wu felt that everything around her was flowing clearly. The terrifying blade in front of her that had no blind spots seemed to be frozen, and countless gaps were instantly seen.

Not only the gaps, but also the weak spots among the hundreds of sharp blades appeared in Xiao Wu's eyes.

His blood-like eyes showed a hint of excitement.

The body that had been charging violently seemed to have violated all physical rules and froze in place for an instant. However, a large piece of the soul fighting platform under his feet collapsed in vain.

The light of the first soul ring on his body became more and more dazzling, and all the muscles in his body were instantly like a tightened bowstring.

Breathing slightly, an extremely violent force instantly gathered towards Xiao Wu.

next moment······

An extremely heartbreaking whistling sound sounded, and two huge and crazy arc-shaped blades in the shape of a cross burst out from Xiao Wu's legs in vain.

The already extremely slender legs are even more exposed, and the graceful and graceful posture carries a violent and fierce look, just like a war dance.

(End of this chapter)

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