The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 104 The shocking murderous intention

Chapter 104 The shocking murderous intention

Tang Hao in the corner originally didn't care about the Titled Douluo that Morris said, but when he heard that the Titled Douluo's combat power was comparable to that of a Sword Douluo, a gleam suddenly appeared in his eyes, but it soon turned into ridicule. .

As a titled Douluo, Tang Hao naturally knew how powerful the Sword Douluo known as the 'Sword Dao Chenxin' of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the top three sects, was, even if he possessed a 10-year-old soul. Rings, as well as a full complement of high-end soul bones, they dare not underestimate them.

If it weren't for Sword Douluo's Seven Killing Sword spirit being difficult to pass on, and the Haotian Sect having a demigod-level being, the most powerful weapon spirit in Douluo Continent might not be the Clear Sky Hammer.

And now someone actually said that a newly promoted titled Douluo could be comparable to the 'Sword Dao Chen Xin'. How ridiculous. Tang Hao sneered and continued drinking.

The attention of many drunkards in the tavern had been completely attracted by Morris, so they did not hear Tang Hao's sneer in the corner.

At this moment, many drunkards were looking at Morris with great excitement.

This group of drunkards in the small town tavern may not know the names of the seven treasure glazed sects and other major sects, but they are deafening to those famous titled Douluo on the Douluo Continent.

Countless rumors and stories, both true and false, have endured in major taverns on the Douluo Continent.

"Sword Douluo!! Is this the Sword Douluo I know? Sir Morris." A slightly tipsy drunkard asked Morris excitedly.

However, before Morris could answer, the tipsy drunkard was slapped on the head by his companion and shouted: "Nonsense, there is only one Sword Douluo on the mainland."

Then the companion looked at Morris with excitement and asked, "Sir Morris, I don't know what the title of Master Douluo is."

As soon as these words came out, all the drunkards present began to speculate excitedly, and all kinds of strange titles came out from the mouths of these drunkards.

Seeing this, Morris raised his head slightly and said proudly: "The title of Lord Titled Douluo is 'Shanhe', and it was also a title personally issued by Lord Titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace!"

"Shanhe Douluo!"

"What a domineering title! You can actually use mountains and rivers as your title."

In the corner, when Tang Hao heard that the titled Douluo was titled "Shanhe", his mind instantly thought of a young figure he saw at Shrek Academy a few months ago. Even he, who is known as the most powerful figure in Douluo Continent, When young titled Douluo saw Qin Mo, they had to admit that he was far inferior to his peers.

And the martial spirit inherited by that boy's family seems to be the 'Shanhe Cauldron' martial spirit named after the mountains and rivers. Thinking of this, Tang Hao felt a little bad in his heart.

Seeing the admiration and reverence of many drunkards in the tavern, Morris, who was already half-drunk, became even more excited. He didn't care about the bottle in his hand, waved it excitedly, and boasted: "Hahaha, that Shanhe Dou Luo initially fought with Sword Douluo in a high-level soul master academy called Shrek Academy in the Kingdom of Balak. That battle was described as darkness and darkness..."

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying pressure and murderous aura instantly flooded the entire tavern.

In an instant, many drunkards in the tavern seemed to have fallen into hell in an instant, their eyes turned into blood, and boundless fear quickly overwhelmed the reason of all the drunkards.

The tall and burly figure originally in the corner appeared in the center of the tavern at some point, standing in front of Morris.

Tang Hao looked at Morris with extremely cold eyes, and his extremely violent aura hit everyone in the tavern crazily, with a hoarse voice.

"You said...where did the Titled Douluo appear first?" Tang Hao asked, suppressing the anger of directly destroying this place with coercion.

Originally, when Tang Hao heard Morris say that the title of the newly promoted Douluo was 'Shanhe', something was amiss in his heart.

And after hearing that the newly promoted Titled Douluo first appeared in Shrek Academy, the string of reason in his mind immediately broke.

In his mind, he quickly connected all the words Morris had said before, and his eyes instantly revealed an extremely terrifying killing intent, and countless gray-white lines appeared on the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his body.

A suspicion suddenly appeared in his mind, what could be done to make a Soul Douluo with decayed Qi and Blood break through to a Titled Douluo and gain strength comparable to that of a Sword Douluo.

The answer to this question instantly appeared in Tang Hao's mind: '10-year soul ring', '10-year soul bone'!
If there is a Soul Douluo with a strength of level 89, after killing a 10-year-old soul beast, and first absorbing the 10-year-old soul bone from the 10-year-old soul beast, there is a high probability that it can break through the limit and break through to level 10. , and then use it to absorb a 93-year-old soul ring, and the soul power can reach the lowest level [-].

In addition, both the 10-year-old soul ring and the 10-year-old soul bone possess two soul skills. With the blessing of the four major 10-year soul skills, a titled Douluo with a soul power of level 93 may not be able to fight with a sword. Luo Zhengfeng.

Just like himself, more than ten years ago, he relied on a 10-year-old soul ring and the secret method of the Haotian Sect to be protected by two titled Douluo with martial soul fusion skills. , blasting a top title with a spirit power of level 95 until he was seriously injured and dying.

And does Shrek Academy have '10-year soul rings' and '10-year soul bones'?have!
Moreover, he was the one who personally sent it to Shrek Academy. Even when he knew that there was a Soul Douluo behind the scenes of Shrek Academy, he did not hesitate to intimidate a Soul Saint whose soul power was only over 70 levels.

He originally thought that with his fierce reputation as a Haotian Douluo and joining the Haotian Sect, one of the three sects, he would be able to calm him down. After all, he knew that the Haotian Douluo also had a grandson.

But now...

Compared with the 10-year-old soul beast, Tang Hao cares more about his son at the moment. If the 10-year-old soul beast is hunted, will the other party let his son go?

Even with his title Douluo as his backing, Tang Hao felt extremely regretful at this moment. This was his only chance for revenge.

A fierce light flashed in Tang Hao's eyes, and he whispered in his heart: "If I had known this, I should have..."

Morris, who was overwhelmed by Tang Hao's terrifying killing intent and aura, his not-so-tall body trembled crazily. Under this terrifying pressure, the alcohol in his body instantly turned into countless sweat dripping crazily, and his eyes turned pale, saying. No words came out.

Sensing Morris' current state, Tang Hao showed a trace of irritation in his eyes and shouted in a low voice: "Trash!"

Impatiently, he restrained the killing intent and aura that was pressing down on Morris. Even though Tang Hao already had a guess in his mind at this moment, he still asked again: "Where did the newly promoted Titled Douluo first appear!"

Morris, who slowly returned to consciousness, was completely sober at this moment. Hearing Tang Hao's inquiry, he was instantly frightened and did not dare to speak without any hesitation: "Shrek Academy! Shrek outside Soto City in the Barak Empire Academy.”

As if he was afraid that Tang Hao wouldn't believe it, Morris quickly said: "Senior, this matter spread throughout the continent a month ago. Even several soul master families in Notting City know about it. Shrek Academy It is the only high-level soul master academy in the entire continent that has a titled Douluo as its commander."

After hearing this, Tang Hao's face turned extremely ugly, and the terrifying murderous intent in his body began to escape unconsciously. As if he wanted to confirm something, he asked in a deep voice: "What is the martial spirit of Mountain and River Douluo!"

Feeling the killing intent rising again in the sloppy man in front of him, Morris's eyes became more and more frightened. His clothes had been completely wet with sweat, and even left a large pool of water stains on the ground. After hearing Tang Hao's question Finally, Morris's frantically trembling heart calmed down a little.

He happened to know this question, or it was not a secret question, so he quickly answered: "Shanhe Cauldron! The martial spirit of Shanhe Douluo is called 'Shanhe Cauldron', and it is said that it belongs to this extremely powerful soul master family. Inherit the martial spirit."

After hearing what Morris said, Tang Hao's expression instantly became extremely indifferent, and the gray-white lines on the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his body lit up in vain.

In an instant, the entire tavern was filled with a horrifying murderous intent, and the countless drinks on the wine cabinet froze as if they had been thrown to the far north.

Suddenly, countless wine bottles burst open due to the frozen wine, and countless breaking sounds echoed in the tavern.

Not only the drinks, but also the life breath in the entire tavern seemed to have been completely wiped out by the murderous intent. The spiritual souls of many drinkers, even the waiters, the boss, and the only soul master Morris were instantly killed by this terrifying force. intended to be completely destroyed.

Under the actual terrifying murderous intent, even the internal organs and countless particles on the bodies of these drunkards were completely crushed. Morris's eyes, which were originally full of endless fear, turned completely gray at this moment.

"Shanhe Cauldron!"

"Shanhe Douluo!"

"Shanhe Qin Family!"

"Shrek Academy!"

Senhan's extremely cold words slowly came out of Tang Hao's mouth, and his originally black and white eyes gradually turned into blood.


Tang Hao instantly rose into the sky, and the terrifying soul power exploded. The entire tavern instantly collapsed under this terrifying force, directly burying everything in the tavern.

A few kilometers away from the tavern, in the teacher's dormitory of a junior soul master academy, a figure with a face like a zombie and wearing a pure white jade pendant like ice crystals stagnated in vain. Behind him, a figure wrapped tightly around his body suddenly appeared. In fact, only a pair of eyes are exposed.

The two looked instantly towards the direction of the Notting City Tavern, as if they could see through the wall and see the situation several kilometers away.

The two figures said almost in unison: "Tang Hao!"

(End of this chapter)

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