The Heavens: Build an attribute panel starting from Douluo

Chapter 107 All 9 rings exploded the Big Sumeru Hammer!

Chapter 107 Nine rings explode together - the big Sumeru hammer!

In the sky above Shrek Town, compared to being a swordsman and having polished his dusty heart for decades in the realm of Titled Douluo, Tang Hao might be able to keep up with the secret technique 'Great Sumeru Hammer' inherited by the master of the Haotian Sect.

But it is undoubtedly far inferior in many aspects such as perception and soul power control. A few months ago, Sword Douluo Chenxin felt something abnormal the moment he crossed into the dojo.

At this moment, Tang Hao, whose soul power was not much weaker than that of Sword Douluo, did not even react at all after entering Qin Mo's "dojo" area. Normally, being a titled Douluo was more than that, maybe it was this. For more than ten years, my senses have been completely numbed by inferior drinks.

At the high altitude of the 'Dojo', Tang Hao quickly sensed the atmosphere inside Shrek Academy.

When he sensed that the familiar animalistic aura in Shrek Academy had completely disappeared, even though Tang Hao had already prepared himself, his breathing still began to speed up unconsciously, and a trace of anger and regret rose up in his heart. .

Fortunately, I felt that Tang San's aura was much stronger than a few months ago, and the charm in the aura even began to faintly get closer to Tang San's mother, and the anger rising in my heart was gradually taken over by guilt.

At the same time, I felt a little lucky that nothing happened to Tang San, otherwise...
After sensing that Tang San was not in danger, Tang Hao relaxed. After all, no matter how precious a 10-year-old spirit beast was, it was not as valuable as his own son or his own hope of revenge.

Moreover, the Shanhe Douluo of the Shanhe Qin Family had to give an explanation for taking the 10-year-old soul beast of their Haotian Sect without asking.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao immediately wanted to explode his soul power and attract Qin Dong out.

But before Tang Hao's aura could explode, a terrifying soul power pressure suddenly blocked Tang Hao's aura completely.

The space instantly began to distort.


Before Tang Hao could react, he felt a powerful and terrifying aura coming over him. The vast and majestic soul power pressure instantly made the soul power of at least level 95 in Tang Hao's body seem to be frozen.

This kind of terrifying pressure was very similar to when he faced his great-grandfather Tang Chen when he was young.

A look of incomparable horror suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he immediately began to struggle wildly. The giant Clear Sky Hammer in his body lit up countless gray and white mysterious lines in vain.

Tang Hao's eyes instantly turned red, and he roared crazily in his heart: "Killing God Realm! Break it for me!"

In an instant, this terrifying blockade was actually broken open by the power of the domain.

The frozen soul power in his body quickly revived. Tang Hao instantly summoned the 'Haotian Hammer' martial spirit, and the soul power in his body was running wildly.

Just when he was about to resist, an indifferent voice sounded directly from the void.

"Field? It's!"

The blockade gap that was originally opened by the Killing God Realm actually collapsed, and the pressure suddenly doubled. The terrifying pressure instantly made Tang Hao tremble crazily. This was no longer a simple strength gap.

Under the pressure, Tang Hao felt that every inch of flesh and blood, soul power, and even the 'Haotian Hammer' spirit in his hand seemed to be whining crazily. This was the gap in life levels.

Before the nine soul rings on Tang Hao emerged, they were completely blocked by this terrifying pressure, instantly making Tang Hao completely lose any ability to resist.

There was an extremely horrifying look in his eyes: "How is that possible!"

The space fluctuated, and Tang Hao's figure disappeared directly into the sky.

Two months ago, Qin Dong, who had only pushed his inner alchemy to the peak of rank six, would have been impossible to achieve this level unless he used all his strength. Even if he was not careful, he would most likely be broken free by Tang Hao.

Even though the Shanhe Qin Family has declined, Qin Dong still has heard about the unique skill of the Haotian Sect, one of the top three sects in the soul master world, the 'ring blast', and the power of the 'Great Sumeru Hammer'

If Tang Hao uses the 'Explosive Ring' and the 'Big Sumeru Hammer', he may not be able to suppress it with just coercion. After all, he knows that Tang Hao also has a 10-year-old soul ring. .

But in the past two months, relying on the elixir refined by Qin Mo, Qin Dong not only broke through the inner elixir from the peak of rank six to rank seven, but even his soul power broke through the first level again.

It can be said that Qin Dong's strength at this moment will not be at a disadvantage even if he is facing the three demigods of this era.

With a soul power as high as 97, the terrifying increase brought about by the seventh transformation of the inner alchemy, and the "Shanhe Cauldron" martial soul inherited by the Shanhe Qin family, which is very good at suppression and space, the soul power level can be changed with just a thought. Tang Hao, who was at least level 95, suppressed it.

Without even a hint of resistance, he was directly transferred by space.

Hundreds of kilometers away from Shrek Academy, in an empty area on the Lima Plain, space began to distort in vain.

Qin Dong, Qin Mo and his grandson slowly looked at the twisted space in front of them.

In the twisted space, Tang Hao felt the world spin for a while, and the scene in front of him changed rapidly. The spatial teleportation made the terrifying pressure suppressing Tang Hao disappear directly.

But Tang Hao didn't dare to explode his soul power to resist at all, and didn't even dare to make a single move.

He had a premonition that if he exploded with soul power, the distorted space in front of him would instantly tear him into pieces, and the creeping threat crazily stimulated Tang Hao's consciousness.After a moment, Tang Hao, wearing a black robe, slowly appeared in the distortion of space.

Tang Hao, who was out of the twisted space, didn't even have time to observe the surrounding environment.

The soul power in the body exploded instinctively, and the body's reaction speed was much faster than Tang Hao's conscious reaction speed. The dangerous aura brought by Qin Dong had completely made Tang Hao lose his mind.

In an instant, the nine soul rings that were originally bound within the body lit up instantly.

"Yellow!" "Yellow!" "Purple!" "Purple!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!" "Black!" "Red!"

For ordinary soul masters, after summoning the martial soul, the soul ring should gradually appear, but for Tang Hao, who has cultivated the 'Great Sumeru Hammer', it can appear instantly.

The bright light of the nine soul rings instantly turned into darkness, and countless tiny to extreme cracks instantly appeared in the nine soul rings.

In an instant, an extremely domineering, violent, and horrifying soul power aura was released from the nine soul rings, quickly engulfing Tang Hao's body.

Tang Hao, illuminated by the dark light of soul power, was like a world-destroying demon. The terrifying pressure of soul power even caused the surrounding space to slowly shake, and a huge storm was set off in vain on the plain.

The black light instantly submerged Tang Hao's body. The terrifying burst of soul power, even with a soul power as high as level 95 or above, was somewhat unbearable for Tang Hao, who had a full set of high-end soul bones. Countless blood mist crazily overflowed from Tang Hao's body. , echoing with the black light under the dispersion of soul power.

The next moment, an extremely strange dark red-gold light illuminated from the 'Haotian Hammer' held tightly in Tang Hao's hand.

In an instant, this dark red gold ray directly swallowed up the originally covered black light, and the size of the 'Haotian Hammer' in Tang Hao's hand increased instantly.

The already extremely huge 'Haotian Hammer' expanded tenfold in an instant, and a vague force that seemed to be on another level slowly condensed in this giant 'Haotian Hammer'.

Tang Hao's eyes turned completely blood-red, his tall and burly body was covered with countless ferocious veins, and his hoarse voice echoed: "Nine rings explode together - the Great Sumeru Hammer!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

As Tang Hao's words fell, countless tiny cracks on the nine soul rings collapsed instantly, and a shocking wave of soul power exploded.

In an instant, all materials within a few dozen meters with Tang Hao as the center were destroyed, and a rich bloody murderous aura instantly burst out from Tang Hao's body.

"Kill God Domain!"

"Xumi Lingtian!"

The vast and unpredictable terrifying power was like the Milky Way pouring down from the nine heavens, and the domineering and violent giant 'Haotian Hammer' was like the power of heaven, sweeping towards Qin Dong and Qin Mo in an instant.

Facing Tang Hao's attack that was comparable to the full strength of a demigod, Qin Dong and Qin Mo showed no fear in their eyes. The soul power storm that Tang Hao erupted did not even lift the corners of their clothes.

The two of them were surrounded by a space barrier that seemed weak but was actually extremely tough.

Not only that, except for the space barrier covering Qin Dong and Qin Mo's grandson, the surrounding space for several kilometers was completely blocked by Qin Dong.

All fluctuations are completely prohibited by the space restricted area.

Feeling the powerful power that Tang Hao exploded at this moment, Qin Dong's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and he sighed in his heart: "Is this the most powerful secret method of the Haotian Sect, the 'Great Sumeru Hammer'? It's really powerful! It can actually make a A level 95 titled Douluo explodes with this level of power."

Qin Mo's eyes shone with divine light, the martial soul of the 'Qiankun Cauldron' in his body trembled slightly, and the simple and mysterious bronze vibrato echoed in Qin Mo's mind.

The temporary 'dojo' has already been deployed, completely covering this blocked space.

Under the light of his eyes, the time and space of the 'dojo' seemed to be stretched countless times. The terrifying speed of Tang Hao's explosion was divided into countless pictures in Qin Mo's eyes. How the ring is stimulated and broken, how the spirit power of the soul ring is gathered, and how the martial spirit is poured into it.

All the mysteries of the secret method of 'Exploding Rings' and 'Great Sumeru Hammer' passed down by Haotian Sect were revealed before Qin Mo's eyes.

With Tang Hao's most peak teaching at the moment, Qin Mo's skill bar of 'Exploding Ring' and 'Big Sumeru Hammer' appeared instantly on his attribute panel.

And the levels of these two skills are still rising at an extremely exaggerated speed.

In an instant, it reached the level that Tang Hao had mastered at the moment.

[Explosion Ring LV7! 】

[Big Sumeru Hammer LV7! 】

When the levels of these two skills were fixed, the divine light in Qin Mo's eyes slowly extinguished, and the slightly trembling 'Qiankun Cauldron' martial spirit in his body slowly calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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