Chapter 106 Tang Hao Arrives
Seeing Tang San dodge the blow, Zhu Zhuqing, who was not far away and had completely exhausted his soul power, flashed a look of loss in his eyes. The injuries on his body coupled with the emptiness of his soul power, the feeling of powerlessness instantly made Zhu Zhuqing stagger.

The situation of the battle was now clear, and the fire on Qin Ming's body slowly dissipated.

Dai Mubai and others in the preparation area next to the Soul Fighting Stage looked at Tang San's torn phantom on the Soul Fighting Stage, with a hint of astonishment on their faces.

Ma Hongjun couldn't help but sigh: "Good guy, I didn't expect Tang San to hide such a skill. First, Ning Rongrong transformed the 'Vajra Body', and then Tang San transformed the 'Phantom Step'. This year he entered Shrek's inner courtyard. What kind of monsters are they?"

Hearing this, Dai Mubai and Lin Nuo also quickly nodded in agreement. For them, the old students in the inner courtyard, the difficulty of transformation of the two basic soul skills of 'Vajra Body' and 'Phantom Step' is very clear. .

Comparing the two, although the transformation of 'Phantom Step' is not as difficult as that of 'Vajra Body', Ning Rongrong has the help of Oscar, an old student with great attainments in 'Vajra Body', but they have not seen Tang San in the past few months. Did anyone ask for advice on pace changes?

Seeing the phantom gradually dissipating on the soul fighting stage, Qin Mo also showed a trace of surprise in his eyes and said: "Tang San didn't just transform the 'Phantom Step', but also combined the 'Phantom Step' with his original body. The method 'Ghost Shadow' has undergone fusion transformation."

"In terms of physical strength alone, I'm afraid only Oscar here can slightly suppress it. Even Tang San's is only the preliminary fusion transformation. If it is completely fused..."

Before he finished speaking, Dai Mubai and others understood what Qin Mo meant, and looked at Tang San with even more surprise.

On the soul fighting stage, Zhu Zhuqing adjusted his breathing slightly, then looked at Qin Ming and said, "Teacher Qin Ming, I admit defeat."

After hearing Zhu Zhuqing admit defeat, Tang San, who was not far away and was extremely palpitating, slowly relaxed. If he hadn't hidden a skill, facing Zhu Zhuqing's attack, he would probably have failed.

Seeing this, Qin Ming nodded slightly, and then quickly announced: "The seventh series battle, the winner - Tang San!"

As Qin Ming finished speaking, the seventh sequence of the inner courtyard was officially completed.

The thousands of students from the outer courtyard who were watching the battle instantly began to cheer. As members of Shrek Academy, they naturally knew what the seven major sequences of the inner courtyard represented.

"Tang San!"

"Tang San!"

"Tang San!"

The roar of cheers instantly flooded the entire square.

On the soul fighting stage, feeling the heat in the eyes of many students from the outer courtyard looking at him, Tang San's heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate. At this moment, the pain caused by the injuries on his body seemed to have completely disappeared.

As the referee, Qin Ming appeared next to Tang San at some point, and Zhu Zhuqing, who had admitted defeat, also disappeared from the spirit fighting stage.

Looking at Tang San who was stunned by the cheers, Qin Ming showed a trace of gentleness on his face and said with a smile: "Enjoy the cheers, you deserve it."

Hearing this, Tang San began to tremble unconsciously. Looking at the students in the audience cheering for him, the supremacy of the Tang Sect in his heart began to gradually become illusory.

In the sky more than ten kilometers away from Shrek Town, a tyrannical pressure of soul power floated crazily in the direction of Shrek Town, and everything in the place where the pressure passed was completely silent.


The figure at the center of the pressure seemed to have heard something, and was stagnant in the air.


Tang Hao, who was wearing a black robe at the center of the pressure, heard the faint cheers coming from the direction of Shrek Academy in the distance, and his eyes that were originally full of murderous intent narrowed slightly.

The soul power in his body fluctuated slightly, and the sounds in his ears quickly became clearer.

"Tang San!"


Tang Hao frowned suddenly, wondering if he had misunderstood?That Shanhe Douluo and Shrek Academy didn't attack his son?

His son is fine, and the hope of revenge has not disappeared...

Thinking of this, the murderous intention in Tang Hao's heart began to slowly disappear. After all, a Titled Douluo with extremely strong combat power, and a Titled Douluo with spatial abilities, was not that easy to deal with.

Tang Hao's mind instantly thought that in the past ten years or so, because of him alone, Haotian Sect, which was once the most powerful sect in the world and known as the head of the three sects, was forced by Wuhun Palace to close the mountain gate.

In recent years, the new generation of soul masters in the soul master world do not even know the name of Haotian Sect.

An extremely bitter feeling suddenly arose in his heart. He had already implicated the sect to such an extent, and he could never provoke such a terrifying titled Douluo for the sect again.

But at the same time, Tang Hao felt a little unwilling to accept it. That was the first 10-year-old soul beast.

As a titled Douluo with a 10-year-old soul ring, Tang Hao is extremely clear about the power that a 10-year-old soul ring can provide. Even a 10-year-old soul ring with incompatible attributes can provide him with far more power than A 9-year-old power soul beast, that is an essential change.With his son Tang San's twin martial soul talents, plus the 10-year-old soul bone produced by the 10-year-old soul beast, and the 10-year-old soul bone left by Tang San's mother, if he grows up, even if The legend of Wuhun Palace is still alive, and he will never be his son's opponent.

For a moment, Tang Hao was unable to advance or retreat. On one side was the sect and on the other was the 10-year-old soul beast. A ray of blood slowly began to appear in his eyes.

Listening to the cheers coming from the distance, Tang Hao unconsciously began to clench his hands. The terrifying power actually made the surrounding air explode slightly. His eyes became more hesitant, and there was no trace of Haotian's domineering power.

I don't know how much time had passed, but there were no more cheers in his ears. Tang Hao looked in the direction of Shrek Academy with an extremely lonely look in his eyes. He slowly released his pinched white hands and sighed slightly.

But soon the lonely sigh on his face quickly subsided, and a gleam of light slowly flashed in his eyes, saying in his heart: "After all, that 10-year-old soul beast was left by me for Tang San, it belongs to me, and it belongs to Tang San. Belonging to the Haotian Sect, no matter what you choose, even if you are a titled Douluo, you must give an account!"

Thinking of this, Tang Hao flew towards Shrek Academy again.

Shrek Academy!
Under the spirit fighting stage, the injuries on Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing began to recover quickly under the two flying 'Nine-Hearted Begonias'.

This is the 'Nine-Hearted Begonia' condensed by Ye Lingling's soul bone skill 'Nine-Heart Differentiation'. Each flower possesses nearly [-]% of Ye Lingling's soul power.

As for why Ye Lingling didn't do the treatment himself, it was because Ye Lingling was the sixth sequence of the inner courtyard. Even though Ye Lingling didn't actually like fighting, he still needed to fight in this sequence.

What's more, Ning Rongrong, who is also an auxiliary soul master, has performed so brilliantly, and Ye Lingling is naturally not far behind.

Qin Mo, who was on the side, looked at Ye Lingling's fighting spirit rising next to him, and a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Qin Mo knew very well that Ye Lingling didn't like fighting. In the past several battles for sequence, Ye Lingling basically just clicked through and was not too enthusiastic about the sequence ranking in the inner courtyard.

Even before, when facing Ma Hongjun, whose soul power was only over 20 levels, he directly chose to admit defeat.

Qin Mo, who knew Ye Lingling's strength well, did not believe that Ye Lingling could not beat Ma Hongjun. Qin Mo, who knew the strength of all the students in the inner academy, knew that if Ye Lingling was at full strength, he might not be inferior to the third-ranked Oscar, especially if he was in the third rank. On the protracted war.

But now he is also inspired to fight. It seems that this time the sequence battle is much more interesting than before.

Just as he was about to say something, Qin Mo's expression suddenly changed and he instantly turned his head to look high in the distance.

The martial spirit of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his body trembled slightly, and a glimmer of light shone in Qin Mo's eyes. His perception of time and space was instantly magnified to the extreme, and his eyes instantly locked onto a tiny black spot high in the sky in the distance.
The moment their eyes locked, a powerful and overbearing soul power aura instantly appeared in Qin Mo's sea of ​​consciousness.

Titled Douluo!

"This domineering spirit the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Hao!" Qin Mo paused in his heart, with a thoughtful look in his eyes: "In the original work, Tang Hao even Tang San was kidnapped by Dugu Bo. He didn't show up, he didn't show up until the Continental Senior Soul Master Competition, how could he come here suddenly."

While thinking, his eyes unconsciously glanced at Tang San. When he saw the pink figure beside Tang San, his eyes suddenly showed a look of understanding, and a hint of strangeness suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He thought to himself: "Don't Tang Hao think that the old man broke through to the Titled Douluo because of this silly rabbit?"

"That's right. After all, the fact that the two titled Douluo showed up at Shrek Academy has already spread throughout the continent. Tang Hao didn't know about it until now. It's already too late."

Qin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, his mental power fluctuated slightly, and Qin Mo's voice instantly sounded in the secret room of the inner courtyard.

next moment!

An extremely powerful and heavy force revived in vain, and the terrifying soul power pressure instantly caused the space in the secret practice room to completely freeze. In the center of the secret room, a figure slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, the originally dark practice chamber became as bright as day.

Qin Dong looked into the distance indifferently, and the space instantly distorted and disappeared directly into the secret room.

In the preparation area of ​​the Soul Fighting Arena, the moment he felt the aura of his old man, Qin Mo was determined. Then he quickly looked at Flanders in the observation area not far away, and said directly: "Dean Flanders, my grandfather You have something to do with me..."

Before he finished speaking, Flanders' voice came to his ears: "Go, the Mountain and River Douluo matter is more important."

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded slightly and replied: "Thank you, Dean. Don't worry, the battle for the sequence will continue as usual, and I will be back soon."

Hearing this, Flanders' eyes relaxed slightly. Originally, he was thinking about what to do if it was Qin Mo's turn to challenge Qin Mo in the sequence battle later, so he immediately nodded slightly to Qin Mo to express his understanding.

Then Qin Mo looked at Dai Mubai and Oscar and said, "Old Dai, Oscar, Grandpa has something to do with me, please keep an eye on me later, I will be back soon."

Hearing this, Dai Mubai and Oscar didn't pay attention and nodded directly in agreement.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Qin Mo's face, the space fluctuated slightly, and he disappeared directly into the war preparation area.

(End of this chapter)

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