Chapter 102 The second battle - the end!


The two attacks collided with a crash, and countless soul power, energy blades, and claw blades shattered instantly. A creepy and dangerous aura raged in all directions, tearing countless deep cracks into the surrounding ground.

"Hiss! What a terrifying attack!"

"Is this the student from the inner courtyard of our Shrek Academy?"

"So strong! They seem to be freshmen who entered school this year. No wonder they were able to pass the examination of the inner court."


Seeing countless cracks being easily torn out on the ground of the Soul Fighting Stage, the faces of many students in the outer courtyard suddenly showed expressions of horror.

This soul fighting platform is located in the outer courtyard, so even though the students in the outer courtyard have not fought on this soul fighting platform, they have tested its strength.

Although Tang San easily destroyed the Soul Fighting Stage in the last match, compared with the expressiveness displayed by Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu on the stage now, it was far behind.

Compared with Xiao Wu's cross blade, the hundreds of claw blades ripped out by Zhu Zhuqing ended up being dispersed a lot in the concentration of power, and a huge gap was cut directly by the cross blade.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu's eyes showed a proud look, and without any hesitation, the soul power and strength in his body instantly exploded, and his figure flashed out of the gap.

Seeing that her attack was broken, there was no change in Zhu Zhuqing's face. In other words, she never thought that her attack would cause harm to Xiao Wu.

Of course, if she could unite her hundred claws into one with this attack, it would be enough to compete with Xiao Wu's two extremely concentrated attacks with soul power and strength.

What Zhu Zhuqing wanted to do was just to interrupt the momentum accumulated in Xiao Wu. The principle of building up momentum in one go and then fading away again is the same in battle.

Although they have only known each other for a few months, they are both girls and entered the inner courtyard at the same time. Over the past few months, they have learned a lot about each other. Especially in the practice of 'Shi', Zhu Zhuqing clearly knows how to prepare for the situation. Extreme Xiao Wu is so terrifying.

She didn't want to face Xiao Wu who had reached the limit of her strength.

Compared with Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu didn't think too much. He broke through obstacles when encountering obstacles, and stopped accumulating momentum again. His simple and reckless nature made the one-hit Shura route planned by Xiao Wu and the Soul Hunting Department incomparable. The fit is even better than the agility attack route.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Wu's figure appeared in front of Zhu Zhuqing, his eyes full of violent fighting intent, his strength gathered, and the soul fighting platform under his feet instantly collapsed.

Compared to the stupid attacks where she often used her hair to entangle her opponent, Xiao Wu now used her long legs to their full potential.

If Ning Rongrong's kick was like a whip, then at this moment Xiao Wu integrated all her strength, and the kick she kicked out with the increased waist arch was like a sharp knife, fast and precise, tearing the air with ease.

In an instant, Zhu Zhuqing's body was like a phantom, without the slightest fluctuation, without the slightest breath, without the slightest sound. Just like a real messenger from the netherworld, he slowly dissipated in front of Xiao Wu.

The next moment, Xiao Wu felt an extremely frightening sense of danger coming from the back of her head. Her ears were erect and trembling crazily. The light of the third soul ring was brighter than ever before. Her originally extremely sensitive perception was now just that. I can feel something abnormal.


His blood-like eyes were startled, and he immediately fell to the ground. His legs suddenly exerted force, and in an instant they shot out like sharp arrows and disappeared from the place.

The moment it disappeared, a pair of sharp claws like spikes appeared in vain behind Xiao Wu's head. The attack was obviously as fast as lightning, but there was not even a trace of wind.

At the moment of interaction, only a wisp of black hair was left in the air.

Feeling that the momentum gathered in Xiao Wu's body was interrupted again, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes wavered slightly, his footsteps were like shadows, as if he was sneaking in the shadows, and he quickly approached Xiao Wu.

Looking at the few black hairs floating in the air, Xiao Wu's blood-like eyes suddenly condensed, and a violent aura was brewing in vain.

The terrifying aura instantly startled Zhu Zhuqing, his footsteps paused slightly, his eyes showed a hint of vigilance, and he subconsciously looked at Xiao Wu.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu's eyes suddenly lit up with a pink light, and the second century-old soul ring on his body lit up instantly.


"Second Soul Skill—Charm!"

The moment he saw Xiao Wu's eyes lit up with pink light, Zhu Zhuqing's face changed and he quickly closed his eyes, but even though he reacted extremely quickly, he still felt dizzy in his mind.

Compared with Zhu Zhuqing's dizziness, Xiao Wu, who released the charming soul skill, also felt a stab of pain in his mind.

Mental soul skills are inherently double-edged swords. When your mental power is stronger than the opponent's, you can easily defeat the opponent. However, if the opponent's mental power is stronger than yours, you will definitely suffer a backlash. In severe cases, you may even directly Become an idiot.

The martial souls of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu are not martial souls that are good at mental power. If they are at the same level, there is no difference in their mental strength.

However, because the number of years absorbed by Zhu Zhuqing's third soul ring is much higher than that of Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power at this moment is several levels more than Xiao Wu's, and the mental power brought by these several levels of more soul power is This was the reason why Xiao Wu felt a tingling feeling in her mind.

Holding back the stinging pain in her mind, the soul power in Xiao Wu's body exploded instantly, hoping to take this opportunity to defeat Zhu Zhuqing.Because of the Charming Soul Skill, Zhu Zhuqing's brain briefly went blank, but in that extremely dark consciousness, a cat meowed in vain.

Her consciousness suddenly awakened. Seeing the attack approaching her, Zhu Zhuqing's pupils suddenly shrank. She couldn't avoid it at this distance.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was still shocked, his thoughts moved slightly, and the third soul ring surrounding him instantly lit up.

"The third soul skill - Shadow Stealth!"

The third soul skill, which was more than [-] years old, instantly evaporated most of the soul power in Zhu Zhuqing's body, and this consumption was obviously directly proportional to the strength of the soul skill.

Zhu Zhuqing's body turned into a shadow, and Xiao Wu's leg attack passed directly over Zhu Zhuqing's body without any hindrance, just like a real shadow.

The moment her legs kicked out, Xiao Wu's expression suddenly changed, and she thought to herself: Oh no, I'm going to suffer!

Sure enough, the next moment, an illusory shadow instantly wrapped around Xiao Wu.

Feeling the restraint coming from her body, Xiao Wu's heart palpitated, and she immediately wanted to burst out her soul power and escape from the place.

But before Xiao Wu could explode, Zhu Zhuqing's voice sounded instantly.

"do not move!"

A claw with sharp spikes appeared directly at Xiao Wu's throat. The faint flickering light instantly made Xiao Wu's hair stand on end. She could sense that with the cultivation of her 'Vajra Body', she could not resist it at all. There are sharp claws that seem to be able to tear everything apart.

Looking at the cat's claw at his throat, the fighting spirit in Xiao Wu's eyes quickly dimmed, and his erect ears unconsciously dropped. There was a hint of loss on his face, and he said, "I lost."

Hearing the voice of Xiao Wu admitting defeat, Zhu Zhuqing quickly put away the sharp claws that landed on Xiao Wu's throat, and his body instantly returned from the shadow state. In just such a moment, Zhu Zhuqing felt that less than [-]% of the soul power in his body was left. The rapid consumption of soul power made Zhu Zhuqing's face look pale.

After seeing that the outcome of the two people was decided, Qin Ming instantly appeared next to them, raised Zhu Zhuqing's arm high, and announced: "The seventh sequence battle, the second battle - Zhu Zhuqing, wins!!"

As Qin Ming's words fell, extremely warm applause and cheers instantly erupted outside the Soul Fighting Stage.

Countless shouts were sent towards the two people on the soul fighting stage.

In the preparation area next to the Soul Fighting Platform, those at the back of the sequence, such as Lin Nuo and Ma Hongjun, all had a look of solemnity in their eyes.

"What a terrifying third soul skill." Ma Hongjun said in a deep voice: "Sure enough, the higher the age, the more powerful the soul skill. Lin Nuo, do you know how old Zhu Zhuqing's third soul skill is?"

"8000 years..." Lin Nuo cherished the words as if they were golden.

Tang San frowned even more at this moment. Without using hidden weapons, Zhu Zhuqing's soul skills were too much of a restraint on him. The sharp claws could easily tear apart his blue silver vines, and that terrifying The third soul skill has no means of restraint.

No, even if he uses hidden weapons, his chances of winning will not improve much. After all, the hidden weapons on his body are only very low-ranking ones. The only high-ranking Dragon Beard Needle cannot deal with this threat.

But, so what...

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing on the spirit fighting stage, a hint of fighting spirit gradually rose in Tang San's eyes. So what if he was restrained? The outcome would only be known after a fight.

On the soul fighting stage, although Zhu Zhuqing was not injured in this battle, the consumption of physical strength and soul power was not small. Qin Ming sensed it briefly, then took out two jelly beans of different colors from the space soul guide, and nodded slightly. Suddenly, Tangdou instantly appeared in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Then he looked at the temporary observation platform next to the Soul Fighting Platform, and moved his mouth slightly to quickly transmit a message to Flanders in the main seat.

a moment later...

Flender's voice sounded, and the voice containing soul power instantly echoed throughout the square.

"Half-hour break."

As Flanders finished speaking, the faces of the thousands of students in the outer courtyard suddenly showed a hint of relaxation.

Although the two battles between Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu did not consume much time, their excitement and thrills were far beyond the imagination of the students from the outer academy.

Even the old students who had watched several battles for the sequence were unconsciously shocked when they were transformed into the bodies of Tang San and the four of them, not to mention the freshmen who had just entered the school a few months ago. When had they ever seen such a battle? Quality soul master battle.

The rest at this moment was just enough to relieve their tense mood.

After catching the jelly beans, Zhu Zhuqing did not hesitate at all. He immediately sat down cross-legged, swallowed the two jelly beans directly, and quickly began to recover the consumed soul power and physical strength.

Upon seeing this, Qin Ming's soul power fluctuated slightly, and he directly placed a soul power barrier outside Zhu Zhuqing's body to prevent his recovery from being disturbed.

(End of this chapter)

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