Chapter 105 Hell Blade
Outer courtyard - square!

At this moment, the battle between Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing on the soul fighting stage was extremely fierce.

Perhaps because everyone knows that there are only two owners of the "Nine Heart Begonia" martial souls in the world, they can be said to be unscrupulous in fighting.

Perhaps he had learned a lesson from Ning Rongrong, but Tang San knew that maybe his field tactics were extremely powerful in the eyes of spirit masters outside the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, but they were still too far behind to deal with other students in the inner courtyard. Even only slightly disruptive.

Compared with Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and others in the inner courtyard, the strength of his martial spirit was still far behind. This kind of tactics would be effective unless... his Blue Silver Grass evolved again.

Therefore, the battle with Zhu Zhuqing was not like the battle with Ning Rongrong, where one third of the Soul Fighting Stage was covered with dense blue and silver vines.

Instead, they dispersed all the dense blue silver vines throughout the venue, and their function was only to restore Tang San's soul power, intending to drag Zhu Zhuqing to death with its powerful recovery power.

Surrounded by dozens of blue-silver vines covered with pitch-black leaf blades, the soul power provided by the blue-silver vines all over the Soul Fighting Stage was like a strong wind, beating the surrounding area crazily.

These dozens of blue silver vines are the limit of Tang San's control while maintaining the strongest lethality.

Tang San's blue and silver vines may not seem strong to those in the inner courtyard, but in fact their toughness is no worse than some advanced plant-type martial spirits.

In addition, every vine is almost filled with soul power, and the dark blue silver vines are faintly flashing with a faint blue light. The attacks that erupt every moment seem to be like the air being blown away.

Dozens of blue silver vines around Tang San whipped down wildly, even setting off a terrifying storm on the soul fighting stage.

But even so, under the protection of dozens of blue silver vines, Tang San still had several huge claw marks that were deep enough to show the bone. If Tang San didn't know how to cut off the blood flow in the injured area, he would have lost too much blood. And failed.

Tang San's face was extremely pale at the moment, and sweat continued to flow out, sometimes infecting the wound. Severe pain hit Tang San's mind all the time, causing Tang San to frown unconsciously, and slowly controlled his pain. Breathing, guarding against Zhu Zhuqing not far away.

Compared with Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing's condition was not much better, and his injuries were even more serious than Tang San's.

The black leather jacket on his body was completely soaked with blood, and there was already a bloody mess under the leather jacket.

Even though she could easily tear apart the blue silver vines around Tang San, with the restored soul power provided by the blue silver vines all over the place, she had just torn the vines around Tang San apart, and the next moment the vines were full of energy again. Recover directly under the soul power.

Even those torn blue silver vines did not completely lose their activity under the overflowing soul power, and could still maintain their attack for a period of time.

Half of the scars on her body were caused by those broken vines that were accidentally left during her first attack.

The moment those broken blue silver vines attacked Zhu Zhuqing's body, they entangled directly towards Zhu Zhuqing's body like tarsal bones. The dark leaf blades all over the body directly broke the 'Vajra Body' displayed by Zhu Zhuqing. The power contained in it The attributes of 'eating life' and 'parasitism' instantly began to crazily absorb Zhu Zhuqing's blood and soul power.

If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't reacted quickly and quickly activated his third soul skill to dodge, he might have been defeated by the entanglement of those broken blue silver vines.

Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing only had less than one-third of his soul power left in his body at this moment.

Not only Zhu Zhuqing, but also Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Lin Nuo in the spirit fighting stage didn't expect that Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Spirit could actually attack in this way.

If they activated their transformed combat bodies now, it would not be difficult to resist the leaf blades on the vines, but if they waited until Tang San's 'Vajra Body' also transformed, it might not be possible.

And the most important thing is that in terms of martial spirit strength alone, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is far inferior to them, and the inner courtyard has a soul hunting department that specializes in studying martial spirits.

With the abilities of the teachers at the Research Department of the Soul Hunting Department, it is extremely difficult to increase the spirit strength of a top-level spirit, but it is not difficult to increase the strength of a Blue Silver Grass spirit that barely reaches the level of an advanced spirit.

If they wait until the strength of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial spirit increases again, if they are entangled in Tang San's vines during the battle...
Thinking of this, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Lin Nuo and Ning Rongrong all showed a dignified look in their eyes.

As for Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, and Ye Lingling, they were more concerned about the threat posed by Zhu Zhuqing.

As the owner of the top beast martial spirit Fire Phoenix, he not only possesses extremely terrifying fire abilities, but also possesses extremely powerful flying abilities, which naturally restrains all plant martial spirits in the Douluo Continent.

Even if Ma Hongjun completely purifies his Fire Phoenix Spirit, even the fire immunity ability possessed by Tang San in the original work may not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, Ma Hongjun didn't care too much about the threat Tang San showed. He was more concerned about Zhu Zhuqing's terrifying assassination ability.

Even though the third soul skill he acquired could allow him to turn into flames directly, making him extremely immune to attacks, this did not mean that he would be able to react when faced with Zhu Zhuqing's 'assassination'.

Even the third soul skill's immunity to attacks is not absolute. Ma Hongjun can feel that the ghostly aura faintly emanating from Zhu Zhuqing's body is not just aura, it is terrifying enough to threaten the soul.

It's just that with Zhu Zhuqing's current strength, he still can't control it.Ye Lingling is also afraid of Zhu Zhuqing. Her Nine-Hearted Begonia does have unparalleled recovery ability, but if she wants to recover the injuries at the soul level, she cannot unless Ye Lingling begins to control the authority left to her after the death of the flower god.

As for Tang San, although Tang San showed terrifying lethality, with Ye Lingling's 'Nine Heart Begonia' martial spirit suppressing the same plant-type martial spirit, let alone Tang San's current Blue Silver Grass, it had evolved into Blue Silver Emperor is also far inferior to 'Nine Hearts Begonia'.

Maybe Tang San's Blue Silver Grass transformed into the Blue Silver Queen and could rival the future 'Nine Hearts Begonia' in terms of spirit level, but if he wanted to rival Ye Lingling's 'Nine Hearts Begonia', unless Tang San could use Blue Silver The emperor is the core and becomes a god.

As for Xiao Wu, that innocent and reckless little melon has never thought about how to deal with Tang San's attack. In other words, as long as she completely constructs the 'One Strike Shura' route given by the Soul Hunting Department, she can do it. To defeat all laws with one force.

Zhu Zhuqing felt the remaining soul power in his body, and looked at Tang San who was like a vine king not far away, with an extremely sharp look in his eyes.

The lingering power of the underworld is in vain condensed on the sharp claws, like the underworld in the palm of the hand.

In an instant, a terrifying threat rose up in Tang San's mind, and his originally extremely solemn expression became more alert. With the recovery of soul power provided by the many blue silver vines in the venue, the soul power in his body was always maintained at its peak state. Therefore, the injuries on his body have no impact on his combat effectiveness at all.

Looking at the terrifying threat emanating from Zhu Zhuqing, he knew that this was Zhu Zhuqing's final counterattack. If he could resist it, the battle would be won. If he couldn't resist it...

Tang San took a deep breath, and the surging soul power in his body instantly began to circulate crazily. The light of the 'Vajra Body' shone brighter and even had a faint jade color.

At the same time, the blue silver vines all over the soul fighting stage began to wither quickly, and the endless vitality and soul power quickly gathered towards the dozens of blue silver vines around Tang San.

With the massive amounts of vitality and soul power gathered together, the aura of the dozens of blue silver vines controlled by Tang San instantly expanded to the limit. The vines that originally had a faint aura of nobility now became extremely ferocious.

The terrifying wind pressure swept across instantly. If it weren't for the protective barrier opened by Qin Ming on the Soul Fighting Stage, this wind pressure might have directly overturned the students from the outer college who were close to the Soul Fighting Stage.

Under the terrifying wind pressure, Zhu Zhuqing's feet flickered slightly, the three soul rings on his body lit up instantly, and the remaining soul power in his body was instantly evaporated.

"The third soul skill - Shadow Stealth!"

"The first soul skill - Nether Spike!"

"Second Soul Skill - Nether Hundred Claws!"

"Soul skill - Blade of Hell!"

Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws, which condensed all the power of the Netherworld, seemed to have completely turned into the sharp blade of the Netherworld King under the power of the three major soul skills.

An extremely dark Hell Blade that seemed capable of tearing apart the underworld and the real world appeared in vain, and instantly attacked Tang San.

Originally, in Zhu Zhuqing's heyday, he would have been able to tear out at least three sharp blades, but at this moment, he only had less than one-third of his soul power left in his body, which was only enough to burst out one hell blade.

Seeing this attack from Zhu Zhuqing, even Qin Ming, whose soul power was over 60 levels, showed a hint of solemnity in his eyes. The soul power in his body began to surge slowly. He was sure that if Tang San had no other way to deal with it, Anyone hit by this blow will surely perish.

The extremely terrifying aura of danger instantly made Tang San's hair stand on end, and the hair on his body suddenly stood up. The dozens of blue silver vines he controlled suddenly fell into a violent posture, and instantly began to grow and whip wildly in the direction of the Hell Blade. To curb its threat.

But before the blue silver vines could resist and consume the Hell Blade, the death aura attached to the Hell Blade instantly withered and weathered the approaching blue silver vines.

The dark Hell Blade instantly appeared in front of Tang San.

Qin Ming frowned, and his body glowed with a trace of fire. It was obvious that if Tang San had no other means, he would take action to save him.


The "ghostly and mysterious" steps that were supposed to be weird turned out to be a bit majestic in vain. The ground of the fighting spirit cracked with a light step.

An illusory phantom was instantly left on the spot.


The dark Hell Blade instantly split the phantom into two.

Feeling the terrifying threat coming from the tip of his nose, Tang San's pupils trembled crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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